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Piacenza lost 3-0 to Belluno...
And Trento was really more effective with the MBs imo, even if Birarelli decread during the match in attack.
I read often comment about Raphael colled like "high-ball-to-Kaizisky-and-Juantorena-Raphael", but I don't agree. May be he isn't such creative as Bruno (he is not), but he is so precise imo... If I compare hime to Travica... Well, Birarelli is rarely as effective as in Trento in attack playing with Italy... And I also love Raphael's pipes, even if today once or twice (I think once with K and once with J) he didn't set the pipe very well, but it doesn't matter.
Trento vs Cuneo was a worthy to watch match! Trento deserved the victory but Cuneo has to be compliment for gaining the tie break after losing 3-0, they didn't give up and that made it way more interesting! Expecially in the end of the 4th set, very intense.
BTW, I still have the impression that only few people in Cuneo care about Gulinelli's word...
Cuneo is lazier, sloopier (I'm not sure this term actually exist xD) than before, unfortunally.

Roma won 3-1 not playing well as far as I read, but the 3 points are what we care the most ? (and the 5th place)
Milan Bencz was nominated MVP, I'm so glad about that because I really apreciate the guy, he is committed! He is also a good player that often scored a lot of point for the team last year as titoular (>20 for match, usually) - today he contribuited with 25, plus 23 by Zaytsev. I think is difect was (I don't know if it still is) committe mistakes in crucial moments, or more mistake in a row (like being blocked twice in a row).
Another incredible new: Lebl scored an ACE. He did 20 serves, 1 error, 1 ace. WOW xD

You can find Monza-San Giustino on sportube... (It ended 3-2)
It's really curious that the first time Conte was allowed to play with Monza, was vs San Giustino!
but of these 40.000 tickets sold I guess at least 60% are to men, not women... or not?
ps btw I wish our vb male NT to do the same ?
ps sorry if I always speak too much!! ?
Nice topic!
Polish guys, I thought that Volleyball was even more popoular than football in Poland!

In Italy the sport itself is really popoular (I mean the 'played' sport, not the 'watched' sport), because every school has a volleyball court in is gym (may be few schools doesn't have a proper gym, otherwise it's a volleybal + basketball very small court)! And there are (at least in Roma) a lot of championship between different classes of the same school or different schools. It's rare that a school doesn't have at least a female team (even if it can be very awful, but it exist), but usually there are both the male and female team. So, may be the real rules aren't really know, but the basic is known by everyone.

And volleyball is the first famale agonist sport in Italy.
But football is the first male sport practised in Italy, of course.
Other sport quite practised are tennis, basketball, swimm, rugby (male only, almost), also atheltics, artistic gymnastic, waterpolo. There are a lot of people that do cyclism for fun, but also excursionism and climbing, and most of all, SKI!!

But if we speak about the watched/followed volleyball... Well, we are lucky that most of the clubs plays in small towns, that don't have many others stong team, so they give every support to volleyball (e.g. Cuneo). The Serie A isn't really that followed imo, even by who plays volleyball and even by who follows the NT. But there isn't any information trasmitted on tv, and nothing more than the results written in the newspapers (vs 4-5-6-7 even 10 pages about football in the cronhical newsp., and 1 page vs like 30 pages about football on the sport newsp.).
The NT is more followed by the people, but still not really followed by the medias, expecially TV medias (the matches are trasmitted, but it's all limitated to this, mostly)... When we won the semifinal (the first semifinal won after 6 years!!) of the ECh, we had 2 whole pages on the Gazzetta ( at page like 40 or 50), but before this two pages it was all soccer and F1.
I think that rugby NT is more followed (and defintly has much much more space in medias) even if they won NOTHING! Already 40.000 tickets sell for 'Six nations' Italy-England in february...
I think that football and F1 are maaaany level before volleyball.
vabbè che Carletti E' da B-2 xD
How you dare to insult him?????!!!!
You know HOW MUCH I love him ?
I had few (useless, at the end) discussion on Pasaini's blog with few Martino big lovers (one or two are defintly girls), about Martino coming back in indoor and about Martino GREAT(-.-) results in beach volleyball... For example I reported in a comment - with link of FIVB website - a list of Martino and Martino-Nicolai position in the rankings and their result this year, and I did the same with the couple Lupo-Nicolai, to proove that L-N reached more than M-N and to proove that since Nicolai is the costant, Martino can't be the one that we have to thanks if italian male becah vb reached smth this year, but it wasn't enough for the pro-Martino commentators, because he is so good!! (or better... so God!)

And, you know... everybody like to be right ? even if I wish him I'm wrong. But not when Modena plays vs Roma and Macerata ?
How you dare to insult him?????!!!!
You know HOW MUCH I love him ?
I had few (useless, at the end) discussion on Pasaini's blog with few Martino big lovers (one or two are defintly girls), about Martino coming back in indoor and about Martino GREAT(-.-) results in beach volleyball... For example I reported in a comment - with link of FIVB website - a list of Martino and Martino-Nicolai position in the rankings and their result this year, and I did the same with the couple Lupo-Nicolai, to proove that L-N reached more than M-N and to proove that since Nicolai is the costant, Martino can't be the one that we have to thanks if italian male becah vb reached smth this year, but it wasn't enough for the pro-Martino commentators, because he is so good!! (or better... so God!)

