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@Roninho: Do you want Zygadlo as a backup? I wouldn’t take him not even as the third setter, I’d pay to keep him away. On the day Zygadlo decides to retire, he’ll be doing a big favour to vball, and I bet 20 drzyzgas that fans will celebrate.

@hanes233: I think the fact you’re a big Kubiak fan is leading you to a bad judgment. I still remember you once wrote Kaziyski was “the best player that ever walked into a vball court” (rofl). Avoid exaggeration. Same way you don’t like Spirik and that makes you try to diminish his undeniable talent. The only problem I still see on Spiridonov’s game is that he sometimes drags his team down with his behaviour.

@Michal: I said “certainly is a bit too late for Mozdzonek”. That’s it. With proper orientation maybe he coulda been a better MB, but based on you guys’ remarks I believe Poland lacks good coaches, otherwise you wouldn’t be trying foreign options one after another. This is weird, considering how popular vball is among Polacos, you should have lots of good coaches. Thanks for the explanation about Kurek’s surroundings, that’s hilarious.

@Zyta: Third meter spikes forever! lol
Quote (Zyta)
We can still hope he (Kurek) will improve, he's still 25 and maybe Italy will help him more than Russia.

Remember Lloy Ball’s words: “It’s in Italy that you really learn how to play with the big boys”.
@Zyta: @Michal: Nah... Can’t believe you guys weren’t mocking Barto Cureque. What’s so funny about bashing Mozdzonek? Seriously, you guys shoulda seen Rodrigão when he started or when he was called for the NT for the first time. Many people thought he was a lost cause, but eventually he became one of the best MBs in the world. Certainly is a bit too late for Mozdzonek, but diminishing him to almost nothing is such an exaggeration. Like I said before in this thread, he could be a backup option. Please, remember, he was able to score even when he was playing with Zygadlo. Bottom line, Mozdzonek may never be recognized as a talented player (and he was never), but he was useful at some point. Now back to Cureque, tell me, please, what makes so many fans believe he’s got something special? That guy is only strength without any intelligence. Imagine a race car without brakes… That’s Cureque. If you put some pressure, he’ll choke. Again, I think our Bulgarian friend was just trying to be nice to the Polacos.

Michal, what did you expect from Nowakowski? To become Gustavo Endres or Stephan Hübner? If so, forget about it. He probably isn’t going through one of the best moments of his career, but a good coach might help him get back on track. Regarding Kubiak, I don’t think PlusLiga is a top level league, so maybe he should try to move somewhere else.

Zyta, seriously? There are still some people that give credit to Castellani for the 2009 ECh? Do they remember which teams Poland faced on their way to the title? They remember later that year Poland played in the World Grand Champions Cup and lost to Japan, returning home without a medal? Remember failing both at 2009 and 2010 WL? What about the 2010 worlds, when Team Poland finished 13th (tied with Cameroon)? Castellani is a farce. The Finns got rid of him very quickly. Good for them.
Quote (hanes233)
Kubiak is an absolutely amazing player, he is the most complete player now in the world I think because Murilo had his shoulder injury.

