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Football warm-up Brazil vor 12 Jahre 0
It is easier to play football with volley ball. I know it, because when I was young I played football (like almost every child in Europe) and I like to do some tricks :)
He's better than most of users in this site and than of a lot of famous players.
~10:00-20:00 Jump contest

If it is normal measuring of reach height some of data isn't correct. Poltavski reached over 370cm !

In that way of measure I think I can reach something about 315-320cm.
And I can attack only over ~290cm (I checked it by raising a net height).
Yeeees. This is volleyball. We make it real. Everybody. I hope in next couple of yers volleyball would be one of the most entertaining sports in the world !!!
But, please: next time quote them in normal way :)
@vtnklmdc Congratulation for the longest comment on th site :)
Everybody has an opinion about the best players. It is hard to measure who is the best :)
To be honest I think Matey Kaziyski is the best player in the world.

Bartosz Kurek is still making a progress. I remamber when you said two years ago that he would never be a world class player. I think now he is on the top- he is a top scorer of the WL2011- it isn't by a chance.
Congratulations for Russia. We played good, but You were out of range for us today. I can be unpopular but I hope You win with Brazil tomorrow. GO RUSSIA, GO!!!
That's right JRios. Some of Referees mistakes we can't notice if there isn't a super slow motion replays.
I'm one of the 5% Polish fans. I still belive we can win, but I know that fast 3 sets for Russia is more possible thing...
Referees making mistakes for both sides- not only for Polish advantages.

I don't blame them for it: it is very hard to notice some situations- especialy when crowd screaming. Nowadays should be videoverification or challange (like in tennis). Referees are just to old to notice some situations in this tournament- they were choosen badly.
Thank You Bulgarian friends !!! We have a great opportunity to get to the semi-final. I promise if I would able I will go to Bulgaria next year to support your team ?
Russia-3 Brazil-0
Very hard time for Polish team. I hope that they would be the team as Anastasi said. We have almost no chances for semi-final, but we must build the team for other competitions.
Terrible match. Even if we tomorrow win with Argentina we probably won't be in semi-final.

@chrison Very bad match of Łukasz Żygadło- he should be changed. We can complaining of players, but don't discredit them. In my opinion he deserved a strong critique, but please don't ridicule him.
Lucas spike under the net vor 12 Jahre +1
OMG If someone from our team would do this I think he would be 'mixed with mud' :) He was definitely jalaous of his teammates who spikes in every hard situation, but he's like our Możdżonek- volleyball tower :)
Yes. We need Piotr Gruszka! I don't know if he ceould play on a highest level- we will see. But now his experience, his calm and some fantastic plays, which he could play is that what we need...
Ok. Very exciting match, but I would say something about Sokolov. With this performance he would be one of the best in the world... Stoychev wouldn't have a big problem who choose to play as a spiker ?
Oh, stop complaining for Zygadlo. He isn't Zagumny or Ricardo. I think he isn't our problem. He had good and bad moments, but don't tell about player who was the best setter in statistics, that he can't play!

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