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Todorov is everything but a looser. One of the few Bulgarian players, who are constant as level of play no matter of the phase or importance of the game. And from the viideo which NightFox did everyone can see his abilities (he has a lot to improve, btw)
The worst part is that when Zlatanov was young, his father talked with Bulgarian Federation are there chances to play for the NT and they refused. Bulgaria never send him invitation. There was never something to decide, since he never had the opportunity to play for us
I like the music :D
Tsvetan Sokolov 13 anni fa -2
The Spike and Block are not correct. Nikolov said in interview in 2009 that Sokolov is reaching 360 cm, and he was 19 years old then
Marshall - 383 cm. When Kazyiski reached 379 cm, Muserski had 378 cm and he was very young then. Leon possibly will have high reach, he has over 350 cm and is only 17!
Artur Augustyn 13 anni fa +1
I hope he will be OK :)
"See Roger Federer, he’s a little bit old now, but since he broke the record of Grand Slam titles, he wasn’t the same. Imagine Brazil winning the 2010 worlds with the back-up setter, with their main star injured, and a bunch of rookies playing. I got bored as f... Why didn’t they just finish 5th or 6th?" BECAUSE THEY CHEATED ;)
Henrique, I think that you are just jealous that Bulgaria didn't do the mistake of Brazil and that we have Cuban-like players in our team :D
Three things I forgot to tell you: 1) Stoychev is on the same opinion as you for Bulgarian NT players - only Vlado and Matey are complete players, everyone else needs improvement. 2) Prandi said about Todorov last spring before the injury that already he is one of the best blockers in Europe 3) The word "inferior" is impolite. It reminds me of racist rhetorics in English.
Artur Augustyn 13 anni fa 0
Will we see him in Polish NT? :))
Henrique, "Todorov is a great talent" is plain, old simple truth. Everyone can see it. About experience and know - how, I wrote enough on the subject, very clearly.
Henrique, I don't see arguments, contradicting to my thesis about Cuba being a treat to Brazil. Inferior do not mean "can't beat you in 5 sets" and throw you out from the semifinals, it means that they are not getting so much titles in a row, may be. Bulgaria NT wanted to lose, but didn't play to lose. That's the difference ;)
Only Kazyisky on high level for Trentino. Cuneo played smart
Jan Štokr 13 anni fa +1
I want video of Matin Liebl, please :)
Very well done. And he thinks that this is his weak component :)
Experience is know-how, it is not attached to certain figures ad hoc
I don't think that Cuba is inferior to Brazil generally. Brazil has experience as a team and as a coach, they are better technically, but in phase 3 the danger of losing was very high. I am not bringing the subject "playing - to - lose", I mentioned it as proof, that Cuba was a treat to Brazil at certain stage of the tournament. P.S. Our players played to win. Playing for victory with second squad is more legitimate than playing to lose with first squad for two reasons: 1) Second squad means more rest for the strongest players 2) The blame is on the coach, not on the whole team
Henrique, if Cuba was not treat for Brazil, why then Brazil lost from our second squad? 1) Either Bulgaria second squad is stronger than Brazil NT 2) Or Brazil NT didn't want to meet Cuba at this stage. Bernardo didn't want. Playing final is not so much about the skill, as the experience. Once you've played and won couple of finals it is very hard to loose any.
Revan, when I said that Todorov can block Simon, I didn't mean that he will win the battle against him, I said, that he is able to block him
Todorov had injury. And I didn't said he is the best, I too think that Simon is the best MB in the world. I just say, that Todorov can block him. He can block anyone

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