@hanes233: Come on… There are a lot of talented players at same age of Kubiak or younger, from Lucarelli to Spiridonov, without forgetting Lanza, who used to be a sub on his club and lately proved to be a world-class player. Think about N’gapeth or Ghaemi. Michal Kubiak is one of them, he has talent, and perhaps he needs a few more opportunities. I see too many new faces arriving to main stage with talent and confidence. Take a look at Sam Deroo. If he improves his passing skills, how far he would go? Kubiak got what it takes to be one of the greatest, but we don’t know if he’ll show his talent consistently. Neither do we know if the aforementioned will keep or improve their game level. When Jochen Schöps appeared in 2006-2007 the whole vball world thought he’d become a major star. Look at him now. He’s okay, nothing else.
I really like when we go beyond the “great video” type of remarks. This discussion is very interesting. @Michal: “One out of five players you mentioned should change his name to Flaw”. Are you talking about Barto Cureque? It’s cool when someone else bashes him, such an overrated player. However, how can you say all those guys Rayray mentioned have no “spiking potential”? If it’s potential you’re looking for, no doubt they have plenty of it. Maybe Rayray exaggerates a little bit because he likes to please the Polaco audience. Kinda funny! The problem is focusing on spiking and forgetting the rest. @Bitka: @Zyta: Why Wlazly? What has he done to deserve such consideration? Honestly, against the strongest teams he was never a solution, not really effective. Maybe Antiga has some plans for him. Now talking about the left side, I agree that Anastasi always preferred Winiarski over Kubiak, that’s why I said the latter was overlooked. Winiarski best days ended four years ago, and if I were the coach I’d be concerned about the future. Kubiak could be an important receiver. Most of all, Antiga has to work on his players’ mental toughness. Lloy Ball and Bernardinho, among others, have already said that Team Poland’s main problem is dealing with pressure. Hopefully Antiga will address that issue. Raul Lozano was doing a good work, but that weird PZPS decided to let him go and hired Daniel Castellani, maybe the worst move of the last decade in the world of vball. I guess we all remember what happened after that. I noticed the Polaco fans are always worried about the hitters, but I don’t remember seeing anyone concerned about the setter. Believe me, if Antiga manages to solve this puzzle and find a proper setter for Poland, the team will be halfway there. When Poland finally became more structured and got close to the powerhouses, Zagumny was too old, which compromised the results, as the coaches started giving more space to Zygadlo. Pawel Zagumny is really talented, but you can’t say the same about the hideous Zygadlo. I see some potential on Drzyzga, but he lacks experience. Will he be ready for the 2014 worlds? Maybe not. Perhaps Monsieur Antiga plans to build a team having his eyes on Rio 2016, but then we wonder if PZPS will admit any fail by the coach in a tournament held in Poland – God knows what the PZPS guys consider fail or success. Tough situation for Antiga… I wish him luck.
@Zyta: I completely forgot the name of that young quiet guy who played middle in 2012 WL. Who’s he? It’s him I had on my mind when I wrote Mika or something in my previous post. You know my opinion on Grozer, not a big fan of him, but there’s no doubt he’s ahead of Bociek. The German opposite may not have the talent of Sokolov or Atanasijevic, but he has reached a level that we can’t ignore. As for Bociek, he still has a lot to prove. “Kurek... the day he will deliver in the most important moment of the most stressful match I'll admit I was wrong”. Evil Zyta! LOL Kubiak should have the same status Kaliberda has in Germany or Skrimov in Bulgaria. No one can deny the Polaco is very talented, no less than the other two, but he hasn’t been given too many opportunities, Anastasi overlooked him (and overhyped Bartman as an opposite). In the near future Kubiak could take the same role Murilo and Priddy have on their squads, though he has to do a little more to be compared to those veterans, who are also leaders.
@raylight: A good spiking potential indeed, Rayray. However, as we know, the attack itself was never the only solution. Just as an example, back in the 1980s, both Brazil and USSR had higher efficiency in attack than Team USA in the 1985-1988 cycle, but the Americans compensated that with block and defense. They won everything. Who’s gonna be the Polaco setter? If anyone is thinking about Zygadlo, forget any chance to reach the finals, no matter how hard the fans will be pushing the team. Zygadlo is certainly a case study or maybe the coaches who let that limited setter be a starter. I remember analyzing the game Poland vs. Australia with Zyta, and it was clear Zygadlo ruined everything, with three or four mistakes per set (please, watch the sixth Aussie point in first set and you’ll see what Zygadlo is capable