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8 jaar geleden


Nice shots :)
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden +1
Mecz nic by mu nie dał. Widziałeś jak grał na zmianach? On nie ma techniki, siły, pewności siebie. Niech weźmie się do roboty na treningach. Podobno w Młodej Lidze gra jako przyjmujący.

A tak ogólnie to Janeczek i Konarski grają solidnie i mogą zostać niezłymi atakującymi.
Gustavo Endres 12 jaar geleden +2
Best MB in his prime.Good movie.
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden +1
Świderski wasn't playing at WCH 2010 as far as I remember.

You're right that Mariusz should play for Poland and should reason with PZPS but his decision can be partly justified and there is no need for hate. We just need to find someone else.
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden +2
Nagor It was Wlazly who was criticized the most by PZPS and insulted on every forum by fans who blamed him for not being well prepared for the tournament. Why would he play for people who hate and insult him? Świderski never had been so much attacked by the environment. That's the difference between them and I believe Wlazly would like to play in NT as much as Świderski or anyone else but who could withstand such toxic relation between politics and pseudo fans.

Yes he could have said something different or just stay quiet, yes he could have showed his medical record cause some think it was imagined but this hatred is too much.
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden +1
Nagor look at Paweł Papke who ended his NT career prematurely because of injury (no help from PZPS), Sebastian Świderski (who is a 'wreck' and can't even play in his club, hadn't played in NT from 2008) and Mariusz Wlazły. All sacrificed much for NT and didn't get much help. Bartek Kurek goes the same road and again he may say stop at some point. It's the way how PZPS works, they need to treat players like humans not machines.
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden 0
Harleym I agree with all that you said. It's a shame how our federation works, They care only for money, they don't insure players in case of injuries, they don't pay for surgeries or recoveries when player was injured while training or playing in NT, our president is always the first before the camera to take all the honors but when we don't have a medal our federation cuts off. And the worst part is that they blamed Mariusz for our disaster at WCH 2010, the federation guys and some 'fans' aswell.

I would have done the same as Mariusz, he is brave to talk about it publicly, he couldn't withstand some interviews about him and I guess especially the fans that were whistling at him at Plusliga matches. The truth came out and we'll see how it will go.
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden +1
@prske Winiarski will play in World Cup this year, Zagumny too. Both were recovering before.
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden 0
@Nagor rozumiem, że wolisz pracować dla chama niż powiedzieć mu co o nim sądzisz. Wlazły nie komentował do tej pory swojej absencji w kadrze ale nie wytrzymał po wypowiedzi prezesa. Dobrze postąpił, wyszło jak PZPS traktuje zawodników, a inni zawodnicy widocznie nie chcą być stroną konfliktu i inni zawodnicy też nie mieli tylu poważnych kontuzji, poza Świderskim ale on w kadrze nie grał również od 2008 tak jak Wlazły przez to że za bardzo chciał.
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden 0
Głównie chodzi o to qwerty, że związek kieruje reprezentacją, a PZPS i Wlazły są nie po drodze, związek obwinia Mariusza za niepowodzenia reprezentacji w ważnych imprezach, a kiedy nabawi się kontuzji w sezonie reprezentacyjnym to zostaje na lodzie bo nie ma żadnych ubezpieczeń, a kadra nie sponsoruje operacji czy rehabilitacji. Jak sam napisał gdyby nie Skra prawdopodobnie musiałby się leczyć ze swojej kieszeni i pewnie szukałby innego pracodawcy, a to jest oczywiście ryzyko które musiał ponosić przez niezbyt "profesjonalny" PZPS.
Statement of Mariusz Wlazły 12 jaar geleden 0
Brawo dla Mariusza i brawo dla Skry za pomaganie swoim zawodnikom w potrzebie. Dobrze, że w końcu skomentował to wszystko i wyszło jaki PZPS jest łasy na pieniądze i nie dba o naszych reprezentantów.
Mariusz Wlazły serve 121 km/h 12 jaar geleden +2
Bo Sebastian nigdy nie był tak atakowany ze strony kibiców i działaczy. Teraz mam nadzieję że wszyscy ujadacze uciszą się i przemyślą swoje stanowisko.
Nice one :) Nowakowski gra bardzo efektownie w parze z Tichackiem.
Club World Championships 2011 12 jaar geleden +2
@Kjeldhor JW won't play this year in Champions League or any other European Cup. Last year they ended Plusliga at 7th or 8th place which was a horrible score for them but paradoxically they advanced to Final Four CHL the same year ?
Club World Championships 2011 12 jaar geleden +1
Congratulations to Trento, nice performance on serve and unstoppable Kaziyski, Juantorena and Stokr, actually the whole team ? Jastrzebski isn't tuned at the moment cause 10 new players came to the team this year, they surprised me by beating Kazań and Sesi but winning a final this year would have been too much. Well deserved 1st place for Trento.
Rouzier killed Belchatow in this match, fantastic player.
Michał Kubiak (2nd movie) 12 jaar geleden 0
I like his play style very much. He is balanced in every aspect of the game but he excels at serve which is very strong and regular. Good movie.
Ivan Miljković (4th movie) 12 jaar geleden +1
A legend, Miljkovic plays on cosmic level for so many years and without any injuries. Congratulations to an author of this movie.
Great spikes! But weak first replay, the second replay was fine.
Sisley surprised by losing with Latina and so easily. I guess Piacenza dissapointed too.

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