
Drussyla Costa in World Grand Prix 2017

marciovolley 2017-12-25 • 1052 visualizzazioni
Drussyla had an excellent season in 2016 and was one of the main characters in the campaign that gave the Superliga title to Rexona-Sesc. In 2015 Drussyla was part of the team that won the gold medal in the U23 World Championship in Ankara, Turkey. This year she is having her first chance in the main national team.

#DrussylaCostaDrussylaAndressaFelixCosta #WorldGrandPrix2017

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Drussyla Costa

Drussyla Costa Brasile

Data di nascita: 1996-07-01
Posizione: Schiacciatore
Altezza: 184cm
Peso: 76kg
Schiacciata: 298cm
Muro: 284cm

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