History of matches between two teams

sitenoise 334
2021-02-02 • 1670 weergaven • 3 replies

Maybe there is a quick way to do this I'm not aware of? 

Often, when an upcoming match is important for some reason, I find myself wanting to know the results of previous encounters between the two teams.

I have no idea how it might be implemented, or how difficult it would be. Perhaps hovering over the score of a past or future match could trigger a popup of previous meetings? Or something along the lines of “If they worked together”, we could go to a separate page and type in two teams to get a history?

3 jaar geleden

I have this feature on my web-site. I can show you for example. On each team`s page i have counter with numbers of apperances against individual teams (for example: https://mvolley.com/team/itas-trentino/) if you click on each logo there will be showed matches history between two teams. Also you can go to match page and check match full replay with statistic. In match`s page also there is a block with past meetings (https://mvolley.com/event/trentino-vs-milano-27-01-2021/) 

Volleybox 440
3 jaar geleden

That's a very good idea. I was also thinking about it, but i'm my opinion the most important part is summing up the results and showing statistics. That's the information which volleyball fans are looking for very often and which is mentioned frequently by a volleyball commentators.

Getting list of matches of two specific teams from the db would be an easy task. The most difficult part is where this feature should be placed on the website.

  • New sub-category on the main menu, something like “Teams battles”
    Probably no one will find it and even if someone will find it, they won't understand what's the purpose of that. People don't know the structure of the website (I am talking regularly with some users who are using Volleybox since ~ 8 years and they don't know ~50% of the features). “If they worked together” sub-category was opened 106 times this year. People don't know that such feature exists on Volleybox, I'm pretty sure about it.
  • Hovering a score:
    Probably few people will discover that feature.
    Showing it after hovering a score can be irritating for someone.
  • From my perspective the most intuitive would be showing autocompleter for choosing opposite team (like on the screenshot below).
    It causes another problem: most of users would like to see matches from all seasons (not only from the currently chosen). Probably list of the seasons should be hidden automatically in that case. I'm not sure about that solution also.
sitenoiseAuthor 334 9
3 jaar geleden

@Volleybox  I had always thought of wanting this when viewing a tournament's matches rather than a team's matches. When you start from a team's matches, like in your screenshot, it's a lot more sensible – to pick an opposing team from there rather than two teams from somewhere else in the site. 

I'd like to see all seasons in the results. With most recent on top? Maybe the results list could have demarcations between seasons, in case someone is interested in just a certain season, to make finding it easier?

summing up the results and showing statistics

That would be a great addition.

Throw it on your giant list of things TODO ?