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Valerio Vermiglio vor 12 Jahre +1
Thanx NightFox ... a lot :D Even better than i expected ;)
Poland 2011 (3rd movie) vor 12 Jahre 0
kapitan_bomba: claro que sì :) si quieres podemos hablar un poquito espanol, pero no ahora: estoy demasiado cansada y necesito unas horas de sueño :) hasta pronto :D
LOL...Kjeldhor is too late now, i'm eyes are closing and my brain doesn't work anymore ? Can we go on talking about this "triangle" tomorrow?? ?
Mon Dieu! Je suis soufflé! :o
NOOO.... MACERATA must be in Final V-Day this year!!!
Poland 2011 (3rd movie) vor 12 Jahre 0
Estoy de acuerdo contigo raylight! :D Muy bonito ;) Hombre, no sabia que hablas también Espanol :D
Brazil - USA (part 1) vor 12 Jahre +1
I don't have it :( should have added to your post "whatever your choice is, YOU MUST provide the video"!!! :) Instead, because of the way you wrote it, you seemed to me like Gandalf doing some kind of trick and uploading eveything our hearts most desire :D
Brazil - USA (part 1) vor 12 Jahre +1
Yes dear, i've got one ;) 1989 European Championship in Sweden, Final for Gold Medal SVE-ITA 1-3. Thank you :D
Alexander Butko vor 12 Jahre +2
Mmmm....i'm not so sure. My memories about him have always been those of a MB forced to become an opposite because we had no-one good enough to play that role in NT! But, since I'm not a conceited person, let me check this thing and if you're right i shall offer you (with pleasure :)) a coffee next time we meet :D
LOL :D 1. I'm waiting for zoey's translation :) 2. The beginning of the video, when they try to make the taxi driver understand they want to go to the Nagoya Castle, is simply hilarious :D 3. WOW... Nagoya Castle must be really a wonderful place!! How I envy them! Hope I'll be able to go there one day ;) 4. Who's the guy taping the video at the end in lieu of Igla? Can you recognize him from his voice? Can it be Zygadlo's one?
Alexander Butko vor 12 Jahre +2
@Henrique: "Many people think Fei started as a middle, but he was an opposite, moving to play as a MB in the early 2000s." No, man...I can assure's the contrary. Fox started as a MB since when he was very young and played in Foiano della Chiana's team (C1 league). Then he was asked to change his role :)
You were probably thinking about raylight ?
Alexander Butko vor 12 Jahre +1
Henrique?!? Silly conversation that one about Butko's and Kurek 's meanings in Bulgarian?? I took an active part in that!! LOL Pesazi: Rome in that match was very very very poor thing :(
Alexander Butko vor 12 Jahre +2
Poor Butko :( he really didn't deserved his video to be so spammed :( Henrique: Maybe we could ask Wilfredo to create a new discussion about me and you talking about my NT ;)
Alexander Butko vor 12 Jahre +2
Henrique: I lost my faith somewhere halfway WL an WC :D I'm joking...of course i'll always support my team and if they get something important i'll be the first to enjoy and celebrate with them. But i'm also realistic and i see more weaksnesses than strengths. Hope i'm wrong and you're right :D BTW i like Marra too ;) And sorry once again for OT.
Alexander Butko vor 12 Jahre +2
ray, you already know that i like Falaschi :) Give me a Berruto and tell him to give this guy a chance ;)
Alexander Butko vor 12 Jahre +2
Pesazi: in fact i wrote "except spikers" :) Zaytsev, Parodi and Savani are good, but Zaytsev has too many ups and downs and Parodi hasn't recovered 100% from his injury; Maruotti isn't as good as those previously named; Fortunato is a MB and he's 35 or something; Zlatanov doesn't play for NT anymore and he's 36 (too old for Berruto's proposal of regenerating our NT). MB: Mastro and Fei are okay but Gigi is 36 and Fox is 33; Sala and Tencati don't play for NT anymore (and they're over 30 too); Bira and Buti are pretty good but are not gods; one good and young MB imo is Barone. Setters: Vermiglio is still the best. He's probably having some problems with a new and different league but, in any case, he's definetely out of NT and he's 36. So we've got Travica, and he's fine, but after him there's no-one (Baranowicz lacks of experience and Boninfante lacks of talent - sorry Dante, it's nothing personal...i swear). Opposite: Lasko...okay; Fei....i don't think so; Sabbi is pretty interesting but he's too young and inexperienced. Libero: here you're right. It's the only position where we can choose among many good players (Bari, Giovi, Colaci, Marra, De Pandis, Paparoni). Sorry for my OT.
I really can't understand why RAI can't provide one (or two) additional camera(s) and slow-motion video that referees can use during the match if necessary (as in PlusLiga) :(
Alexander Butko vor 12 Jahre +2
@HCLT: as i already told you once, i think you appreciate my NT better than i do. I've read carefully that part of your comment related to Italy and i agree with you when you say that one of Berruto's strengths is his ability of realizing what’s going on in a match very quickly and providing some changes when necessary. The problem is that we have NO bench!!! Except spikers, our sub players aren't on the same level with our first strings.
Thanx God we've got these guys here like bitka, zoey and tysia who provide official v-m translations for non-polish speakers :D

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