


Exiga and Henno. Or have they already a movie?

And a movie with only lucky aces (with the help of the net) ? This one should be with a funny music ?
Exiga and Henno. Or have they already a movie?

And a movie with only lucky aces (with the help of the net) ? This one should be with a funny music ?
I only use this forum right now, so I'll prefer if the topic will be opened in "Serie A" Fanclub.
I honeslty won't open a thread like the one pearl suggest in Trentino forum, I know it is open to evryone but it would be inappropiate to comment about Macerata/italian players in Macerata there...
poor Viktor ?
And the other new is that probably San Giustino had already decided (before San Giustino-Belluno) to hire him, since he was in the tribun during the match.

@casamodena: it's not the first time I heard about contact with Bruno, but De Cecco isa very brand new! Wow, I would love Rome to have problems like this (chosing one between De Cecco or Bruno) in the future!
Last year I loved Cuneo, but this year with the guys from the NT I can't avoid be fan of Macerata ? (and honestly Cuneo wasn't funny to watchas it used o be the last season, but today was)
But today I'm so disappointet by Macerata that I saw this match more like "Macerata lost" than "Cuneo won"
BTW, if it will be Trento-Cuneo I'll support Cuneo, even if I think Trento would have a better chance in the finl4 than Cuneo (and also than Macerata)
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +1
Macerata >_________________________<
Epic fail...
Piacenza won 3-1 vs Modena!!!!

So for the second time in a row three of the first 4 teams lost the game: only Trento kept winning (as always ?

At least Macerata was lucky that Cuneo lost, so they kept the second place. But at the same time Cuneo was lucky that Modena didn't win, so they kept few points of advantages?

Roma won 3-0 vs Vibo, I couldn't go but friends told me it was a veeery boring match, exept for the victory. Good match by Sabbi, 3 aces, 2 blocks, 19 attacks, I'm glad he recovered from the ankle injury?
No doubt about that, if the Kaiser will leave Trento Zaytsev will replace him.
Last year if I'm not wrong there were to "bench exchange": Bagnoli for Prandi in Modena and Gulinelli for Lattari in Catsellana Grotte, and they both did very good...
But now Gulinelli is the one that has been esonerated...
But probably the strangerst case is Monti's one: he started in Castellana Grotte in A2, was esonerated, and now he is replacing Lorenzetti in A1 and won vs Macerata!
About Cuneo situation is not clear if they're looking for someone or if Placì will stay till the end of the season, btw today they lost 3-2 vs Latina.
De Giorgi was quite unlucky this year, with many injuries and Conte that left the team, but probably it was time to change smth.

But Monti was already esonerated
Macerata lost 3-0 vs Trento ? 24-26, 24-26, 20-25

I saw only partes of the match, but for what I watch it was an intense and fighted match. In the third sets Trento almost always conduct, but Macerata always came back, until the last points of Trento (aces of Juantorena for the 23th and 24th point)
Trento was superb, with everyone (also Brughstaler that went in for Djuric). They did several insane digs and closed few incredible ball in attack. Stokr is probably my MVP (but I didn't watch the whole match...)
Macerata played good but not on his best (while Trento probably played at his best, I'll say, and that is a good point for Macerata): they committed too many mistake in serve (like the double of Trento... Parodi alone did 6 errors!) and probably in general didn't serve that well, and they can be a bit better in block imo, but this is hard to say because it depend a lot also on the other team... And they did few great defense and nice actions too, but didn't dig how is in their skills imo. While Trento saved a lot.

But beside general consideration, the thing Macerata has to complain the most about their match is losing the second 24-26 set after leading 24-21 (or even 20..)! Parodi mistake in serve (one of thousand...) at the match point send Stokr in serve, and he did several good serve in a row. Macerata received quite well but imo Travica did few mistakes, both in lucidity and precision: precision to the spikers (too far from the net) and lucidity about chosing to set to Stankovic that had been defended twice in the previous 10 minutes. In fact he was defened another time (great job of Bari) and then blocked by Brughstaler. Travica could have chose a pipe or a precise and fast sets to the wings... And Trento always followed them for the whole set! They had it in their hands!>.<

Then in the third set it was Macerata tourn to follow Trento, (more than once they were like -4/3 and then again -1) and at 19-21 Omrcen made a mistake in attack (19-22), then Osmany did 2 aces (the first on Parodi, with a bit of luck I think, it seemed to me that the ball touched the net, so it changed a bit the direction but it was very fast so Parodi was just hitten by the ball), and one between Exiga and Parodi (again, and incredible fast serve). Match closed by a bad errors of Parodi in attack. That honestly exept the serve played quite well (not great)beside what it can seem from my words.

