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Tsvetan Sokolov tribute vor 12 Jahre +2
Raylight, once again, out of the blue, you show up to stress the obvious – yes, there are exceptions. Anything else? Most videos focus on specific actions, and that one I mentioned, with accelerated images, is the “crèam de la crèam”. I have nothing against slow motion use, I just don’t like making it banal. You always seem to get things wrong.
Tsvetan Sokolov tribute vor 12 Jahre +2
I wouldn't be so sure.
Tsvetan Sokolov tribute vor 12 Jahre +2
Quote (NightFox)
nobody thinks that spiking is better than receiving.

What? You might have to adjust your perception, NightFox. Most people here focus on hits – sometimes blocks or serves, you know, scoring points mainly, forgetting other aspects that lead to those points. Just observe their obsession for third meter spikes or stuff blocks. And the comments: “Unlimited hitting and serving”. lol
Tsvetan Sokolov tribute vor 12 Jahre +2
Quote (Thrizer)
I'm here to watch volleyball movies where you can see the whole team play.

Exactly! I know some people get excited about a guy swinging his arm to hit the ball. There’s even a movie with one player (guess who?) just at the moment he touches the ball when attacking, in accelerated images – totally nonsense. Many people here are too immature to understand what vball is about. Sometimes I get shocked with the lack of knowledge, but the good guys always save the day. ;-)
Quote (Thrizer)
…most of the movies here are just super-slo-mo or flashes of attacks of one guy. Slow motion of an attacking player is interesting (the way how he smashes the ball, the height of his jump,...), but it contributes nothing to the game of volleyball itself. It's just a player attacking. Such movies are more about idolization then volleyball.

Perfect! Unfortunately most of the participants here focus too much on the players, not on the teams, and when they try to analyze teams, most of them can’t see the game. Oh, they’ll get offended when they read this, as they don’t know how to deal with criticism.
Quote (Thrizer)
Also music is not necessary for me. The only music I like in volleyball movies is the sound of the ball hitting the floor.

Sorry Simon and Matey, you guys rock, but Zyta is the best. ;-)
Hahahahaha Zyta, you're so mean. That's why I like you. ;-)
Raylight, when a foreigner goes to a club at A1 (or anywhere else), it doesn’t mean he’ll play in the same scheme he was playing before in his home country – he’s the one who’s going to adapt his skills to the club, not the team to him. Sometimes a team can just replace one player by another with same style. Take your time and analyze those clubs whose rosters have changed this season. Please, check how much their game changed – not that much or maybe nothing at all. When Nikolov played in Japan he learned more about defense, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t change that Asian style to play in his club. No way! Watch those Cubans playing in Europe and compare to what they did back in Cuba – they still base their game in physicality, but it’s not Cuba’s style you’re seeing when their clubs play. Obviously each player gives his contribution, but he’s part of a big structure. As a good example, I can mention the German national football team. They even have some Germans playing (lol), but when you see that team, despite all foreigners there, it’s still German football.
NightFox, by “small universe” you can understand almost the same opponents every time. Yes, A1 is the best club tournament, no doubt about it. I believe you’ll agree that A1 is even more important to Italian clubs than ChL, right? I meant “small universe” compared to NTs tournaments. Regarding the bad day, if you read all those comments, you saw a colleague using that now famous 25:9, so I fought back using the Modena massacre – wanna tell a joke, I can tell you one, too. ;-) I bet your team lost because of you. If only you could “stay forever in the air while blocking”, if you had 10/10 performance in hitting, 9/10 in serving… lol
@Pearl: Come si può non leggere, signorina?
Quote (Pesazi)
I'm glad to see Sokolov on the court. Imo he needs to play way more to develop his game. He has a tremendous potential. Hopefully for Bulgaria, he will be able to replace Nikolov in the next years.

I agree with you, Sokolov is good. I don’t understand why he doesn’t try another team, as he needs more court time. Some people will say he’s working with the guy who’s also his coach on NT, but he surely needs to play more to develop. Sometimes athletes make option for a big club to be a back-up player when they could be a starter somewhere else and grow.
Quote (Michal)
Henrique Although I was sober last night and I follow this passionating discussion I unconsciously took this one out of contest- my bad. Still no harm done, as I share your opinion, at least in this point.

No worries. ;-)
Quote (Michal)
I won't suspect you for being Sherlock, as raylight would never say such a bad thing about his favourite world class setter Zhekov.

It’s true! So I was the drunk guy, not you. How could have our friend Raylight said a bad word about Zhekov? Not in a million years! :-p
Poor Nagor, so desperate... We don’t even count silver medals (we don’t care), but your answer shows your desperation and low IQ – bragging about a silver medal makes you look a total loser (well, you are). I won’t remind you the most recent scores because the last time I did that you cried for a month. Hahahaha BTW, you’re quite aggressive for someone that a few minutes ago was preaching peace. Weird guy! Oh, you can go around giving me minuses, you know I don’t care, and just confirms you suffer a lot. I know every time I write here you cry in desperation. I also know people like me make you feel dumb. You’re pathetic in every sense, a real loser. ;-)
Nagor, isn’t calling other people “troll” an insult? What a good boy! You’re a ridiculous nationalist that suffers because your team has had their butt kicked several times. When you see no way out you play the victim. Or should I remind people the things you wrote? BTW, I wasn’t even talking to you when YOU CAME HERE to insult me. Did you like the answer? No. You can cry, I couldn’t care less... I have no doubt you’ll be the same douche in 2012. People like you never change. ;-)
Handan, saying “always, always winning” makes you sound you know like what – maybe the Trentino Freaks Police changed your mind. You said here before you see limited variation on Trentino attack. Do you think that would work on NT level? I didn’t compare a duo, but a trio. Remember that Nikolov in his best days was better than Stokr, so your remark is senseless.

