Su di me

I'm 26 years old volleyball fan from Poland, right now I live in London. In my free time I always try to find some time for my hobby, to make some new movies. Hope that you enjoy my work, more info about me you can find on my facebook page, cheers.

Dati del tifoso

University of Rzeszow (Physical Education)
Classifica punti
Visualizzazioni profilo
Ultima attività
6 mesi fa

Profili social


W sumie fajnie też by było jakby każdy mógł dodawać ulubione filmy tak jak na Youtubie a nie cały czas wyszukiwać w wyszukiwarce,tylko nie wiem czy znajdzie się na to miejsce w profilach
Suprise for friends 12 anni fa +2
Thanks everybody for help we win
First place 404 votes(my friends ?)
Second place 366 votes
If someone doesn't know,you can see this video in HD 1.Turn on the movie 2.Then click on the name of the HD 3.You will see the writing "Guess what, you can watch this video in High Definition on Vimeo" 4.Click "watch this video in High Definition on Vimeo" 5.Video link you will be in a new tab 6.Now just turn on the video and enjoy the HD quality Much better how you see :)
The Corrs - Breathless
Yesterday I sat through 5 in the morning to do a movie about him,today in the morning i send video on youtube but the song was blocked,of course movie on dailymotion also was rejected like on youtube how you see on vimeo is very bad quality but I had no strength to create new movie with new music: ( honestly it doesn't surprise me that i got ratings such as seen
Zbyszek wymiata bez dwóch zdań od 1:19 do 1:24 :D Najlepsze :D
Gavin Schmitt blocks 12 anni fa 0
21 tys wyswietleń dzisiejszego dnia (i ciągle rośnie będzie rekord :D) chyba komuś się musiało nudzić :D
I would like to cordially thank all who contribute to the development of our site, special thanks to vViktor, paw-e-l and chrison.They do a great job on this site.I thank everyone who gave me five for my movies and thank you for your kind comments on my videos, which encourage further works.Special thanks for distinction my movie in this year.I am sure that in the next year will be even more videos, comments and new, interesting persons joining to the page.Thank you all and I hope that everybody will be likes my new movies in the new year.
Now I wish everyone happy new year,only don't drink too much?
ok dzięki za info a film fajny na 5 :)
a do treści sky sports albo al jazeera nic się nie czepiali ?
Przemku czemu dodałeś film na vimeo a nie na youtube ?brak praw do muzyki ?
song : east clubbers bungee
1:45 one of the best aces I ever seen :o
chrison dodaj tą obronę do Twojego jutrzejszego filmu proszę 2:56 :) chrison add this dig in Your tomorrow movie please 2:56 :)
jacek_torres dwie obrony slow-motion przy tej muzyce zajęły by 10 sekund i popsuły by całkowicie film także sorry ale nawet teraz bym ich nie dodał ;)
I made this movie for 6 months ;)
kurde napisałem tu posta 6 godzin temu i nie wiem gdzie jest :D
to ja jestem dziwnym Polakiem bo dla mnie pan Stanley jest najlepszy :D

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