


Do you think that Leal is not in the 20list because cuba is quite sure he would escape as soon he has the chance, and they don't want to give him this opportunity?

(about Italy NT, it's going to be a surprise for everyone, because the team changed a lot, and is absolutly younger. But we know it will be hard for them to get a good result in this WL. The setter will be Travica, with Falaschi or Baranowicz as second setter. Zaytsev is definitly the future of the NT, togheter with Parodi. Savani is the capitain)
"Henno signed contract with Cuneo in the same time when Parodi did, so he stay in Cuneo. "
Yes I know=), with "I will chose Henno" I meant "I will chose Cuneo"!!

about Vadeleux, here the site where I found the new:
I also checked Rennes Volley site: He will replace José Trèfle (that is going to Sete)

MB Vadeleux to Rennes.

Seems that Savani, Stankovic, Podraskanin, and probably Omrcen too will stay in Macerata.
About Conte, his future is connected with Parodi future: Facundo's contract ends, and he won't proably stay as third spikers... but because he is young and really good someone suggests that Macerata will ask him to sign for a couple of years, so they don't lose this talent, but will let him play in another team (like Modena or Monza. but I realli hope like Rome!) on loan next year.
About Paparoni, it's not so sure anymore that Exiga will replace him: the new coach (everybody gives Giuliani as sure) will chose.(if I were Giuliani I'd chose... Henno!!!)
Serie A - 5th Semifinals vor 13 Jahre 0
Zyta, do you know where I can find the match cuneo-macerata?

edit: I found the 5th set on you tube,, but I also read that Henno scored ON PORPUSE! a point with a set! I need to see this action!!=) Great Henno!
in this blog (written by a journalist of "Gazzetta dello sport"):
I read here most of the info I posted. Other two main sites are, that usually have some news in english too, and
Nightfox, I read the same about Nikolov and Zechov!

I hope Cernic will come back in Italy, I know he is not on his best level anymore, but I like him too much, I want to see him in our league!
The same with Baranowicz. It would be good for him being the second of Grbic, so he could learn a lot and work hard to become next Cuneo setter, but may be he prefer to be the first setter if another (weaker) club ask for him...
I think that the best setters are really lucky: it's hard to end a career at this age playing in a top team, and winning the championship...
"the italian volleyball in this moments sucks." --->please don't say that!!XD
Let me dream about Italy winning the World League!!=)
(btw, we need to form a new generation, because players like Fei, Mastro, Vermiglio are not easy to replace!!
It's a pity Parodi get injuried, I would like to see Savani as opposite and Parodi with Zaytsev as OH.)
Serie A - 5th Semifinals vor 13 Jahre 0
"Giuse" too cuteXD We usally call him "Beppe"=), and the first time you wrote Giuse I couldn't understand who was the subjectXD

I can't wait for the V-day, I'm so glad Cuneo reach the final!! (even if I really like Macerata too)
Trento deserved to win considering his season, but this new Modena was whorty too... That's a pity that Dennis couldn't play the 4th set.

I hope I'll soon see both the matches!
the same I thought, Grbic+Miljcovic=point =)
"The new Macerata of Giuliani is taking his future shape: he will have Parodi, Travica, Exiga with an accord already structurated.From Castellana will probably arrive the MB Patriarca (stefano), in the past with Lube for the junior league.
There is a rumor, a scoop about Miljcovic return: a suggestive hipotesy that seems to be connected with Omrcen destiny (If he will leave then they will try to get Miljcovic)"

Juantorena was suspended for use of substances?? Really?? I wondered about his period of inactivity but I didn't know that...

I'm glad in Italy someone speak about Cuba situation.
This journalist wrote that the fact Simon is not K anymore and Leal is out of the 20th it's probably/pheraps due to the fact they had not liked contacts with italian clubs. And Cuba wants to avoid someone to escape, also considering that they will play 4 matches in Italy, so the possibility actually exist.
Seemed also that the Cuban federation is pressing Juantorena to come back (If he would, I'll lose the italian passport I think)
Serie A - 4th Semifinals vor 13 Jahre 0
yes, that pipe was AMAZING!
Too bad for Raphael that Stokr wasn't in good shape, once he also spiked with any block at all, and Manià digged!!

I think Lube played well, exept for the serve, that is very important for them, but Cuneo - finally - had a better rythm as you said=)

Ah, I read this is only the 3rd time that both semifinals last 5 match!!
also in another very good website I read that Nikolov will play in Piacenza, so I think is sure. no news for their setter, but speaking of setter Travica will go to Macerata and De Cecco in Monza. it's given for sure in this website, while Vermiglio in Kazan it's just a "seems".
Djuric will play in Trento.
Modena, Monza and Cuneo are interedsted in Anderson
Other rumor about Omrcen in Cuneo; Miljcovic in Macerata (Probably it would be easier if Cuneo will get directly MiljcovicXD); and Parodi in Macerata, as always.
You're right, but I guess Bruno would like to play another very important final in Palalottomatica=)
from the same blog
-->Nikolov will be in Piacenza; Parodi and Giuliani seems to be closer to Macerata, and if Vermiglio will go in Russia also Travica and Exiga; Gulinelli will probably seat on Cuneo bench; San Giustino is interested in fefè de Giorgi.

(I know that several of these news aren't new, I'm just telling you what I read, and they are keep saying these stuffs.=)
Serie A - 4th Semifinals vor 13 Jahre 0
ah, this match was the Kaziyski 100 match as capitain... (the second one in the ranking is Grbic with 85, after Meoni and Molteni if I'm not wrong)

About Cuneo-Macerata, I'm really glad Cuneo won, they deserved a chance to reach the final=)
In Italy a lot was surprised 'cause they won, but honestly I think it can't be so easy beating Cuneo three time in a row=)
At the beginning every one kept saying "It's goign to be a long series", and that's what happened!

btw, these semifinals are both AMAZING!! I'm so happy that nobody still know who will reach the V-day=)

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