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Both of matches were incredible. Kurek was the very best one in court. Also Poland defense system was too fine tuned. I couldn't believe Poland playing like that in defense. Even I was supporting brazilian team, I'm sure Poland was better in both matches (it lost in small details). Anastasi needs to work hard focusing on end of sets. Brazil had no easy weekend with Poland. Playing with this spirit we can expect too much from Poland. Congrats from Chile. PS: Next weekend I will fly from Santiago to Belo Horizonte to see Brazil x USA. I have lots of college friends living in Belo. At the same time I will found them and also see this spetacular match. I hope the match can be like Brazil x Poland.
Ivan Zaytsev block 13 lat temu +2
Well technically speaking Zaytsev is a russian DNA playing for Italy. All of us know how good the russians are in blocking system. Nothing new about this. Nice video, and a good blocking class.
Puerto Rico - Brazil 13 lat temu -1
Puerto Rico team is very bad, it does not deserve be playing WL. For me, Chech Republic, Canada, Spain or the Netherlands are much betters. If Puerto Rico is able to be playing WL, why can't the Chilean team?
AZS Częstochowa 2010/11 13 lat temu 0
Too many sponsors for this team. Few sponsors is bad, but many sponsors is bad too, since there is no space for everyone.
KK15> This is one of our lemmas after the quakes: "Chile reconstruye unido_trabajo voluntario reconstruccion de la zona asolada por lo sismos". Thank you.
Okay NightFox, nice to see that. I can see this is a good starting. As Bernardo says to his players "The last easy day was yesterday". Hope this Trentino methods properly works with the Bulgarians.
Yes, this is true. God was generous with the Chileans. Who lives in moutains is closer of outer space. I'm luck I can see the stars very close from my window. All this beauty has a price: excessive and very strong earthquakes.
Raylight> you are welcome to Chile, when you wish. NightFox> you are absolutely correct, young Bulgaria NT 3 x 2 Poland is a great starting. I strongly believe in the youngers being the future. Who_is_asking> sorry if I offended your patriotism.
Wine, we are among the best wine producers in the world. Also we have the best astronomical observatory placed in the Chilean Andes. The very best one is Hubble, of course! Talking about volleyball Chile has a poor team. In my case, I have four kids (2 girls and 2 boys). The two boys born in Brazil when I was studying there. I could choose any NT to support, but because of my two boys, I choose the very best NT in the world to support: Brazil! Cheers from Chile.
Okay Raylight, it was just a provokation to you. Don't worry, you are nice people.
Yeah Raylight, I know... but it seems Vissotto's performance in Volei Futuro was not what the fans expected! ? But it is funny this nickname, isn't?
Roninho> you are a very nice guy, so what about post about teams configs?

Guys, permit me tell you a curiosity about Vissotto. In Brazil when a player is frequently stopped by the blockers the fans call this "TOCO" (TO like in TOmato, CO like in COlaboration). After last Brazilian Superliga some Volei Futuro fans (team of Vissotto) nicknamed him VissotTOCO! The fans are very disappointed with Visstto...co. ? Now this is a Cuneo's problem!
Bruno does not show himself to the world, as he does in Brazilian Superliga. It is the same arrogance that Ricardo has. However, for me doesn't matter what are their personalities, I like both of them (mainly Ricardo) because I'm interested in volleyball not in their lives. In terms of volleyball Ricardo is brilliant (a genius) and Bruno is working for.
Ah, let me tell you an interesting thing about Serbia. Right now they are training in Brazil, in the Brazilian Volleyball Development Center, in the same place where Brazilians are preparing to WL'11 and WCup'11. They are ober there training and seeing what Brazil is doing, playing matches-training with the Brazilians. For me what does this mean? Serbians are smart, humble and they are thinking about future. What the Bulgarians are doing? It's seems they are crying since the last World Champs.
After 9 months we returned to this discussion again. The past cannot be changed (not yet, according to the Physicists). So, I do not understand why return to this subject? Don't be a looser, and think about the future... it is in WCup'11, OG'12 or WC'14 in Poland. The work must be done thinking in these targets.
Are you talking about Henrique, Bruno or Ricardo. If it is about Henrique, he is a smart guy and normally these guys are confident and many times arrogant, depending on perspectives you look. About Bruno and Ricardo, both are arrogant and self-confident. Great part of Brazilians setters normally think they are the best piece of God's creation in the Universe, simply because they very talentous in the game. It is the same figure for Brazilians football players.
Yes Zyta, I know! Me and Henrique agree about this point. He's a good guy and also he has a strong personality, and this seems to be a problem for others. Hope he is doing well. Cheers. JR
Zyta, I'm not sure... Ricardo is too much self-confident to agree this is stunning setting.
@casamodela: welcome to non uploaded movie club! Sometimes happens... hahaha. Cheers.
Ohhh no, this shit again? Please change the disc from the side A to side B. I do not want to believe you are so looser.

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