Conegliano vs Vakif

vor 2 Jahre

CEV Champions League - Last Dance Conegliano: against nemesis Vakif, one last victory for eternal glory. 

The best of volleyball on the pitch in the Super Final in Ljubljana: Egonu against Haak, then De Kruijf, Gunes, Wolosz and Gabi led by top coaches Santarelli and Guidetti.

The match of the matches, the most recent rivalry of volleyball Europe, is ready for another decisive confrontation: tomorrow, Sunday 22 May, at 18.00, A. Carraro Imoco Conegliano will take the field for the Super Final of CEV Champions League in the Arena Stozice in Ljubljana, to face, once again, the champions of VakifBank Istanbul. The two teams have practically won everything again this year, demonstrating the level of absolute excellence achieved: the Panthers have won the Super Cup and the Italian Cup, before the title of Italian Champion in the exciting match against Monza; the giallonere, in the same way, won everything in Turkey, with the Scudetto coming after a very complicated series that ended 3-2 against Fenerbahce, winning the Club World Cup stolen from Treviso in the final, avenging the defeat of last year's Super Final , went to Conegliano. Two clashes, the latter, entered the history of volleyball, both ended 3-2, with a 41-point Egonu in the final in Verona and a Haak MVP in the rematch in Ankara. Probably destined to exchange shirts next year, the two opposite ones will be among the undisputed protagonists of the evening, given that the Italian has the best average points per set of the season in the competition (7.69) and the Swede is the current top scorer (195). But obviously it will not be just the two of them who will enchant Ljubljana: on the one hand, the superb direction of Wolosz to orchestrate Plummer and Sylla and put in the game the firesides Folie and De Kruijf (formerly of the challenge), on the other the Turkish ones built in the national team by Guidetti, Ozbay, Akman and above all Gunes, who will complete the sextet with the devastating Gabi and the former Novara Bartsch (protagonist of the last game lost by Conegliano in the CEV Champions League, when, paired with Egonu, he triumphed in Berlin in 2019 ), with De Gennaro and Aykaç called to defend the possible and, given the values ​​on the pitch, even the impossible. Speaking of numbers, the girls of coach Daniele Santarelli have been in a positive streak in the CEV Champions League for 26 matches and, in particular, this season they have lost a single set in the quarter-finals against Monza. For the panthers a title in four participations, against the four of the athletes of coach Giovanni Guidetti, who also have the record of appearances in the final, no less than eight.


HidalgooTR 44
vor 2 Jahre

@Vincenzo 5th time we won :)