Raylight, could you show with some solid arguments that club level is higher? You can barely understand the sport – it was proven here several times. Your “no mathematical law” sentence made me laugh. Let me tell you that sports are ruled but something else than simple math. I knew you’d remind us again about the 25:9 – so predictable. Regarding the big margin, you may know but you love to distort words and facts when you get desperate... I was talking about the play-offs results, when a club totally overpower the opponent. Did this happen? However, if you’re still interested in isolated matches, I can give you this – have fun. Some people call it a bad day, I call it humiliation.
Michal, is that really you? Or Raylight hijacked your account? Please, pay attention to the sentence “IF THAT WAS REALLY TRUE”. The success of Trentino doesn’t rely only on those three hitters. I also wrote “saying Trentino middles and setters don’t make any difference is a big mistake”. Remember that? To be successful, Trentino can’t play old school like some people try to sustain. Okay, you might have drunk a little bit too much last night...

Hanes, you said “the comments that I have posted the first months that I joined were quite pointless”. Well, a month ago you were already a veteran. Can we wrap this up? ;-)

Poor Nagor... Another year and he’s still suffering because of me. I feel so sorry for people with low intelligence... Hahahaha
Pesazi, we should keep in mind that Handan was talking about club level, which is lower than NTs, no matter how club fans try to tell themselves it’s not. Trentino plays in a very small universe. The main one (by far) is A1, ChL is second, and that club worlds is a joke that FIVB has been trying to resurrect since the nineties. Even at A1, weren’t for the play-offs, a format we don’t have on NTs level, Trentino would have already failed. The play-offs give them a chance to recover that elimination rounds don’t. Besides, their victories happen not on some astonishing margin in final rounds, but for a small difference very often. Seeing a so-called best club team being humiliated like on that famous Angel Dennis aces episode is unacceptable. What “so far the best club” would lose like that? I think some people here don’t know or don’t remember Sisley Treviso recent history. Club scenario changes pretty quickly. One more thing: Saying Trentino middles and setters don’t make any difference is a big mistake. Although their main players are obviously the left sides and the opposite, that team isn’t so old school to rely only on the most predictable plays. Think about it... If that was really true, let’s get back to Bulgaria with Kaziyski, Nikolov and Konstantinov. That trio is certainly more effective or at least the same when compared to Kaziyski, Juantorena and Stokr. Why Bulgaria hasn’t won anything? Wasn’t even close? Yes, my friends, NTs play in a higher level. I hope it's clear now. It’s funny because we see some Bulgarian fans comparing their team to Poland quite often. If my memory is okay (sorry, I drank a lot last night), Poland was runner-up at 2006 Worlds and won 2009 ECh. I really don’t remember Bulgaria getting even close... Before some offended Bulgarian fan comes here saying the subject was Trentino, I believe I don’t need to remind anyone that almost every time Bulgarian fans hang on to Trentino’s successes like they were theirs (already happened on this thread), and many of them attribute those successes to the Bulgarians in Trento.
Hanes, you wrote that a month ago. :-p Believe me, I hate when things go nasty, but some people think they're so damn right and everyone else is wrong. Some of them twist your words, as they can’t sustain a conversation. Peace!
Quote (Champion)
What this friend of mine explained to me is that these staircases are not like the normal ones but have higher steps unless I misunderstood something.

They’re made of wood, so you can carry them on the gym. When you don’t have them, you can improvise using those higher steps on the gymnasium that take you to the aisles – that’s why I said you could try at your school or at some community center. It’s good exercise, but you must be supervised by a pro.
Quote (Champion)
And the thing that blew me away was that once they (he and friend of his) won a beach volleyball match when they were losing 6:14 in the 3rd set. Finally they finished 16:14.

Old points system, probably. The old rules were great, they allowed any team to make a comeback when it seemed impossible. The rules were changed in 1998 mainly because of TV.
Hanes, I think you didn’t get the point. Once I mentioned a Brazilian player you got confused – I normally avoid mentioning them. You should have noticed I mentioned two fantastic Serbian players (Vujevic and V. Grbic), but maybe when you saw Dante’s name you got blind. I was talking about SOME KIND OF PLAYERS. Forget Dante and think about those Serbians. Got it? It’s not like “this guy is gonna play for your NT”. No! How many times do we have to repeat this? Myself, I did it a few times. I saw Zyta doing some, too. IT’S ABOUT THE SKILLS. Anyway, it seems impossible to discuss anything with you when Kaziyski’s name has been mentioned. You’re the guy that once called Matey “the best volleyballer who has ever walked on earth”. Sorry, I can’t take you seriously, though I know you’re good guy. ;-) Happy New Year!
Quote (Zyta)
If I would be ever someone's freak, I would be definitely Glinka's freak. The Queen is only one and that's not Gamova.

C’mon Zyta... Did you forget I saw you chasing Kurek to take a picture with him? You’re a Kurkofan! Anyway, Glinka is great. Gamova? I prefer Lioubov Sokolova.
Pearl, Buon Anno anche a voi ea tutti gli italiani sul V-Movies.

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