And, you know... everybody like to be right ? even if I wish him I'm wrong. But not when Modena plays vs Roma and Macerata ?
For training as far as I understand... I don't think it's a proper tranfert, not yet at least!
BTW Lorenzetti gave his dimission, but Copra refused (the players said they are with the coach).
They are looking for a setter and also for a spiker...
but what about Martino?!

@pearl: Zaytsev was super, Maruotti played quite good!
While we have a bad new fro Bjelica: he has a broken "menisco", so he can't jump... now he'll have to stop for about a month and a half as far as I read, he will be treated (I'm not sure if also operated...) in Bologna (like Parodi, I guess it the same place...?).
Now we only have Lebl, that sometimes can play quite well but his is not really improving (notghing compared to Bjelica serve...), and the australian MB Passier, that seemed to me better than I expected, I don't know if we are looking for someone else...
BTW, I hope we can win these 4 matches coming (Monza seems - apparently!! - to be the tougher, expecially with the couple Conte-De Cecco, but as always it is really hard to make predictions in our championship, fortunally!) and got a nice position for the 1/8 of the Italian Cup... It will be a dream to be in the final4, since it will be in Rome, but in Palalottomatica, that is more than the double of Palatiziano *.* And may be this time I'll try to get a ticket in the first circle ?
Yes sorry the fact is I wasn't at home the whole day so I'm reading now all the artcile about it, and I'm watching the match in the midtime, so it was natural to me to comment xD
And Sabbi closed an incredible rally at 15-15 of third set, standing ovation in the Palazzetto?
What a pity I can't record the match ?

BTW, Mosna apologized in a very kind way, I apreciate a lot ?
Here: http://dal15al25.gazzetta.it/post/25795615/la-crisi-di-piacenza-le-immagini-di-juantorena

In an interview (you can find it on the same blog) Stoytchev said Juantorena bet with his teammates that he could serve like that, then defence and attack. Quite arrogant imo...

Honestly I think that if he really wanted to do this kind of serve for training as he said (and not for fun/bet etc), he would have done it in the first set, or at the beginning (at 0:0 you don't have nothing to lose) or when he scored like 4 aces, or when Trento was leading 12 points. Because what train can be to do a serve like that when you know you won't have a second chance to try it in the match (like at 24:19 in the 4th set?)? If he really wanted to challenge himself with this serve, to try it in a match, he should have done it when he had the chance to repeat the technical act. At the last point - after correctly humiliating Roma receivers with his huge amazing serve - a serve like this really sound as an insult, like "let's see if you are able to receive at least that serve", or "I've already won that match, I can do whatever I want" (who respect the opponents fight at his best until the last point... And I don't think this is Juantorena best serve...)
I wasn't there, but a friend of mine said to me that he has "a laughing face" when he did it. I will pay attention on it tomorrow... But also in volleyball.it they underlined it.
Also Segala, radiocronist of Trentino matches, complained about this action. And Giani and his player too...
BTW, Osmany apologized: he uses to try this kind of serve in training and it seemed to him the perfect opportunities (for the roof of the PalaTiziano and for the match situation) to try it, and that for him was also a bet with his team (that can explain the laugh, I imagine).

I guess he probably didn't realized that his action could offend Roma fans and players, but as Peter Parker said, "great powers lead to great responsabilties"... He is the best server in the world right now, he has to be an example.
Is exactly the fact that in serve he did what he wanted to that makes this action so irrespectful for the opponents, raylight!!!!
If Lebl after serving jump-serve serveral times and constantly putting the ball in the middle of the net (that happened more than once)) chosed to serve like Osmany did, it woudln't have been offensive for the opponents (but probably the fans of his own team would have whistled him xD)
Whereas Osmany action said: "you showed that you are so incompetent that I can afford to serve even like a 13 years old kid vs you not being afraid of losing the match". And remember that he did it laughing.
I won't be surprised that we serve always on the libero, I remember vs Cuneo in 4 sets we served 4 times on Wjisman that had 25% positive and 0%, and thousand time on Henno and Ngapeth xD

BTW, I couldn't watch the match (I'll tomorrow evening, tough), but I read that at 24-17 of the 4th set (after being serving from 19-17 to 24-17 I think), Osmany served (laughing and after speaking with Stoitchev) a "sky ball", like someone use in beach volley (I've only seen Daniele Lupo doing that), serving ... I don't know how to say that... like in U13,when you keep the ball in your left hand under the chest level and hit it from down with the right hand...

I'm mad at him, how you dare to disrespect your opponents like that??!! Giani said he was really sorry about this lack of respect, and that it has never happened to see smth like this in his whole career. MRoma fans were really upset about that, and Trentino fans apologize for Osmany behaviour. I can't believe he did smth like that. Shame.

ps: when I checked the results I didn't pay attention on Ravenna winning 3:0!! I'm glad for them! Monza took 1 pint to Macerata, I have to check if Conte played or not (there was smth about his tranfer documents...)
Great player and dynamic video, but I expected to see more aces, because imo the serve is his main skill, so it has to be really emphatized ;)
u15 I guess nowhere....
I watched the finals of Junior league (it's u20...Lanza, 4th Trento spiker, was the MVP of the JL finals) I think on sportube, but honestly I've no idea where to look for an archieve...
Only one difect... it was at 3 am xD
Facundo+Lucianito back togheter, wowowowowo!!! ?DD

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