Autor: CHN_HRQ_Fan

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I'm a fan of Chinese women's volleyball

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Wrong squads 3 lat temu +1

@sitenoise You are for me Expert: “(…)they'll get a little love”, yes and  fan recognition, and fan respect. There is a difference in this recognition and the quality of the game (according to the coach's assessment) between a league player, a league player who has been called up to a wide squad, and a player called up to the national team of a given tournament.  Thank You so much.

Wrong squads 3 lat temu +1

@Sherlock Ok. I understand. Thank You.

Wrong squads 3 lat temu +1

Many teams formulate their Olympic line-up on the basis of, for example, China many months before the Olympics (today there are probably 200 days to the tournament) appoints a very wide line-up including, for example, 24 players who are grouped in a training camp. There are two ways to select the target line-up: Before the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, China had two national teams (First and Second). The first squad participated in some tournaments and the second squad participated in other tournaments. When setting up the target line-up of 12 players, some came from the first and some from the second. Another way is to eliminate players who have not worked well in the coach's concept. To sum up: I propose that the Olympic teams should include the so-called wide compositions based on a potential representative of a given country (eg number on a tshirt in the form "?"). However, before the tournament itself, when 12-person teams will be selected, these numbers in the form of "?" will be replaced by the numbers on the shirts. ("?" change to number 16) This proposal has the advantage that it gives satisfaction to many very good players, who are often removed from the trip to the Olympic tournament a few weeks before the tournament. (Sorry for my English , it is from Google translate)

Chinese Taipei/Taiwan 3 lat temu +1

@Sherlock Yes, for us fans, the concept of “sports nationality” is perhaps a godsend in such difficult situations. Thank You so much.

Chinese Taipei/Taiwan 3 lat temu +1

I agree that the discussed topic belongs to politically and historically complex topics…, but we are volleyball fans. I believe that we should refer to the website of the Asian Volleyball Association (CVA)  and in menu  is in the eighth place in the western zone “CHINESE TAIPEI VOLLEYBALL ASSOCIATION”  . For me every national teams from this organization are  “Chinese Taipei”. 

@sitenoise I do not have this program, it is too expensive for me (it costs around 800 euro / year), besides it is a program used by statisticians. I translate (for me) printouts from this program in the Chinese league. Dataproject website:

@sitenoise I think that the naming of the assembly functions in team and the abbreviations for these functions should follow  "data volley 4" program  of Dataproject's company.

@sitenoise  I don't know anything about creating databases, database search keys. But I find this idea amazing for another reason as well, namely cultural. I know that many players and fans from China, for example, would enjoy it and show respect for their national culture. Therefore, I would be happy if there was a field that could be entered in simplified Chinese, e.g. for the setter Tianjin no. 16 姚 迪 and not only Yao Di. In the cultures of many nations, twisting the name is rude, so I find this idea very good.

@sitenoise Thank You so much. I will try to help slowly …. I don't know chinese and english language. I use only google translate… but I love chinese women's volleyball.

@sitenoise Can I complete the teams roster in the China league season 2020/21 ???

@sitenoise Thank You so much.

@sitenoise I have a question, can I put the results of the matches on your match scores in China?

??Thank You so much for link??

@Sherlock I can only express my hope that it will be right from next season.

@sitenoise  Yes. This is the regulation on the closed system in Jiangmen from November 8, 2020 to December 19, 2020. featuring clubs Tianjin, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shandong, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Fujian, Henan and Hebei. Total 13 clubs. During the registration process, the clubs have until October 30 to provide 12-14 names of players and 6-8 coaches and activists. Together up to 20 people.At the end of the regulation, there are links to .pdf files

@sitenoise Please see the rules of the league competition in China in the 2020/21 season  

@sitenoise Thank You so much.  I do not understand the technique of operating the pages of this portal, but I think I understand your intentions and your desire to improve. Thank You.

@sitenoise  So far, I have used the information from the site  I believe it is better not to reset the database. Better to have data from the previous year than not to have any. You should wait. Patience is a good quality. 

It's a very pity that Sun Jie had to leave the court in the first set at 12:12, it is not known how the match would go on. Bravo Shandong!!! Congratulations Tianjin!

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