Does anybody know why on whole wide world Ricardo Lucarelli sits on the bench?

3 anni fa

Does anybody know why on whole wide world Ricardo Lucarelli sits on the bench? Is he injured? Or is Michielleto just that much better?

Also what is happening in Perugia, why is Atanasijević on the bench?

I was guessing it's because of the fact that supercoppa is just beginning of the season...what do you think?

B…8 78
3 anni fa

@jais Congratulations on your comment. I am also interested in why a captain and a player like Atanasijevic is sitting on the bench. Maybe someone from Italy can give us accurate information. Thank you

Happy With VolleyballTW 106
3 anni fa

@jais  I think I read somewhere saying that Atanasijevic has some problems with his knees. 

B…8 78
3 anni fa

@ojvolleyball I'm not sure but so be it

J. P.NL 139
3 anni fa

@ojvolleyball Atanasijevic indeed has been having some knee problems since last season already. he had surgery on May, third. still recovering it seems...

J. P.NL 139
3 anni fa

@jais I looked at Trentino's instagram page and I alsof have yet to see lucarelli attack and block. Only seems to be doing some serving and passing. Also some slight injury I guess

francolinozzBR 1
3 anni fa

@jais  the first few games Lucarelli was sitting because of his father passing away

jaisSI 205
3 anni fa

Alright, then most probably it's about light injuries. It's the beginning of the season anyway, so I guess it's not that important.

I hope that soon they will come back, because Trentino is gonna be quite amazing team with Lucarelli.

It's nice however to see Michieletto play, he really is a prodigy. And it's also nice for Sharone-Evans to get some playing time, as he probably won't get that much when Atanasijević returns. 

jaisSI 205
3 anni fa

In my opinion that's a waste of young player, to go in such a good club where they don't get a lot of playing time (case with Sharone-Evans and also with Marlon Yant). They should stay in smaller team, to play a lot of matches and then go in better teams. What do you think about this?

B…8 78
3 anni fa

@M.J.PPerquin He had surgery and completed rehabilitation. He may not have reached the level of form yet

J. P.NL 139
3 anni fa

@jais well, Perugia's whole team consists of good players when even looking at the bench. But I guess that they reached some good agreements, because I cant see a reason for all those players to join the team when they end up on the bench

jaisSI 205
3 anni fa

@M.J.PPerquin yes, the agreements must be very good for the players. But I don't think that's the best option for a young player, because young players need a lot of matches to test themselves and to get experience.

yuriymandzyakUA 2
3 anni fa

@jais regarding Perugia players - I'm not sure, but most probably it's due to quantity limit of legionnaires at once at the play ground.

jaisSI 205
3 anni fa

@yuriymandzyak what do you mean? I don't get it.. :)