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what a really strange arm swing from Kaziyski. I don't understand why sometime he hits the ball like that...
Nikola Grbić 13 lat temu 0
Wow. Very good setter! He got a powerful secondhand whcih look really hard to dig. Nice footage but the song is... special lol.
Earvin N'Gapeth 13 lat temu 0
I heard that he is very cocky and he got time on court because he is the son of the Tours VB headcoach...
Leonell Marshall attack 13 lat temu -2
Only a doushbag like Marshall can do this shit
Simone Parodi 13 lat temu +2
Really good players. Freaking good angle shots!
Murilo Endres nice attack 13 lat temu +1
whaaaaaaaaaat!? Nice shot.
f*ck it looks so easy to do lolll. Nice set.
Philip Maiyo 13 lat temu +1
Everytime i see him i'm always scared to see him break in two different parts because he's so tall and so slim loll. Good player however. He got a good arm. Nice scouting job from CSKA Sofia. Must be hard to find a guy like him in Kenya.
Is Swiderski still playing?
Fred Winter yeaaah!
The first pipe that Giba hit is soooo strong! Nice vid btw!
Polish anthem in Spodek 13 lat temu +4
Georg Grozer (2nd movie) 13 lat temu +1
This guy was sick as a receiver and is way better as a opposite player. Really strong arm and really energetic on the court. Love him.
Vadim Khamuttskikh 13 lat temu 0
Is the guy still playing?
I tough his reach was way more then 346. The guy is really good perhaps!
Ahmed Abdalla 13 lat temu 0
The guy is pretty good!
I hope i'll see a lot more of Canadian actions in the futur. They can be better than now.
China - USA (Highlights) 13 lat temu 0
Nice vid
This brazilian team will always stay one of the greatest. btw: what is this song?
I love this play. Cuba use it a lot in transition but no team will do it better than the Brazilian team did during the Ricardo's year. They played so quick.

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