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Volleyball fan and volleyball player.

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1 rok temu


There is a mistake, it's Nimir, not Mahmoud Abdel Aziz.

@VitaliiLatysh which other federations are having data projects? Is it the same form - platform open for public or is it more like intern use?

@VitaliiLatysh oh okay, didn't know that, thanks for that.

@SlobodanNiketić but he is coaching women's team, as I could saw, right?


@Sherlock that action really shows how quick pipe Civitanova is playing, just above first tempo. Incredible, isn't it? :)

@M.J.PPerquin yes, the agreements must be very good for the players. But I don't think that's the best option for a young player, because young players need a lot of matches to test themselves and to get experience.

@Sherlock you're right. Maybe the big four willl transform in a big three, due to weaker Modena. Seems like a very interesting league with a lot of equally strong teams. Fun fun fun :)

@Sherlock I hope they will step up their game, it would be interesting to see them fight against the great four (Lube, Trentino, Modena, Perugia).

Expected more from Piacenza...what went wrong?

In my opinion that's a waste of young player, to go in such a good club where they don't get a lot of playing time (case with Sharone-Evans and also with Marlon Yant). They should stay in smaller team, to play a lot of matches and then go in better teams. What do you think about this?

Alright, then most probably it's about light injuries. It's the beginning of the season anyway, so I guess it's not that important.

I hope that soon they will come back, because Trentino is gonna be quite amazing team with Lucarelli.

It's nice however to see Michieletto play, he really is a prodigy. And it's also nice for Sharone-Evans to get some playing time, as he probably won't get that much when Atanasijević returns. 

@DenizDevrimJr. I would dare to claim he is one of the most exciting volleyball players, I love watching him play. It's only his attitude that is problematic quite often.

@johanneslei nice, so if Weber plays good, they can be dangerous, I guess.

There was also a roumor about Rok Možič, slovenian wonder boy (2002, really good) coming to Friedriechshafen. He said there were talks with club. He is really talented and could reach very high level abroad. Even though I guess club won't engage another young player, as far as I know, they already have two (3?) very young players. But I would say he could achieve playing level of a starting OH in friedrichshafen. Maybe you know anything else about the matter?

@johanneslei I wouldn't say Marechal is that good. Although in a combination with a good opposite and 1-2 others (they already have Vincic setting) they could be dangerous.

But as far as I know they have some youngsters on the opposite...?

Inside information 3 lat temu 0

@Volleybox you're right. I suppose link validation is the only possible way for reliable info. Well probably there will be info on a club site soon and I will change it then. Thanks anyway :)

@ojvolleyball I hope so, yes. It would be wonderful to see him play in Italy again.

It's only that in season 2019/20 Chinese tournament was postpomed due to chinese national team training camp for olympics and would be overlapping with the Italian playoffs (if there wasn't coronavirus). That's as far as I'm concerned. And I hope this season there won't be problems like this.

Tine Urnaut will play in Shanghai for another season reports a reliable Slovenian journal. Journal claims that Urnaut let them knew that he is staying with Chinese team.
Link: https://siol.net/sportal/odbojka/odobojkarji-klubi-530120

Jovović and Kovačević in Ribnica Kraljevo, serbian club, that's a quite awesome news. Though Kovačević has contract with Shanghai and will probably (if coronavirus will be ok in China) leave midseason. Do you think Jovović will stay in Serbia whole season or will he get any better offers?

Yes I thought that the teams won't play on their highest level due to the corona break.

I'm happy for Foinikas too, and especially for Štern, I saw in statistics that he had a very good game.

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