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4 anni fa


phenomenon :D
I watched the match on tv....honestly i didn't notice such a big difference between Jan's and Matey's performance, but i find nothing weird if Stokr was awarded as mvp.

handan: i'm a fan of Zaytsev but, trust me, i wouldn't say he's the best mvp of the league so far.
Alexander Butko 12 anni fa +2
No, no you didn't understand me. In Italy we can choose among many kinds of highschools. If you prefer to study Math, Physics, Scienific Subjects in general, you can attend "Liceo Scientifico"; if you prefer to study Grammar, History, Literature etc. you can choose "Liceo Classico", and so on (we have so many). I decided to attend Liceo Classico and, among the main subjects, I had to study Latin and Grecian. Is it clear now?? :) Will you have to study Greek or Grecian? :)
Alexander Butko 12 anni fa +1
I studied Ancient Languages at highschool and Modern Languages at University :D
Alexander Butko 12 anni fa +1
@tysia: well, i'm actually not worried about cases, numbers, tenses and persons ect. 'cause some of these things are in Italian as well, and others are common in Ancient Languages, so i'm pretty used to recognizing them (I studied both Latin and Grecian i.e. Ancient Greek)! My main problem is pronunciation and familiarizing with spelling' rules and words' written forms :)
qsek: you're right!
uhuh...Kevin....one of your favourites Berny ;)
Alexander Butko 12 anni fa +2
@tysia: i can't actually say it's the hardest language IN THE WORLD....you know, maybe SWAHILI is more difficult :D But, as a matter of fact , it's pretty hard....harder than English, French and Spanish, for sure :D
Alexander Butko 12 anni fa +1
@tysia: my Polish lessons? Well...they could be better... I mean, I confess i haven't studied much lately :P
Giuseppe Patriarca 12 anni fa +2
Berny, you're right ;) Amon Amarth :) ... well ... let's say they do not find favour with everybody's tastes :D
HCLT: I already do that, dear ;)
Alexander Butko 12 anni fa +2
@Sllaveq: your current avatar is actually pretty unsettling dear :) I preferred the one you had before ...although Rado's eyes freak me out sometimes :D ps. interesting discussion indeed this one about Kureks and Butkos in Bulgarian language!! haha Once i've mastered Polish language, I think I shall start studying Bulgarian too :D
Giuseppe Patriarca 12 anni fa 0
bitka: haha, nice ;)
I'm still waiting for a video or something showing vball players when pogoing on a heavy-metal song hahah :D Can you find something like that for me Henrique? ;)
ooohhhhh...but they danced so lovely!!! :)
Kjeld...if you prefer a slap in your face instead of a kiss :o okay man, everyone has his own tastes :D BTW, I know your heart belongs to raylight...as mine is Berny's ;p ahahah..... ...... I just wanted to show you how i have appreciated your musical choice here :)
Giuseppe Patriarca 12 anni fa +2
Giuseppe is a very good player. As some of you already wrote, his way of playing focuses more on technique than on power or strength. This is a value but, especially in men volleyball, can be a limit at the same time. Men vball (nowadays more than ever) is mainly based on phisycal strength. It's not like in women vball, where technique is the most important thing...and, in fact, if I want to appreciate some specific game action, I usually prefer to watch it when played by girls. So probably that's the reason why he never got bigger success he would have deserved (it's just my opinion guys). @Berny: does this song destroy your years??? hahah...'cause you've never listened to anything from Slipknot or Slayer or Amon Amarth :D
Wijsmans is great!! And he showed what an excellent player he is, right in this match here against Modena... gosh... the first 2 sets were awful for him...he was taken apart by CasaModena in reception and defense :( BUT, he didn't give up and was able to react and dramatically change his performance from 3rd set on!! That's the difference between being a good player and being a champion ;) Chapeau :D
So Drago is able to play with MB too!!! He should remember that more often ;)
MRoma had three awful results in a row: they were defeated by Piacenza, Monza and Padova. After these 3 matches they only gained 1 point :( The funniest thing is that before this series of matches, Roma was pretty confident they would have won them all :o And next match for them is against Modena (if I'm not wrong) :( :o I won't add anything more, 'cause i've already spoken out my mind about them in the proper discussion. raylight: curious nice song ;)

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