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Matey Kaziyski (5th movie) vor 13 Jahre +1
How can be sure that someone from the Polish given minus? See the comment Saku. He got two minuses, and none of this problem does not.
The masters of pipe vor 13 Jahre +3
This is a great movie:) Everything fits perfectly.
Nightfox - You will not be mad! I express my opinions. You create more films. I'm not saying that you do not have to do movies. Many users like your videos. I am also a couple of your videos really like. Raylight - I do not listen to girlie music. I will give you an example. I really like Linkin Park. This is music for girls? I used in my films music Linkin Park? Not because Linkin Park does not fit the movie. You take a look the videos chrisons (for example, Matey Kaziyski, Guillaume Samica, Mariusz Wlazły, Piotr Gruszka) Is in these films is the heavy music? No, but it fits perfectly. I use in my films often music where at home, I do not listen this music. So, please do not tell me here that I listen girlie music and I do not know much about music. I wrote that I do not like music in this movie but I did not write that Nightfox listens bad music. And one more thing. Although I do not like the music I do not give bad ratings. I respect the fact that you take the time. I do some videos and I know that this is a lot of work. Nightfox - you doing a great job on this site.
Matey Kaziyski (5th movie) vor 13 Jahre +1
I think too often that you're doing movies. You bet on quantity rather than quality. Music in your films do not fit. You have 88 films. I like the five-six your films. You try to find good music and you create movies. That is my opinion. Of course, the respect that you have the desire and time but not always, the more is the better. Matey Kaziyski - one of the best players in the world.
JRios - we know that it's impossible. The Polish press wrote that it was very close but did not succeed. This is the end of speculation.
You do not write if you do not have the source. I do not believe that they both go to the Belchatow.
Great League, movie, quality and atmosphere!
Filmik kapitalny :) Pierwsza piosenka idealnie pasuje do filmu .
Resovia not extend the contracts with Matej Cernic, Michelle Baranowicz, Ryan Millar and Ivan Ilic. They are free players. If they leave it means that Resovia buy even better players. Reportedly Lucas Tichacek will sign a contract with Resovia.
Piotr Łuka vor 13 Jahre +2
ogor - ja się nie dziwię, że te filmiki nie zostały zaakceptowane. Te filmy są robione w stylu 13nastoletniej fanki. Film Akhrema to są akcje wycięte żywcem z mojego filmu. Z pierwszym filmem jest podobnie. W filmach o Kurku i Winiarskim jest więcej ujęć ich twarzy niż ataków czy bloków. Tu się takich filmów nie wkleja.
Nightfox - I personally gave the highest rating. But there is a problem in films chrison. Skra Belchatow is favored and Resovia simply skipped. You watch the film and you see how much is the share Resovia and you'll know what I mean.
He was the block! Judge cheater!
Very, very nice movie. 5 :)
I think it Matey has a poor reception but better than Kurek. Matey is not so much covered in Trento as a Kurek in Belchatow.
Dick Kooy funny attack vor 13 Jahre +2
Ho Ho Ho !! Ha Ha Ha Ha! Funny commentators :)
Yuriy Gladyr vor 13 Jahre 0
Movie is a little boring. With this music video you should be faster. Gladyr is a great middleblocker. He only has problems with the serves.
Grozer over a month ago extended his contract. He will be treated for two months. He will return before the season begins Polish league.
Fart Kielce 2010/11 vor 13 Jahre 0
Jeśli chodzi o HL Ligi i film o Zaksie jestem na tak ale po co robić kolejny film o przeciętnym,drewnianym zawodniku jakim jest MM ?:P

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