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Hanes, I asked you about your digging skills because of your height. If you don't grow much, your chance to play is in digging and receiving
I have strong legs - trained some American football back when I was under 100 kgs as a student and was able to push much bigger men than me
Statistician :D I don't train or play volleyball, I am into martial arts (Korean) but nowadays mostly training in the gym
A Plamen Konstantinov type of player - serve + reception, with some Giba influence on dig and pipe :D
Dante Amaral (3rd movie) 13 lat temu 0
The most elegant spiker of Brazil. His pipes are work of art :)
Teodor Todorov 13 lat temu -1
Btw, the new condition trainer of Bulgarian NT - Enzo Bramard came to Bulgaria to test the the players from Bulgarian Championship, and gave them personal training programs. He said that when he trained Omrcen, the croatian gained muscles and increased the jump by 17-20 cm. Imagine if he can do that to Teodor Todorov :D
Teodor Todorov 13 lat temu +1
They said that they will let him go only with good offer. I hope they will not wait for millions like Slavia for Matey Kazyiski and will let him play if strong team like Skra, Cuneo or Zenit wants him. He needs to be main player, not sub
Andrea Sala 13 lat temu 0
BTW there is no video of dutch players. What about movie of Kooistra and Bontje, as comparison, when you have enough time, no hurry? :))
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET4) 13 lat temu -1
Ananiev with 6/8 spikes at the end of the game
Brazil - Bulgaria (SET4) 13 lat temu -1
Kazyiski, Yordanov and Metodi Ananiev show :)
Teodor Todorov 13 lat temu -1
In Bulgarian chamiponship he often scores almost same number points as the opposite of CSKA, crushing all records on spiking efficiency and block. He needs bigger challenge, like Italian Serie A1
hanes, do you enjoy digging? Do you play beach volleyball during summer>
Thank you Dinamo, Trento have chance for the final now ?)
Viktor Yosifov 13 lat temu +1
Someone gave me minus. Strong words - this means that HeelMooi is harsh on Yosifov, thinks of him less than he should in my opinion
Andrea Sala 13 lat temu +1
He is monster on Block too
Weak words, HeelMooi
Viktor Yosifov 13 lat temu 0
Strong words, HeelMooi
Robertlandy Simon Aties 13 lat temu +1
The matches will be in Varna 15-23 may, at least this is in our sites
Viktor Yosifov 13 lat temu +1
He was on second place in WL2010 blockers list
Smart player :)