of). Blame it on him, or perhaps Anastasi for not letting Zagumny play a little more. I hope Antiga gives Drzyzga more court time, though we’re so close to the worlds. I bet five drzyzgas that Fabian Drzyzga will do much better than useless Zygadlo. Libero? I’d go with Zatorski. I saw him training a few times and I can say he’s one of the most dedicated players I ever saw. Not only dedicated, but efficient too, with an impressive court vision. Maybe Igla still can deliver. Anyway, the coach will probably have the chance to take two liberos. This position is not a problem for Poland. Bociek on the right side? How solid is he? Just because he spikes hard and scored many points against Bulgaria it doesn’t make him top-notch. Remember, he’s unknown in the international level, but once the teams get used to him, things will change. Think about what happened to Mikhaylov since 2008 – and the Russian opposite is way better than Bociek. Maybe he’s the only option as Jarosz was never reliable, and Bartman… Poor Bartman, Modena is thinking about getting rid of him. Enough said. The Polacos have to find someone for this position urgently. Look around and you’ll see that all the main opponents have a good/excellent opposite. Let’s give some credit to Bociek, but so far he’s no Grozer, Sokolov or Atanablablabla, just to mention some household names. Poland needs a killer. I’m sure the Polacos have someone to replace Mozdzonek. He was always shadowed by Nowakowski and I don’t believe he’s one of the two best MBs in Poland. Maybe he could be a backup player due to his experience, but definitely not be floored among the starting six. I still remember the first time I saw Mozdzonek playing live, he could barely walk. Where’s that promising Mika or something (sorry, forgot his name)? Kurek… I refuse to comment about him, at least today. Kubiak, if given enough space, could be more important than he is on the NT. He’s my fave Polaco player and I hope to see him rising up during this cycle. It’s important to mention Ruciak. No, I don’t think he could be a left side at international level, but he’s relevant as a serve specialist. His serves between positions 5 and 6 are excellent. Since Poland doesn’t have too many options among the backup players, I’d take him. Antiga has a huge pressure on his shoulders, but perhaps he’ll lead his players to a good tournament.
@Roninho: Kubiak is an all-around player, it’s great to watch him play and it’s good to know he’s getting back in shape after a bland season with the NT. Hopefully he’ll shine at the 2014 worlds. Considering Antiga game style, I’m sure he’ll appreciate having a player like Kubiak, a very solid and smart one.
Italy - Russia (Highlights) vor 10 Jahre +3
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: “I also love that you upload your videos very fast”. Poor Wilfredo… This video (very good, btw), uploaded to YouTube on December 2nd, was taken from a match held on November 19th – a thirteen-day gap. Obviously the movie-maker doesn't have to upload anything in a rush. Wilfredo, we all know you're desperate to get points and you usually make some absurd remarks, but this one was really laughable. Please, think a little bit before making comments. LOL Where's John17 when we need him most? :-p
Thanks again, voleifuturo! Bruno played really well, and those two sets were great, he completely fooled the block.
On this video you can see the duel between the Gelinski brothers. That evil Rachel would say, “It’s good cuz any of the losing teams can put the blame on the Polaco”. She’s so mean! Thank God I’m not like her. Tiago Gelinski plays for the B national team (won gold at the worlds with the junior NT in 2007), while his bro (Danilo) was called by Bernardinho to train with the A squad.
Mumu is fantastic indeed, a unique player, but what’s so special about this hit? Come on guys, he had no block… Wanna see an impressive third-meter spike? Check this out. Simon is a showman. BTW, that poor German middle blocker abandoned vball after the match and he’s still seeing a therapist.
Long rally (Italy - Iran) vor 10 Jahre +8
Thanks, voleifuturo! Pay attention to Ghaemi’s dig at 0:16. What a great rally, a nice way to wrap up a set, 40 seconds of high level vball.
Fabio Vullo fantastic set vor 10 Jahre +4
@eivindp: Respect. Gotta say "thank you" for recognizing all those great stars on the video. So many legends playing together, guys that wrote their names in vball history. It’s unfortunate, but some Italian fans don’t like Fabio Vullo, they associate him to the 1992 Olympics failure. I like him a lot, much better than Paolo Tofoli, for example. As for the set itself, I’m still more impressed with Ricardo’s backset to André (longer distance, faster and more precise). Besides, Timmons practically had no block, once the opponent middle was running late. Another great set of this kind was that one by Sergio to Zlatanov in Piacenza.
Poland in EuroVolley 2013 vor 10 Jahre +8
Love you too. ;-)
Poland in EuroVolley 2013 vor 10 Jahre +9
“I waited all day, refresh like 500 times …”

