


Raylight> welcome to non Polish guys world! The world is splited between Polishes and non-Polishes. If you are not Polish, you are introduced to your first minus! I think they are Latin guys too, like me! This behaviour belongs to Latins, not to the Polishes. :) PS:Try to imagine how many minus I will get after this comment!
I like the NightFox's movies, but I prefer the movies and songs of Roninho's ones.
what Murilo in Poland? Impossible. Murilo's wife Jaqueline is pregnant, he will not leave Brazil (at least) in next couple of years, doesn't matter the money! When Dante was to Russia first time his younger kid almost died due the Russia's winter and other minors stuffs like food. So guys, Murilo certainly stays in Brazil playing for Sesi. Sorry tell you about this.
In Brazil, they are talking about Thiago Alves in Macerata or Cuneo.
Bruno Rezende vor 13 Jahre 0
For me, Ricardo is a genius, Bruno is a workaholic.
Bruno Rezende vor 13 Jahre +1
NightFox>> no. no. no... you do not have personal life anymore. Since you become the most active user (TOP1) in this site. Your life belongs to the users desires and movie viewers. You are a moviecreator slave and have no free will anymore. :) One idea for your next movie! :) :) :) Make a movie called "One day in the life of NightFox". In this video you can teach us how to become a moviecreator and so, maybe, you can get back your freedom, since other guys in the site (like me) will start to create movies too!
Okay Oli, sorry...
It was confirmed by Brazilain news, Dante's payment for season will be USD1.3mi. Also they are talking about Marshal to Sesi or Cimed, Vissotto and Raphael (Trentino) to Minas, but not confirmed yet. Giba and Gustavo are already confirmed to Cimed/Sky.
Oli4>> Just click on link below for access on Forbes List and you will see. Besides that you are an european guy, for some europeans and americans guys there is no richness out of your own countries. A Mexican guy is the top1, after Bill Gates and other american, after one French, one Indian, ..., and so Eike... I did not find a rich guy from Belgium in the list! ?

Oli4>> let me say you one think. RJX team owner is just the #8 richest guy in the world... please check out.
In fact it was 16,000 people that paid for the thickets. More 2,000 people were invited by the sponsors. So, 18,000 people were in the place to support the teams. Mineirinho gym capacity is 27,000 people, as occured in 1995 when Italy won Brazil in WL (3x2).
Hi Igy, please tell where in Chile where you played volleyball, I will run to there... volleyball over here is in its early days...
DRosokin> Volleyball in Chile is still in a very early stage, incipient I would say. But just as we did with our wines we have all the conditions to move forward in this sport too. I am not a professional player, I play volleyball for fun with friends, as well basketball and football. And I teach these sports in high school for my teenagers students. Cheers,, JR
@DRosokin: I'm sorry, my goal was not offend you neither volleyball in Israel. Chilean volleyball is not strong too, and I know what this means. I just pointed my clear impression from your movie. I deleted my previous message to demonstrate respect for you. Cheers. JRios
Sorry, message deleted (JRios).
You are right about 10 min pause in match caused by substitution. But there was more at stake than that. The Brazilian players are masters of managing these kind of issue to reorder the team in tactical, physical and/or psychological terms. Stopping a match for 10 min they are often able to manage to sometimes to win a match. You can see this in the NBA match too. The last 2 minutes of a NBA match seem to take longer than the entire game. This is a tactical psychological aspect of the game. The brazilians seem to be experts in these techniques in volleyball.
Kate: thanks for this clarification... Muserskiy has a great present and a brilliant future.
@AleNickel: you're always welcome... ahhh, I missed your petrifying eyes in your new avatar! :)
NightFox>> find the links below:

Full match #01: Cruzeiro 3 x 2 Vôlei Futuro
Highlights match #02: Vôlei Futuro 3 x 2 Cruzeiro
Nagor > are you talking to us (me and Renan) or are you talking to Chrison? I don't like your approaching for things different you like. You should learn respect the others users.

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