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8 lat temu


The Baranowicz-Macerata agreement is at the moment denied by the player's agent. Guess it's 99% likely, but it's not official yet... please update the thread only when transfers are official (that is: when a club officially announces the player)! Lube website doesn't say anything about it.
Thanks przemek16, exactly what I was looking for. It kinda surprised me that Polish league outclassed Russian one!
Hi, can anyone help me with the European ranking and the criteria to assign the European spot? Like, a table with how many spots each league has... Apparently Italy and Poland have 3 CL spots, while Russia only has 2 (without wild cards), is that right? It would be great if you could explain how things work for CEV Cup and Challeng cup, too (and women's competitions too).
By the way, about transfers:

Manuel Coscione (setter, Italian) officially to New Mater Castellana Grotte. Last season, he played in Vibo Valentia.
Hi again.
The last news are that Taranto now refuses to buy San Giustino's title. The price for the title was risen to 30k-50k euros and Taranto says that these changes aren't quite clear.
Probably the town-government of San Sepolcro made a good offer to San Giustino to convince them to play in San Sepolcro.

Serie A1 is becoming a circus!

Note for matheus and admins: maybe these messages should be moved out of this "transfer" thread?
Hi matheus.
Italy is a weird country where, among other things, a team can automatically play in A1 league simply buying another club's "sport title" (the title is the society from the legal point of view).
Since some teams withdrew from Serie A1, their titles are on the market to be bought from others. Here's what the article says:

It seems that Taranto will buy San Giustino's title, but in the last few hours some attempts were done in order to convince San Giustino to take part to A1, moving in the nearby town San Sepolcro.

Modena, instead, is trying to sell the society to new managers and a new ownership (basically: same team, same city, same title, but new president). The article says that the negotiation should be almost concluded.

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