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Ciudad Habana, Cuba
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if cuba open this posibilities in two years why will be the Nº1 in the world i dont think only whit juantorena are olympics champion. Juantorena its just a man i think whit marshall and dennis and Rolando Despaigne we will complete. but this its just a idea.
i want to see this fourth games against bulgaria if his possible. to the bulgarian fans anybody knows a website for watch the games ???? or other solution i think this games will be put on the bulgarian tv, what are the solutions for this??.
http://www.jit.cu/home/news.asp?idNews=27222 this is the final list for cuba if anybody have a question about the role of player i will respond .

may be but they continoues young i want to see DImitri and Mikhaylov they have potencial to take of rusia and lead to the victory, the only problem whit russia is the setter. Grankine and butko sucks :)
brasil, will win this shi.... t again and you know what because they have the most experiment team in this competetion. only rest ricardo,heller and andre nascimento of the 2004 team also anderson but this other history. Brasil champion again, rusia i dont think so they are young to young . serbia well they have star again but not like cuba they have 4 or five good players cuba well we star again from 0 i this moment i see my team in the 3rd position of the group. its sad. ;(
Yesterday the DT of cuba Orlando Samuels talk with the media and not make a mention of the problem of simon. the results its Simon left ( nobody know the causes), Leal its out to, Hierrezuelo dont go because he have a injury, Isbel Mesa(2,04) Midle blocker dont go to because he have a problems in his legs and weell the Midleblockers for cuba are small, Camejo(2,02), Albo(2,01) 19 years, Perdomo(2.01) 18 years and well the rest of the team will be the guys Leon,Cepeda(he will be put in the same positionof of leal) to receive the balls, Fernando Hernadez as a opposite and well Keibel Gutierrez as a libero, they go to bulgaria on monday and he will play around 4 matches with the bulgarian team before star play the WL. so i want opinions of you guys will place will take cuba in the intercontinental round?? in the group D??
its offical the midle blocker Lucas Saatkaamp 2,09 leaves the Volei Futuro and go to the new time RJX
thanks NXT i think this to they must be contact whit some player in cuba can be leal or not but in all cases if leal leaves the island ilegaly he has to wait 2 years and that law its the law of the fivb and not cuba. but anyway i read recently about 10 minutes that a reunion was organized by the autorithies in cuba they can leave more stars leave the NT will be a crisis again. when simon take his desition others playes want to follow him but only leal go the others dont have passport and they can follow in this adventure so the autorities star to think in stop this and forguive the others cuban stars like marshall and dennis and you know give a oportunitie to the boy for play out from the island this reunion was in secret and its not officialy this descition i think when the world league would finished they talk more and more deedp about the question. this if they leave the cubans play will be open the market again not only europeans or brasilians now cubans to. will see in the next month.

For Kl15 as the girls of my team the italy of men going down in the 2000 and well now whit new guys but i dont see nothing special in this team. who will be the setter?? i only know lasko, ivan zaytsev( this guy have talented for me this is the best option in the future for italy, travica, della llunga, and well bari( he sucks for moments XD) but they have a structure whit not huge stars just a strong and equals players. they have to try beat france first in the opening weekend and the second try to win cuba 1 game or you kknow two games. i dont know who will be the cuban team wihtout simon.

