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Serie A - V-DAY 13 jaar geleden 0
I didn't understand the whole question too... btw Stoytchev said that Modena fans in Trento (at the last match) was embarassing, a shame for such a great volleyball clubs (because of his history) that "deserve a better public". What I don't know is what exactly the fans did, I think they were offensive and similar stuff.
Bagnoli blamed Stoytchev about that and I think I belived that Stoytchev annoyed to much the second referee, that complained to much about few choises. So he called Stoytchev "apprentice", he said smth like "ok, he is new, he is working as coach in A1 for few years". And at the press conference with Bruno before he left modena the setter said the almost the same, and he add that Stoytchev was really annoying.

That's a general picture of the situation=)
Curiosity: until now to june Juantorena will play in Qatar for AL Araby, with Omrcen. They'll try to win (Omrcen to win again, and with the same club i think) the Emirates Cup and after the King Cup. Their first "enemy" will be Al Rayan (the last champion) with Wijsman and Miljkovic (I didn't realize Milijkovic isn't in serbia NT anymore! Starovic will be the first opposite?).
Last year Juantorena did the same but with Qatar sports club. (after he'll go to Cuba to rest, and in agoust he'll come back to Trento)
how many!!!
Mory Sidibe of Noliko Maaseik second opposite in Piacenza (with Nikolov first opposite)
Akolita you read my mind?
I wanted to wrote "Torre confirmed in castellana (A2) to be the second setter of the team, with Marco Falaschi first setter"
I think they really want to come back in A1 as soon as possible, they keep also Milushev and they have Monti (from Monza, 4th in regoular season) as coach. Chanche for few other confirmations.

still about Macerata, seems that Parodi had to wait for a long period -may be december- to come back (O____________O noo! I hoped he'll play at European championship!) so they want also good subs.
Seems Macerata can be interested in Peda.
Modena wants Winiarski to play with Anderson.

Voices about Uriarte on the way for San Giustino, may be with the connational Facundo (but I want him in Rome if he is going to chose a club not committed in european tournament!XD). He really liked this year in Macerata but his contract ended and he don't want to be Savani and parodi subs (I agree with him, he deserves to be in a club where he can play as titoular!), so is definitly leaving the team.

Serie A - V-DAY 13 jaar geleden 0
Ok, but I'm sorry because I can't "traslate" the rythm=)

"the apprentice coach won the tricolour" (tricolour= italian flag=scudetto, it's quite used)

because Bagnoli (and Bruno) called him "apprentice" after the last macth of the semifinals

About Lube Macerata:
in a few day they will officialized Travica. They looked for Sintini as second setter but he chose Poland (to be in the starting six). Seems that exist a contract with Exiga, but actually they are really thinking about keeping paparoni, also for the question of the numbers of italian on the court (even if with Travica, Savani, Parodi as italian and Omrcen, Podraskanin, Stankovic as foreign they are allowed to have another foreign on the court); for the second setter they probably will have an italian setter (Boninfante, Monopoli..); as third MB may be Stefano Patriarca (it'd be a coming back). also rumors about Smerilli as second setter (bah, I think it's better for him to be the first libero in Verona or somewhere else...). Nothing about Van Walle/second opposite.
yes, this one was his best match, he said that in an interview=) I really like Podraskanin too, he is a really good blocker! Unfortunally in the last period Mastro didn't spike at his best.
Serie A - V-DAY 13 jaar geleden 0
Don't worry, when they celebrated the scudetto on monday the fans singed "L'apprendista allenatore ha vinto il tricolore!!" (apprendista come l'aveva chiamato bagnoli). I think they are aware of the skill of their coach?
btw, which clubs will join the CL next year? For Italy Trento, Cuneo, Macerata.
@DAVE, don't know!

Veres stay in Dinamo Mosca.
about russia, do you heard about the new formula for the championship?
Despaigne is in prrof in Ravenna; seems that also Kooy and Kooistra will leave Modena; Zanini officially new coach of Monza for 2-3 years
I read here: that the police of Cuba discovered that Simon, Leal and Hierrezuelo decided to escape during the world league, and they will be interrogated.
In this article they also say that Diago (president of the federation) was arrested and released. Seems he is hiding a part of the prizes of the last world championship.
don't worry;), I don't need you to convince me about Wijsman, I really like him=)
AZS Częstochowa 2010/11 13 jaar geleden 0
really?I'm surprised!
probably one of the best match form Trento and one of the worst from Cuneo. I hoped they can manage to win also this final, even iwithout Parodi, I was optimist, but of course I was also aware that it was hard to win the 4th final in a row (and always against Trento!). btw, I've never expected Cuneo to lose almost without playing. Trento worked a lot this year, and because they dominated this match they actually deserved to win, but Cuneo deserved a better end (I'm not saying they deserve to win more than Trento - I think the two team were equal in "deserving" - but they didn't deserve this 3:0)
this action was AMAZING, juantorena's spike just unbelivable!
casamodena, I wish I know!! Until now MRoma has only 3 certanitlies: Zaytsev, Giani and no more Cupkovic. And rumors about Paparoni from Macerata, but actually we have Cesarini that improved a lot this year so the libero is the last of our thoughts!
btw, Poey still has two years of contract

@decu10: "in Cuneo will play Flavio Gulinelli... " ehehe I doubt I will play, he is the new coach? (from Castellana Grotte->second -amazing- part of this season)

other rumors: Diaz probably NOT to Vibo, Cuneo still interested in Conte but with no rush because N'gapeth didn't signed with Ankara (Conte today spoke with Gabeca in Monza). Padova is looking for Casoli. modena interested in winiarski or horstink (still no news from Treviso...)
yes I agree, the same as Juantorena...
but jiori kovar is a best spiker than riceiver, isn't he?
Rumors about Sintini in Poland with Bernardi (and with Lasko, probably);
Is possible that Baranowicz will be Cuneo second setter (after Grbic)

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