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vor 4 Jahre


today, again, another weird match by macerata: leading 2-0, lost the match 3-2!! o_O as i said to phoenix09 in chat, they need a good exorcist!!!
Modena-Padova 3-0. Amazing match, really! Dennis was fantastic, but very good performance by Piscopo too (4 blocks...3 of which in a row). Martino played in the last part of the match and he did some excellent things!!
Linguist :D
Well, in this case, I like your style man :D
What a soundtrack :)
Hope Mitar will get well soon but i don't see any problems for Trento at the moment since Matteo Burghstaler (or whatever his surname is LOL) didn't play bad in the match with Noliko imo.
One more thing ray: tell the truth know that i love AC/DC songs on v-b movies, that's why you use their songs each time you do a new video, right?! :)
Nice video raylight, really. I like the fact that many actions are in slow-motion so it is possible to see the way Lele tends to spike. BTW have you noticed his peculiarity? have you noticed that while he's jumping to spike, he stretches his arms out in such a way that he almost seems to be hanging from an invisible hook in the air?? Am i the only one to be under such impression??
Yes Ray you're right, but even if at 27-25, alost set is always a lost set; you can lose a match playing hard (24:26, 27:29,'s just anexample not real score) but, at the end of the way, despite you fought very hard, final score will say you've lost 3-0!!
What impress me of Piacenza is their reverse in terms of positive results!
HCLT: sooner or later we'll have to have a good jaw about Italy before Julio and after Julio and why that team in the 90s was so strong. But maybe in private, not here ;)
you can't go wrong with AC/DC :)
Maybe, but the very same thing happened last year as well.
NightFox: i think he was referring to his "private collection" of DVDs ;)
marchst: I also can't explain such a big and quick change with Piacenza as well as i can't understand why Vibo is unable to keep the same standards in terms of results and performance up to the end on the league and why they start declining at mid-season.
HCLT: i didn't remember this episode of the guy trying to punch Zwerver...but i'm not surprised, i mean I remember Ron was a fantastic opposite but not exactly the nicest person in the world :) As regards Italy's incapability of winning a gold Olimpic medal, honestly the only big chance was with the 1992 team: if that squad wasn't able to do it, no other ever will. I don't think they weren't mentally tough enough (the same team won everything except OG, you can't do it if your mind is weak).
HCLT: maybe part of that bad result depends on what you wrote about wrong preparation, BUT Barcelona was in Italy's mind (and in Julio's mainly): it had been in their minds for the previous two was an obsession, for them and for us!! What i perfectly remember though, is some players' faces when the tournaments began and the voices about the very bad atmosphere around and inside the team (and Vullo had a relevant part in the whole story).
but i'm confident...even too confident, maybe that's my problem LOL I never said that i intend to stop rooting for them or supporting them, i'm just a little upset by such weakness in their heads that prevents 'em from showing their real potentialities.

Ray: LOL mate, you're damned right about Tolstoy!!! And what about Dickens' descriptions??? if something can be described in 2 lines, Dickens needs a whole chapter to describe it!! ?
Ray: we didn't lose OG because of our defeat from Netherlands (that deserved victory and then medal); we lost those OG from the first match, 'cause the team was broken inside, 'cause there was a lot of tension among some players, 'cause Julio made the only one big mistake he did throughout his whole experience on Italy's bench: he paid heed to public opinion instead of going on with his own vision of the team and the game.
Vibo Valentia-Piacenza 0-3 ? Well, final score is pretty eloquent: too strong Piacenza and too weak Vibo. I'm afraid they'll do the same as last year: good job up to half-season and then one defeat after another ? What a pity...but honestly Piacenza deserved victory: super Zlatanov and super Papi!!
Kk15: don't worry about your loooooooong comments; i like reading them, they're complete and always interesting ?

i also like Giuliani ? as regards Bari, well i don't know, he's not exactly my favourite kind of libero ?

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