Announcement regarding retired players Yuki Ishii (石井 優希)

Announcement regarding retired players Yuki Ishii (石井 優希)

Vincent Kong 2023-04-03 • 547 visualizzazioni

Thank you for your warm support until the end.

Yuki Ishii, a representative of the women's volleyball Tokyo Olympics, retired from active duty, Hisamitsu announced on the 3rd. The V-League Final Stage, which starts on the 8th, will be her last match as an active player.

 In 2010, Ishii joined Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical (now Hisamitsu) from Shujitsu High School in Okayama. He works as an outside attacker. In 2011, he was selected for the Japanese national team for the first time, and played as a consecutive Olympic representative at the Rio Games in 2016 and the Tokyo Games in 2021. In the V-League 2017-18 season, he was named Most Valuable Player.

Thank you very much for supporting Hisamitsu Springs from Heiseon.

This is an announcement that Yuki Ishii will retire from Hisamitsu Springs on June 30th.

Thank you very much for all your warm wishes.

The final stage, which will be held on Saturday, April 8th, will be the last competition in action.

#HisamitsuSprings #YukiIshii #Japan 

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