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Poland - Cuba 12 anni fa 0
1-st step...10 more steps left;)
I think you made it Andrea (good mood in NT)...after winning bronze medals in WL and EC they feel much stronger now...moreover NT have Zagumny now who is brain of the team. He can give a calmness in important moments...So like spanish people usuall saying - A POR TODAS POLSKA!?
Yep...really thriller. But in my opinion we was a little bit better in this game. But it's obvious i lost a lot of my vitality (really stresfull game)?
JRios You Bet, you lost, I won...maybe next time
This is World Cup man...everybody is strong here. You need to worryabout every opponent. Personally i suppose than Poland will win tomorrow because they are in good mood, nice shape and Serbians will play with a knife to the troath and this situation could mistakes happend...
we beat them in last 15 official games and i hope so we beat them 16-th time in a row
Paweł Zagumny 12 anni fa -1
Best setter: World Championship 2006, World League 2007, Olympic Games 2008, European Championship 2009 and now i really HOPE SO: best setter World Cup 2011 - only goal which left:)...so go for it GUMA - you deserve
League, players, halls, fans - proud to be a citizen in this country:)
serving show and perfect camera to show this;)
Anastasi should take him...not only now when Kosok is injured but normally when all MB in Poland are healthfull. Comm'on AA TAKE HIM!
Pliński has his own class?...i'm still missing him in NT
Skra - Tours: Daniel Pliński 17 points (5 blocks) with 92% in attack?
Because that films are on youtube...You can't watch YT in your country. sorry
fenerbahce definetely not...
- Nowakowski! - Panie kapitanie melduje się na rozkaz w 3 metrze:P
Gasparini against Padwa: 37 points and 11...aces:O
Quadruple Block 12 anni fa -1
It is not enough for you I can't say more...They teach in University thet the block attempt is fault too...Now i was thinking that this rule was changed. For this i was askinkg a referee who told me this same... BTW Keep searching maybe you'll find something. Regards
Brook Billings 12 anni fa 0
...i zawsze z ochraniaczem na zębach;) jak typowy bokser przed pojedynkiem
Quadruple Block 12 anni fa -1
KoMoDo "Quote" is "Zitat" in german?
back to topic: I know that beecause i was really courious about this situation and i was looking situation like this one in my papers from University (coach volleyball course) more I askinkg my friend who is referee. So when you jump to block like 4-th one - this is a blocking attempt and this is a fault.
P.S. We can imagine this situation simple. When you are attacking the ball and you have 4 blockers front of you is more difficult to attack. More net space is covered. Cheers
PlusLiga MVP awards 12 anni fa 0
I added foreign players and compare them with Polish players

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