ROFL… Dude, it wasn’t very smart of you exposing your desperation. You should also be aware of something called “time zone” – please, google it. Intelligence is definitely not one of your strengths…

Before I leave, so you can rush to give me the chance to bash you a little more, here’s the song you always sing thinking of me: #DesperateAnxiousPolaco
#PressF5 PressF5 PressF5 PressF5
Poland in EuroVolley 2013 vor 10 Jahre +7
Look what we have here! A little Polaco thief trying to justify the unjustifiable... A robbery! So, if someone “let it happen” you’d mug that person? Do you think it’s right to steal? I thought this fake account belonged to that trashy bartmannn, but it’s obviously one of the usual suspects (aka Polaco kids) shitting his pants afraid of me. Dude, you don’t justify a robbery. There’s no such thing as “you let it happen”. Keep in mind: STEALING IS WRONG! If you were civilized I’d tell you to use a board or a notebook to write a sentence a hundred times as a punishment, but since you’re a savage and civilization hasn’t arrived for you (how could you think stealing is okay?), my little thief, you can use the walls of your dodgy, crappy house. Find some space among the blood stains (result of constant family fights), vomit (caused by constant drinking) and pieces of cabbage (marks from traditional celebrations). Please write: I SHALL NOT STEAL. You don’t have to thank me for educating you. Please, no more stealing. Oh Lord, how can I spend three weeks in this awful place in September? What a sacrifice for the love of vball! I’ll have to hire some bodyguards for my protection. The good thing is they’ll carry my umbrella and my bucket. Thanks to an evil Polaco friend I saw the scenes the Polaco TV tried to hide in Katowice when the Polacos played USA in 2013 WL: The roof of that old, lame, ridiculous arena was leaking. David Lee and Matt Anderson shocked seeing buckets around the court, afraid to get injured while warming up. What a circus! It’ll be three weeks of hell in Polaco-land, but my bodyguards will protect me from people like our little friend that thinks mugging is valid.
Poland in EuroVolley 2013 vor 10 Jahre +9
Nobody noticed you’re using a fake account as you’re afraid of me. Bad English, overuse of emoticons, desperation… LOL Honey, don’t deny your roots, don’t hide behind someone else’s flag, this is lame. We already saw you attacking the Russians here, you’re always showing desperation, probably escaped from a nut house. Your massive inferiority complex, low self-esteem and low IQ will kill you. Don’t cry, please. Touché!
Poland in EuroVolley 2013 vor 10 Jahre +5
@bartmannn: My dear, are you a thief, a whore or an asparagus cutter? Being a Pole, those seem to be the only occupations that match your skills, your natural path. I really hope the answer is the third option, as Polacos are known for being cheap labour force. Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one of the previous. Myself, I was a victim of a Polaco thief (the veterans here know the story). One friend was another victim in London during the Olympics – two dirty Polacos stole some tickets from him. Well, to our amusement, those Polaco trash took the ones to see Poland vs. Bulgaria and the match Poland vs. Australia – couldn’t have been any better. I hope your father isn’t in prison after stealing a car in Germany, once a big part of Polaco-land GDP comes from that kind of "service". I’m crossing my fingers for him, maybe the German authorities will free him soon, so that poor, miserable Polaco will spend Christmas time in your village. I always show some sympathy when I see a Polaco – four million of them live here. They aren’t skilled workers, but do anything to get a piece of cabbage – since we would use that for pig farming, we don’t mind giving some to a Polaco. Hey, I’m a nice guy, so I won’t tell any of the world famous Polish jokes – last night I heard the one about two Polacos driving a truck. Hilarious! Don’t worry about Bernardinho. I don’t. Taking a bunch of old, injured dudes to the podium in London? Wow! Right now he’s taking his club to another medal and he is, by far, the coach with the most titles in vball history – Velasco, the second, didn’t get half. Oh, if Bernardo decides to retire, we have José Roberto Guimarães, the only coach in history to win the Olympics with both men and women, and also the only one with three Olympic gold medals. There are lots of other great coaches here. You Polacos have… Well, when you finally beat Australia (rofl) gimme a call. I know phones barely work in Polaco land, the lines are almost as bad as your creepy roads, but keep trying. The winter is coming and you won’t be busy cutting asparagus (if you’re not one of the two first options I showed in the beginning). LOL
Poland in EuroVolley 2013 vor 10 Jahre +8
@Roninho: Hahaha... Roninho, my friend, how could you be so mean? Why did you think I’d love/enjoy/laugh at “La Kurekosa” disgrace? Just because the Polaco team was eliminated for the 1,674th time this is not a reason for laughter. You’re really mean! That said, let me check again poor Barto Cureque devastated, probably thinking what a lame player he is.

Here’s the best moment of 2013 ECh. I love it!
Check out this one from 2012. Go Lasko! hehehe #CryKubiakCry
Georg Grozer great action vor 10 Jahre +4
Sergio was once asked by a fan which player was the hardest hitter he ever saw, and he promptly said Grozer. “He could easily hurt someone”, Sergio added. #PoorBari
@Frank: Kadu is a 1,99m and 19-year-old left side that played for the junior NT this season. He has a lot of potential, but as you said he needs to improve his passing and digging skills, which is being observed by both his club and the NT training center. Cruzeiro’s coach Marcelo Mendez gave him a chance in the starting lineup because Leal is recovering from an injury.

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