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They want to replace Savani. Zaytsev will replace Kooy. Macerata has Kurek, Zaytsev, Parodi, Kovar as OH. But if they don't find an opposite, maybe Zaytsev will play on this position once again.
I don't know Italian language, but I don't think that could be true. I heard that the problem is (of course) money, he could earn much more in Turkey.
Maybe I'm blind , but I don't see anywhere on this link, that Savani can go to ZAKSA.

Maybe it too heavy words, but I don't think that he could help Olsztyn to increase their level of game.

I didn't know it. I just wrote what I read.
Probably Cristian Savani and Hubert Henno will leave Macerata. Dragan Travica may replace Sergei Grankin in Dinamo Moscow.
About Cupkovic- that's right. For me it's not good player, he doesn't fit to team like Skra. I think they should find another reciever, and he doesn't have to be a polish player.
Second opposite will be Muzaj , and I think that could be a good choice for Skra to keep him.
So if Biryukov joins Dinamo Moscow, and Veres stays, it means that Kurek will leave. But not in trade for Savani like I wrote before.
So maybe Jan Stokr ? ? It couldn't be true ;p, he have offers from Turkey, I heard.
Well, if it will be true, what's written in this article, it will be very strange. Keeping player like Anderson only for European Cup, and for Russia Cup- there's also no foreign players limit- means that Zenit want to make very strong team. But there's a question- Is there a player who can put Anderson on the bench? There are few players who can do this. Is Kazyiski that player? Few years ago yes, but now- I' m not pretty sure.

But Lee was signed because of problems with Volkov, who hadn't play for a big part of season, and Alekno wanted a big class middle-blocker.

About Savani- I heard that vould be a trade beetween Dinamo Moscow and Macerata. Savani to Moscow, Kurek to Macerata. But we still don't know if Kurek will play one more season in Russia, or he don't.
I heard that Kazyiski can go to Russia but not to Zenit.He could go to Krasnodar, where coach could be Stoychev.

But you said that Lee will leave Zenit, so if Zygadlo will join, there will be 2 foreign players there: Zygadlo and Anderson so I don't know, why Anderson have to play only in European Cup.
mattador- a ja bym się chciał dowiedzieć skąd masz info o tym że do sovii maja przyjśc Tillie i Taylor Sander.
about Leon- he won't play in any club for next two years. But I heard that something changed in this way, and I don't know, if Cuban players who leaves Cuba , won't play for 2 years.
Well... if fans are not happy about that one of their team's player gets MVP's award, there's something wrong. ;/
Wojciech Grzyb 11 jaar geleden +1
Ostatnio to on w ogóle nie gra ; / a moim zdaniem jest dużo lepszy od Kosoka
Maybe it was in last season, when trentino played with roma volley. situation after Juantorena's service.
There's no player who sees everything like Antiga. Very good defence, still great player:)

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