Ok, I've done xDDD Sorry for bothering you, I just needed to comment it xD
At the end the commentator said "It's important for you to think match after match, right? The season is so hard that this is the only way to keep focusing" Think that Macerata three days after the 1/8 of the Italian Cups ( that means today, live on sportube at 20.00!) will play vs Macerata, then the 1st vs Cuneo at home for the CL, then on Sunday vs Cuneo in Cuneo for the Italian Championship, then again vs Cuneo in Cuneo for the CL, then vs Vibo (fortunally in Macerata, not in Vibo that is far for every teams), then ITALIAN CUP semifinal and may be final etc etc.... O________O Insane!! At least they don't have to go out of Italy for the CL...
@champion: what you say is true, for example this year Papi asked to Lorenzetti to let him serve jump (and not float anymore, like he was asked to in Treviso lately), and the coach agreed but said him to change the passes. At the biginning he didn't feel cofortable with this passes, and he thought he could even fell with it, but after few days he realized his serve was defintly improved ? (from blog "Che palle" of Mario Salvini,

On the other hand, playing such high level torunaments (and joining so many finals) is very important to improve too ? That's why, for example, I think Zaytsev shoudl leave Rome, even if he is the leader of the team and I can't imagine Roma without this guy ?

That is defintly true, but I have the feel that training can fits to Nikola ?
One because the setter is the regist of the team, and in a certain way also the coach is, and he is a very clever setter... Two because Grbic is acting like a coach since a while, he often said something during the time out, and vs Roma a firend of mine told me that he took the statistics sheet from Gulinelli hands xD
Three because I love this player too much not to trust in him ? (but being rational I know what you say is absolutly true)
Cuneo asked Gulinelli to leave, after failing to reach the Italian Cup Final 4 to defend the title.

Onestly I'm not such surprised, when I watched Cuneo playing I often had the impression that the players (expecially the olders) don't listen to him. And Cuneo isn't funny to watch too often, imo.

Placì (the second coach) will become the first coach, but someone said that Lorenzetti will may be receive a call (he didn't do far, according to Pasini). There are also rumors that may be they'll chose Grbic as coach for the next season... (May be he will help also now, who knows, considering he won't play for a while - probably at least a month - due to a finger composit fracture ? )
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +1

btw, kapitan-bomba, may be Skra players prefer the Mosir, but probably the people that will buy the "last" 4000 tickets don't agree ?
Well, it was only a statistic curiosity, it didn't have to have a meaning ?
Imo a global statistic can't have an esistential meaning, because the % of a spiker depend not just on himself, but on the quality of his setter and of the opponent's blockers and diggers (and on many other ditails), so it is worthy to compare may be only % of players that played the same match. May be the % of mistake could be a bit more indicative...

- Lebl attacked 20 times in that match
- actually, according to what you wrote, for more accuracy it would be necessary to have a selection looking at the number of spikes (total acts), not at the players position, because comparing an opposite that had 90% on 50 sets received and another one that had 90% on 10 sets is still meaningless.
on statistic curiosity of legavolley, I found only that:

who had the higher% in attack in a single match-->
But I guess there is a minimum of played ball, because I remember Fortunato last year vs Rome scoring 5 points in attack with 100%
poor Nik ?
But I read that Cuneo played a very low-level match, with no agonism and determination (leggo che hanno giocato in modo spento e svogliato)

The team that was in the Italian Cup the last to year and that is the last winner of this Cup, won't defend it.
I think it is a very big failure for Cuneo.
Yes O.O

and the 4th is... Modena!! from 17-15 to 25-17 in the 4th set O.o

so: Macerata-Modena
I hope there won't be more surprise n the semifinals ?

Here the stats: (click on the score)

Savani MVP of Macerata-Roma, with good stats in defence, 5 aces, insane stats in attack ?Actually Parodi was blocked 2 and did 3 errors in attack. But 67%. But why the hell Parodi riceived 23 times and Savani only 13?! I can't understand Roma tactic in serve =.=
Macerata 10 aces (with 14 errors), 5 by Sava, 3 by Parodi (during the dinner I must have lost two of them!), 1 Stankovic, 1 Podrascanin. Many aces on Zaytsev.

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