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4 jaar geleden


Great highlights. And better feeling of the new rules. The touches that weren't so clear weren't called as double. In Plusliga referees are too restrictive- it kills spectacle.
You've mentioned very important thing. Every time I said unfair I ment more random.

I think that the competition without randomness can be boring (for example very long sets to 50 points). Yes- the golden set is rather random, but it is something like extra-time (you know). In my opinion it should be played only in case of the tie in the points. It'll be more fair (less random) in the case of play-off.

PS. I don't think that Dinamo cheated. They've just had more luck.

Yes, it would be the most fair solution, but very often the second matches weren't so exciting. For example: Resovia-Trentino. After a tight first set won by Trentino everything was clear.

The solution with point counting is more fair than golden set and more exciting that the set counting rule.
Yes. The games would be still exciting and better teams would have win!
Yes, it is unfair rule, but I don't think that Dynamo losed the match on purpose. They were worse and than they motivated themselves for golden set.

Let's talk about the golden set rule here:
SKRA WRONG? 11 jaar geleden 0
He knows that he might had an injury problems with receivers... and he fired Cala. It's ridiculous.

Wlazły lose his efficiency as a receiver.

With better reception it would be possible to play middle. Kooistra can score 10 or more points in a match. They have also Pliński and Kłos, so it is waste of their potential in attack.
SKRA WRONG? 11 jaar geleden +1
Some injuries... But it's Nawrocki's genious plan at most I think ?

Why don't we play with Winiarski & Bąkiewicz on reception and Wlazły in attack? I don't know. It's a part of a plan ofthis genious coach.

PS. I wouldn't say anything about he's secret plan with hiring Cala and then fire him.
Gavin Schmitt 3rd meter spike 11 jaar geleden 0
Look at the libero :D
I don't think so. Markin plays quite well. They have a chance and they can do it. We'll see.
What a match in Noliko !!! We'll se what happen. Waiting fortie-break...

ZAKSA !!! Oh my God...
I am VERY impressed by Belgians. Wish You luck next time!!!

1. Maxim Mikhaylov
2. Osmany Juantorena
3. Krzysztof Ignaczak
In My Honest Opinion
Are you asking about the shortcut or about my opinion?
TOP10 plays of BYU in 2012 11 jaar geleden 0
Fantastic crowd. I wanna feel this atmosphere !!! Taylor Sander RULES !!! If I was a scout from any team he would be the first on my list.
I'm still impressed by Noliko. They played good and it'll be hard in the second match. But if ZAKSA would play their best Noliko won't be able to beat them IMHO.
We restpect Belgian team, but I still think that ZAKSA is better and 3:0 is very possible result. We'll see ?

Did somebody watched Dynamo-Trentino ? Very interesting result...
Very interesting view and good quality. Good job.
Warsaw - Let's play together! 11 jaar geleden +2
I think that we can organise not only one meeting, but more. I hope that in summer we can meet with not only Polish users but from other countries as well. I hope You will be there!
Warsaw - Let's play together! 11 jaar geleden +2
Świetny pomysł z tym meczem. Zastanawiałem się jakby tu się podzielić na jakieś dwie drużyny i ten pomysł jest chyba nejlepszy.

Piszmy tutaj jak najwięcej i planujmy powoli to spotkanie, a atmosfera niech się nakręca ?
Warsaw - Let's play together! 11 jaar geleden +1
Ja się mogę zabrać za organizację po sesji egzaminacyjnej. Znajdziemy jakiś dogodny termin i się spotkamy! Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku ?
Warsaw - Let's play together! 11 jaar geleden +1
Nawet nieźle, jest nas coraz więcej. Myślę, że trzeba poczekać na więcej osób i wtedy konkretniej wymyślimy coś z miejscem.

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