
First day off in the Shield...

Albert Nemes 2021-02-18 • 1570 visualizzazioni

A little break from volleyball to recover with the Hyperice and Normatec gear, and socialize with the pups in the AU lounge!

Learn more about the point system, the broadcasts and all the fun stuff for the new Athletes Unlimited Volleyball League here:

Follow @Athletes Unlimited for more videos!
Thankyou to Jade Hewitt for the thumbnail photo: @jadehewittmedia
@auprovolleyball @auprosports @vb_ci

LWFI -Falling for You
Saint Evaleen - Better Together
Laxcity - Log
Johnny Stimson - Daddy’s Money

The 119th video of Ci Michel

#CiaraMichel #AthletesUnlimitedProLeague #AthletesUnlimitedUSProLeague202021 

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Chi è la miglior pallavolista di sempre?Mostra la classifica delle giocatrici

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