Foreign players in Korean league before 2015

WoohyongChoi 2022-03-28 • 1471 visualizzazioni

Korean V-league introduced foreign players from 2006/07 allowing one player for each team.

Until 2014/15 season, there was no budget limit in contracting with foreign players. A very wide range of players joined each team depending on their budget situation. Players can be replaced during the season due to injuries or mismatched expectations.

Foreign players in each season who appeared in at least one match in the regular season. In the order of Hyundai E&C, GS Caltex, Korea Ginseng Corp, Korea Expressway, Heungkuk Life Insurance, and Industrial Bank of Korea.


#SanjaTomašević #AndreiaSforzin, #LucianaAdorno replaced by #RaqueleLenartowicz, #RachelVanmeter #KatherineWilkins


#TiffanyDodds #RaquelPelucidaSilva #FernandaBerti #KatieReilly #MariHelenPedraMendes 


#ÁureaCruz #BethaniaDeLaCruz #MariannNagy #MilagrosCabral #KarinaOcasio


#KennyMoreno, #LisvelEve replaced by #DestineeHooker, #MadelaynneMontaño #MilagrosCabral #KarinaOcasio 


#KennyMoreno, #JéssicaSilva replaced by #SanjaGammaPopović, #MadelaynneMontaño #SarahPavan #MiaJerkov 


#SherisaLivingston replaced by #BrankicaMihajlović, #RebeccaPerry replaced by #TerezaRossiMatuszková, #MadelaynneMontaño, #GeorginaPinedo  replaced by #IvanaNešović, #MiaJerkov #OlesiaRykhliuk


#JanaKulan #BethaniaDeLaCruz #KatieCarter #NicoleFawcett #WhitneyDosty #OlesiaRykhliuk 


#YelizBaşa #BethaniaDeLaCruz #JoyceSilva #NicoleFawcett #ElitsaVasileva #KarinaOcasio 


#PolinaRahimova, #SarahPavan replaced by #HaleyEckerman, #JoyceSilva #NicoleFawcett #RachelRourke #DestineeHooker

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