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Server- Tietiuchin (amazing guy wish Poland had 35 years old players like him)
Blocker- Abrosimov (very nice, 8 blocks in the final game)
Scorer- Mikhaylov (as usually, 22 years old brilliant)
Spiker- Kaziyski (amazing attack performance, but also serve and block)
Setter- Ball (masterpiece)
Libero- Bari (not a good game against Jastrzębie, but as the whole team Trentino he showed the real value in the final)
MVP- Juantorena (very universal as we got used to it)

Edit: Forgot to add Veres was the best receiver.
Amazing game. so many outstanding actions! Congratulations for both teams.
Do I have to remind last year's F4? Trentino hardly beats Bled and they destroy Dinamo in the final. For me that match against Jastrzębski told us nothing.
Joel I guess he's talking about the Final Four tournament and the road Jastrzębski had.

Oli you told me the same I had told you...
Have to say that was impressing.
Zależy jak kto definiuje dno. Taki Witold Roman jak dla mnie ma jednak coś rzeczowego do powiedzenia, w przeciwieństwie do szpeców Polskratowych. Oni się w ogóle nie poczuwają, nie wspominam nawet o wystawieniu nosa dalej niż swoje podwórko (to by był chyba koniec świata) ale o przygotowaniu się do transmisji w stopniu podstawowym. Czasem aż żal ściska, jakie pierdoły potrafią popychać zwyczajnie dlatego, że np nie chciało im się chociażby przeglądnąć składów, a stronniczość to już druga sprawa. Jedynie Lepa zachowuję krztę profesjonalizmu, i choć bliżej mu do kopanej niż do siatkówki to stara się wnosić coś merytorycznego do swoich transmisji.
Serbia - Bulgaria (SET4) 13 anni fa +1
I cheered Bulgaria for the last 2 seasons, but finally we have a coach, not a biased pussy so Bulgaria's gonna be my no.2 again. Don't know if it makes you happier.
"Jastrzebski wont get the final att all"

As well as Noliko wouldn't have had much chances. Only a miracle can make Trento lose against these teams, of course miracles happen, occasionally, and none can be 100% sure.
JRios could you quote that? I don't like when somebody puts in my mouth words I've never said. I don't even know what you mean saying "Dinamo x Trento final is impossible". I fully understand your satisfaction and excitement, but I never argued about any predictions, cause simply couldn't be sure about them. The only result I predicted well was Zenit advance.

Maybe you're talking about the original CL F4 allotment?
Mogli zbojkotować rozgrywki, reguły były znane parę miesięcy temu. Może i mają rację, ale ta racja w żadnym wypadku nie może być usprawiedliwieniem porażki, chyba, że inaczej pojmujesz zachowanie/postawę godne sportowca, tym bardziej profesjonalnego.
Śmiać mi się chce, jak widzę coraz to nowe artykuły, w których kolejni zawodnicy Skry jako główną przyczynę porażki z Zenitem podają niesprawiedliwy system, przypomina mi to furię małego, rozwydrzonego bachora, którego rówieśnicy nie bawią się po jego myśli. Tyle, że dziecko można tłumaczyć tym, że jest dzieckiem...
Mi tam już zawsze ta muzyczka będzie się kojarzyła z WCH2010 Highlights, a w sumie "stary" filmik o Stanleyu był ok.
jacek torres originally it was written at CEV website that Trento will face the winner of Skra-Zenit and Jastrzebie/Noliko - Dinamo/Cuneo. But of course 2 teams from the same country can't meet up in the final, so the pairs are Trento-Jastrzebski and Zenit-Dinamo.
That action by Grbic was nice, indeed.
I know the road was convenient for "Ptoki" but they didn't waste their chance! It's always nice to see a polish team in Final Four after 8years!
hahaahahahahha I have no words for them : D !!! Just sooooo unpredictable team.
Yes, the rule says 2 teams from the same country can't play in the final, so it all depends on the results. If Cuneo manages to win they'll play against Trento, and if both Russian teams advance they'll make a pair.
It wasn't a nice rally, it wasn't even proper. Lots of errors. "It could be great attack, but probably (if Wlazły wouldn't be hitted) it would be out." Just like many of the serves that go over 110km/h with almost no rotation. That's a thing which happens so often, that nobody even cares whether it would be in or not, when the rally finishes (unless you have bullet time). Just try to avoid that one ; )
Trentino will face the winner of Dinamo-Cuneo, the winners of Skra/Zenit and Jastrzebski/Noliko will make the second semi-final.

F4 on 26-27 March, Trentino will play the first semi at 15:00, the next one starts 3 hours later.
Serie A - 22nd round 13 anni fa +1
They're training for CL, but I think the main reason is some heavy lifting in the gym.

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