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One thing you guys seem to ignore is the fact each team won their home matches. Someone might say that's a pointless argument and means nothing if we're talking about professionals, but for example try to deny serve quality of Modena in away matches doesn't remain the same. Kooistra is a perfect proof and I don't have to browse stats to say so. Monza seems to get a smaller advantage of their court than Bagnoli's players.

We might see a 5 set match on Thursday, if
It's obvious Bruno is not a brilliant setter (yet), if we call so Ball for example. He plays quick and unpredictably, what he needs is experience and stabilization, but I really like his cooperation with Modena now, although he joined 2 weeks ago that looks good. But everyone knows what's the real time span a setter needs to accommodate perfectlyl- a season or two.
In all three quarterfinal matches he had 71, 70 and 71 % spike efficiency = 3 times MVP. And yes results like that happen from time to time, but in a single match. Basically if you look only at stats someone who killed 50% played a good match. In fact someone with 30% could also do that, if he finished the most important actions. hanes Kaziyski has contract till 2012, but I don't think anyone can imagine him leaving Trento. He was the element which started the great pass.
2:48 that's a roof block.
Congratulations to ZAKSA for the silver.
I'm afraid something like that doesn't exist. You can try to download wanted matches from rutracker.org (by far the best download base), because Rai site Zyta has mentioned doesn't have replay system for sport channels.
Teodor Todorov 13 lat temu +2
He'll go to Trento.
5th meter back row ownage. When I watched it live I had to see the replay cause I was sure Heller made a straight down kill from the middle... ps: The old Mikasa ball had much higher bounce.
Serie A - 26th round 13 lat temu 0
Don't forget that match had no pressure to be put on, that's a very important aspect. Sokolov is a great talent, won't be surprised if he becomes th first spiker soon, but you have to remember that. Personally I don't find Bratoev a big talent, maybe I'm wrong, I wish him well, but the only thing I find positive in his game is serve.
You could say anything about him, except he didn't have knowledge about volleyball.
Ja się obawiam, że na układy nie ma rady, póki Nutria bełchatowska i Kudłaty Rycho mieszają przy kadrze to nigdy w 100% powołania nie będą inwencją trenera. Co tu robią Bąkiewicz, Możdżonek, Kłos, Woicki, Jarosz tego nie potrafię zrozumieć, tak samo jak absencji Kadziewicza. Jedyny plus to brak Gacka, ale kto wie czy nie odpoczywa przed PŚ...
Serie A - 26th round 13 lat temu 0
It doesn't matter at all, cause Trento can be sure of their first position before play-off round. Matey played at higher physical level than recently I think that's the reason why he has these muscle problems, hope it's nothing serious.
Single blocks 13 lat temu 0
Thanks. Guess you cut clips in Virtual Dub and make compilation with SV?
Single blocks 13 lat temu 0
What program do you use? I only suceed with movie maker, because Ulead Video shut down when I tried to play the project (just a few clips put together).
Good one from you, of course players with 1 or even 10 spikes aren't classified and so number of attempts does matter. It's a kind of balance between scored points and efficiency. As raylight said he killed 27 out of 43 in this tournament, what gives 62,79%.
67% isn't average for him, unless he plays against a junior team. I also don't get what all the discussion here is about, because best spiker award goes to the one who gets the highest % spike efficiency, so???
Nagor Bari w finale przyjmował bomby w punkt, pewnie dlatego dostał nagrodę. W sumie nie wiem co w tym dziwnego, skoro generalnie pozostali libero nie zachwycali, Rusek zagrał słabo przeciwko Dynamo, Obmochaev nic specjalnego nie pokazał, to samo Stepanyan.
Yep, average match against Jastrzębski, only 67% spike efficiency...
Holy fuck, that's a 5th meter back row bomb, pause around 0:05
Wise reply Revan, but you forgot to add... you know ?

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