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vor 4 Jahre


I don't know why Grankin chose Dante in last action. It wasn't good play and the point should be for Cuneo, because Dante stepped on the line before the ball touched the court. By the way congratulations for Dynamo.
Andrea Sala vor 13 Jahre +4
I hope that someone will make video about Gladyr... He is much better than Sala

I don't think so ? Maybe someone else. I think I'm not good in creating movies ?
Nie twierdzę, że Kurek jest graczem światowej klasy. Brak mu regularności, zawodzi w ważnych momentach- tego nie kwestionuję. Ale jest to mimo wszystko bardzo dobry gracz, a wy wytykacie mu jedynie słabości.
It was only example. On European Championships he played good with Bulgaria in semifinal. But I agree: He must play better in important moments.
He played not bad in the first 4 sets today and he playd good in 3 sets in the first match Skra-Dynamo.
He's no overrated. He can't control his nerves. I don't agree that he play good only with bad teams. He can also play good with very good teams on high level, but he can't do it in very important moments/matches. As I said before: He can't control his nerves. But of course it reduces his worth as a player.
Bez sensu to gadanie. Rozumiem rozgoryczenie po dobrym meczu, ale w rezultacie przegranej, ale szydzenie z zawodnika, który zagrał źle jest nie na miejscu. Ewidentny błąd Nawrockiego, no ale cóż... Póki co trenerem kadry jest Anastasi, więc najlepiej niech robi swoje w Skrze, a za 30 lat będzie pewnie dobrym trenerem ?
As I said before: when Skra plays- it's good, when something is bad, everything comes wrong way.
I saw only end of third and the golden set. I played volleyball with my friends. When I went back home I reminded that Jastrzębski plays with Noliko. I went upstairs- my father watched the game. I saw the result, but I wasn't dissapointed. I said: with their luck everything can happen. And I were right ? But of course, we should say that they didn'tplay bad in golden set. They play average and (what i said a thousand times before) they had luck. I'm in good mood because of it ? When You fight everything can happen.
Hehe, Shandtil dla takich chwil się żyje ?
Vladimir Nikolov headshot vor 13 Jahre 0
Haha, dokładnie Nagor. Co to miało być? Chyba jednak ze zdenerwowania, bo nie myślę, żeby nie potrafił tego po prostu podbić do góry.
I understand You, but don't be angry for your team. It wasn't stupid loss. We played.... not bad in golden set, we fight for every point and we had huge luck.
Też się tego obawiam. Tietiuchin może nie, ale Priddy czy hmmm ktokolwiek inny ma duże szanse na częste omijanie jego bloku górą.
Children of LUCK!!!
Touch the net, when attack was bad, block the most important ball in the match by Gawryszewski and errors by Noliko, when they was catchin up with Jastrzębski. Some serves by Jastrzębski I don't know how it got to the other side of the net. But two things were the most important: luck and the team spirit. The team spirit in Jastrzębski helped them to fight and with luck it brought them to the final four!!!
A luck didn't leave Jastrzębski till the end!!!
Vladimir Nikolov headshot vor 13 Jahre 0
It wasn't a nice rally, it wasn't even proper. Lots of errors.

It was good rally, because of lots of emotions, not by high level of plays.
(In my honest opinion)
Vladimir Nikolov headshot vor 13 Jahre 0
Yes. It could be great attack, but probably (if Wlazły wouldn't be hitted) it would be out. But, of course: great rally and great attempt by Nikolov.
Skra is like a soap bubble. When it's good they play score impressive points, but when one of them is playing bad for a while there's no game.

Kurek improves his serve and reception, but he still hasn't got any regularity. Skra should have good substitution for him, not Antiga who has problem to attack the ball from the back row and jumps just over the net (he was good, but 18 months ago).
Skra- Zenit can be very exciting. I feel that a lot of will depends on Wlazły and Mikhaylov. I wish a great match today, and let our boys win ?

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