sorry XD i forguet Christian savani.
what do you think a team whit simon volkov, and the actual players of trentino?. trentino dont have efficients MB sala and biarreli. the italian volleyball in this moments sucks. the foreigns player lead the italian league. and well the next year copra will be join to the party wiht trentino and cuneo they are make a strong team. modena i think will be low his level. i dont know about the future but i wanna see simon, sanchez, leon and leal also hierrezuelo whit the t-shit of some club. will awesome but just one day.
Well Guys a i have notices from the island and its oficial now Simon dont play anymore fo cuba i friend told me its seems he and simon go to the theater for watch a movie and them he confirme this notice. haas been 4 years whit simon in the Nt he start whit 18 years old and well finish his carrer in the nt whit only 23 years old he need two years for play in clubs s in the 2013 more or less he can be play in some team. its all gentleman simon is already out .
but i dont know the journalist mentioned the name of leal, why him ?? leon its good to and cuba has other player around the world, i dont know gentleman but i think they mentioned leal for a good reason, anyway we have to wait for the conlusion of this history.
Bulgaria - Cuba 13 anni fa -3
one more time simon the best at 2:18:37
http://www.zw.com.pl/artykul/1,594997.html in the last part of this polish article they talk about Leal as a future contract for the PGE Belchatow i dont know can you guys of girl poles translate this article for the fans. im interested.
i have some news and i apreciate for the poles here translate the last paragrah. http://www.zw.com.pl/artykul/1,594997.html i think they talk about leal and assign a contract with the PGE Belchatow a idont know much can zyta or anyone make a translation? thanks.
i think this is more for force or make a request to Juantorena for come back to play to the national team, Juantorena was suspended in 2006 by ilegal consume of cocain or something about drugs in the sports and they come on to the light in 2009 but he married wiht a italian and they leave the island legally. i dont now the plans of the cuban federation i only want to see play my team soon. I want to knoe the channell for watch the friendly game of cuba and bulgaria before the world league if exist this possibility.
its official go to fivb website they have leon has a big notice whit a old pic of him and says "Leon one of the most young captain in the histroy of the world league". Its sad simon remain in the list but i know as all of you that in the final list of 14 players for cuba he will be out.
come on the important is that my country and the goverment is a shit, poor and shit, the ventilation system was broken in the last year that was the reason of the close of Ciudad Deportiva Hall the home of my team tehy not have money for nothing only the hope for still playing volleyball .

This notice come out today in a jornal of my country and i think its official

The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) has published today the list of the 19 Cuban volleyball players may participate in the XXII World League, which opens on 27 May come in several cities on the planet.

A priori, the main novelties are the promotion of Cuban Wilfredo León estelarísimo the role of captain, with only 17 years instead of the central attacker Robertlandy Simon, as well as the absence from the roster of Joandy Leal corner striker, who was ranked as holder during the last two seasons the team.

According to sources in the National Volleyball Leal downward due to difficulties in the teaching aspect, which is an exclusionary criterion in the Cuban sports system.

Another is the striking absence of Mesa Isbel, a young main attacker is injured for several weeks. The remaining two deletions in this court are final and Samy Bisset Yordan Lazaro Gomez.

The press release accompanying the payroll FIVB highlighted as key players of the cast, along with Leon, the pin Yoandri Diaz, Fernando Hernández opposite attacker, the auxiliary Rolando Cepeda, Osmani Camejo central and Gutiérrez Keibir libero.

The mention of Yoandri Diaz surely do first, after learning that the owner Raidel Hierrezuelo of discomfort in one of his wrists and is unknown to date.

The team will be led again by Orlando Samuels, aided by Idalberto Valdés and Nicolas Vives.

Last season, the selection tricolor finished fourth in the league and second in the World Championships in Italy.

This time appears located in Group D with Italy, France and South Korea
well i want to give thanks for all suport and all the coments in this page all are fans of volleyball but not all are fans of cuba so i want to give thanks realy for the first and the last word of all you guys and i hope this world league stil clean and confrotabe like the others its a shmae brasil will take a gold again but i still hope in my crew. thanks guys whit this i say "thanks" 4 times
The president of the cuban Federation of Volleyball was in the last 5 years until now the ex-setter Raul Diago he was captain once time of cuba well the problem was that he are the agent bussines of Simon and he has great plains for him in first step, he is already try to find a Club for simon and open the possibilities for cuban players plays in the NT and in a Club and get more experience. But the people of the goverments and the other leaders thinks always that a professional sportsman when go to the Nt always play for money and dont take serious his role in the Nt and play much better in club and they decided fired DIag, thats is one of the reason the next step was terminate the Internet service to Simon this they can do it because they keep controled all and well simon decided by his own left the team forever and leal , leal was suspended a 3 months ago because they almost fight with samuel, they always have a discussion because samuels dont like him. and thats my friend is the history. NightFOx i know that is soon to give the Captain role to leon but in cuba you dont have a choice we never will be a team strong like brasil or rusia but you and me know that cuba have in the world the best players of volleyball Marshall,Dennis,Juantorena, Portuondo , Poey, Oreol Camejo , Rolando jurquin Despaigne, Simon and Leon all the players of cuba for me represent the best in the volleyball world its a shame that this guys never will play for cuba again ?

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