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so official transfert until now are:

Falasca (the spain opposite) in Vibo as titoular (...), from Forlì.

Alain Roca (Cub) will be Latina OH with Rivera (he was in Vibo); (Jiri Popelka won't stay in Latina, voices about him going in Argentina)

Thijs ter Horst (OH) will play in Verona

(and Fei in Belluno, it's an old transfert but still not in the list...)

Padova roster: Javier Gonzalez e Simone Tiberti (setter); Francesco De Marchi, Yu Koshikawa, Mattia Rosso e Sebastian Schwarz (OH); Manuele Cricca, Andrea Semenzato e Luka Suljagic (MB), Ventceslav Simeonov e Stefano Giannotti (opp); Andrea Garghella e Marco Zingaro (liberos). i

That's the thing I like the most, a lot of young italians in the team?

BTW there is a new article with rumors about Cester in Latina, De Togni and Farina coming back to Belluno, Bjelica and Paparoni in Rome and Kovar in Macerata.

Thijs ter Horst (OH) will play in Verona
oh that's wonderful!! I love it! And what a perfect end with Alenko in the air, so nice! and there were also out of court moment, for example I really liked Priddy and Alekno speaking on the tribun^^ 5 point to you for the movie + 5 point for polsat !!*.*
@Akolita: Cormio (Trento manager) said that they will look for another foreign MB (they always have 4 MBs), but it's a while I don't heard nothing new about Todorov.
May be bulgarian commentators said smth about that during the WL matches?
Sabbi wasn't strictly supposed to be the first opposite, but not even the second: may be you remember that when there was the possibility of Fei in Rome there was rumors about Sabbi on loan in Padova or a team like this, to play as titoular. I hope he will do like Zaytsev, that played the last season at very high level even if it was his first year in A1 (as OH).
As you say, it's a risk... but I'm glad they'll bet on a young and talented guy.

Bencz is a good guy, you can see he always want to help the team and to do his best, but - at least now - being the first opposite in A1 is to much for him. As second of Sabbi he will have chance to play, I guess... that's good.

Lebl has a contract so he his staying, but I don't think he will have space on the court. At least I hope.

ps sorry everybody for all this long posts about M.Roma...
@Akolita, I've the impression that Kovar will go in Macerata, if he won't stay in Sisley.

About Khout, I remember that rumors too.
About Poey, I've never read or heard in any interview smth about him staying, at least I heard smth like "we will have to figure out the Poey's situation"... Honestly I don't think he'll stay, it would be great but I don't know exactly what kind of problems made him chosing to leave Rome, may be isn't the right environment for him...
I'd like Portuondo to come back (he also has 2 years contract), but I've never heard smth like this so I don't know... Tomatis and Saraceni aren't staying as far as I know, Cisolla yes, so we still need another OH (such a pity that Cupkovic won't be in the team I really apreciated his attitude).

Fortunally we'll have Paparoni, I think that the couple Farina+Corsano coudln't work well, they are great liberos but both old and not in perfect shape, expecially Corsano...
yes I read that thing of Thorton but zver said he won't be JW setter...

Seems that Lebl will stay in Rome, unfortunally... But I'm not so sure that Bjelica will stay in Belluno, I think there are a chance that he will be MB in Rome, there where few voices days ago, and nothing else after these rumors, so may be it is still possible... (I hope so!)
And about the opposite, I think we will have Sabbi and Bencz... Milijkovic and Fei didn't want to come, Rome didn't want Nikolov because -in prospective - he don't want to play european cups (=.=), Poey will really probably go on loan...
Thank God Zaytsev will stay for now!!*.*
and Luka Suljagic (serbian MB with montenegrian passaport) from Vibo tu Padova

it says that Paparoni will play in Rome and Farina in Belluno

Belluno will probably have back from Rome De Togni or Cester, and the second MB will probably be Curti from Sir Safety Perugia; Molteni won't join Belluno because Monza wants to keep him; the slovenian Ogurcak that played only in A2 (Bassano, Genova) will probably join the team (as titoular OH);
wow, wonderful!! I was wishing for someone making a movie only with the expression of the players in slow motion, that's amazing, better than I imagined! the music is beautiful and fits perfectly!!
oh I wanted to write it right now, I found this article:

BTW I'm not sure if he is on loan or not... I understood that Rome will keep an eye on him...

a question: when he played in GEBA (07/08, A2 Argentina) and won the championship he was playing with Hugo and Facu Conte?
I like this couple(Nico-Facu), I'm sorry that he didn't join San Giustino...
Fefè De Giorgi (San Giustino new coach) seemed sorry because of that, he said that he find this choice particoular, because for a young player like he is it would have been a nice opportunity playing in ItaliaA1 as titoular, and in a good environment...
Brazil - Russia (Final) 12 lat temu +1
I was really waiting for a long, tough, high-level vb final! And with a winner different than usually :)
The new top10 of the FIVB ranking: Brasile 205, Russia 161, Usa 134, Italia 131,5, Serbia 119,5, Cuba 118,5, Bulgaria 113,5, Polonia 102,5, Argentina 89,5, Germania 64,5.
raylight, honestly now I hope that Italy will win all of these ?
May be it would be boring, but I can deal with that ehehehe ?
? I really really hope we will get the semifinal, I thought we were so close this time, and I was so sorry because we couldn't...
I read that Mastro will train with the team this summer. Parodi is still a question mark, but if he will be ready to play as titoular I think we will use him, Zaytsev and Savani instead of 2 OHs + 1 opposite.
BTW I probably enjoyed Buti more than Birarelli (at least in the last part... and not in serve), but I think it depend mostly on the fact that Buti played in club with Travica so they play better togheter than Travica and Bira.
I also read that Boninfante (he was only in the 25s list, not in the 20s) will train with the team, probably because Berruto thought that we may need a setter with more experience that can be able to replace Travica if he lose lucidity... (Vermiglio will never be back to play as second).
I agree oioi, I'll be worried about France, expecially if Ngapeth will be back. And I expect from Serbia more than they showed in this WL. And I expect smth good from Czech republic too...

Btw, raylight, I know it sounds not objective from me (I'm not sure I can be as objetive as I would like to be, unfortunally), but I think (and I definitly hope) Italy can be in the list you made up... I don't know if you don't think it or if you didn't considered that, I'd like to know your opinion ?
what about Korea?
doki10, it would be cool, I like Tille, I remember him since WCh2010
where is he playing now?
Zyta, I should give you a minus for that, everybody knows that Austria will win!! ?
Wednesday the italian market will be closed; there are still a question mark about Kovar, Farina and Paparoni, my guess is that Kovar will be in Macerata, Farina in Belluno and Paparoni in Rome (I hope)...

Daniele Postiglioni (MB) from Club Italia to Marmi Lanza Verona as third MB. Two seasons ago he played in M.Roma (A2, when they won the pass to A1)

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