Suggestions of new movies

2013-05-30 • 3764 visualizzazioni • 18 replies
I know that there have been a topic about this but I couldn't find it anywhere.

KamilTM 73 1
10 anni fa
Maxwell Holt ?
eRKa 861 11
10 anni fa
best actions of Italian play-offs ?
Nagor 1445 14
10 anni fa
One hand sets
RenanZ 1538 15
10 anni fa
How volleyball change peoples's lifes
raylight 3006 15
10 anni fa
Erka, I will give you the matches, please do the video ?
gvnn87 43 1
10 anni fa
I would like to see a video about Lucia Bosetti: she has played brilliantly troughout the season and plus she is a really spectacular player to watch!
...and also one about Kim Yeon Koung ?
10 anni fa
A new Zaytev movie please. ?
Nagor 1445 14
10 anni fa

Tetyukhin movie

YEAH, please rafaello, make video about him... One of the best players and he has no movie Oo... Especially FF in Lodz (Dinamo Kazan) and Russian NT in Benjing... MOM PLEASE ?
rafaello94Author 126 11
10 anni fa
I can try to do about Tetyukhin. One hand sets is also a good idea, but it will take some time ?
eRKa, are u doing the italian playoffs?
eRKa 861 11
10 anni fa
ray, I would love to, because the level of playing was really nice, a lot of amazing realies. BUT, now I have cuted all London matches in my sony vegas and I have many movies to make like: trailer, highlights, best actions, Poland, Russia, Argentina, USA, Winiarski, Ignaczak, Bartman, Kubiak, Kurek, Conte, De Cecco, Mikhaylov, Tetyukhin, Musersky, Anderson, Priddy, Zaytsev, Sokolov, Murilo, Lasko, Skrimov, Grozer, Savani ?
haha, I already made only about Edgar and Australia but I'm waiting for summer, when my all exams in university will be passed ?
maybe after that I will ask about that matches, I see you have them in nice HD ?
Mihau 39 3
10 anni fa
Sprawa trudna dlatego gorąco proszę - pierwszy (transmitowany chyba jeszcze na tv4) mecz Wlazłego w Skrze. To było jeśli dobrze pamiętam w hali Polonia z AZS Częstochową. Wtedy debiutawał także bodajże Paweł Woicki w AZSie. Pamiętam takie rozkminy bodaj Tomka Swędrowskiego z Wojtkiem Drzyzgą na rozgrzewce, że ciewaki ich ten młodzieniec, bo w metryczce ma parametry kubańskie ?
10 anni fa
Skrimov. He deserves a movie.

WITAM 22 2
10 anni fa
- simon
- Alisson cerutti
- fijalek/prudel
NightFox 1457 14
10 anni fa
Skrimov is my responsibility but in the end of june probably ;]
kennyr5 20 3
10 anni fa
Could someone do another Touch of Genius movie? there were so many good setter actions from the London Olympics and the last Italian Serie A1
Sfixterman 163 4
10 anni fa
Do movie for roger/dalhausser or for boyan yordanov ?
Mihau 39 3
10 anni fa
Poland harlem shake wave

New eagle
10 anni fa
Teodor Salparov ?
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