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Im a volleyball fan living in Frankfurt (Germany) Follow @kriftelvolley on Instagram!

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follow @kriftelvolley on Instagram!

Foreigner Quota 3 mesi fa 0

@AlpÇifci alright thanks for the information!

Foreigner Quota 4 mesi fa 0

@AlpÇifci @VolleyTurco so 3 on the court and 2 on the bench?

Insta ? 4 mesi fa 0

Lets go! @kriftelvolley on Instagram!

Foreigner Quota 4 mesi fa 0

@AmerZecevic @mamamiyeah thank u for the information!

Foreigner Quota 1 anno fa +1

@doongie1015 thank you for the information! Yes i try to keep it up to date :)

Foreigner Quota 1 anno fa 0

@doongie1015 yeah i always wondered why there is no such a thing already published. I guess the list will be up to date as long as I or other users provide information about changes or new leagues ?

Foreigner Quota 1 anno fa 0

okey thank you for the information!

Foreigner Quota 1 anno fa 0

@doongie1015 are u sure? as far as i know there is no quote in romania 

Why do people downvote this? These are some interesting insides about how the ridiculous politics in russia are affecting the volleyball players there.

Luckily he was up again a few dramatic minutes later

Its crazy how Zaytsev manages to be on worldlcass level again and again on different positions

Even though japan delivered a good match, nishida is extremely overrated in my opinion

King is back

Its really sad that the russian teams couldnt participate in the final phase of the Championsleague. Would have been so nice to see these teams against italian teams, zaksa and berlin.

Very interesting point of view. I see the point here but if u look at his career from a neutral perspective hes definitely a winner.

Sadly he is missing the german national team as a leader and topscorer. But Linus Weber might be a good replacement for the future.

At the moment Poland for sure.

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