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Starovic few years ago was supposed to be a great player, but he didn't improve his skills, also his reach in attack( about 330 cm if I good remember) doesn't make him a world class opposite. So , Rouzier can play much better, but I don't know what problems he had during PL finals. I don't see a player who can replace him, and who is a free agent. Or maybe Bartman could be a good idea? It's only my mind.
4 players, Veres and Akhrem in first six, Lotman and Penchev as sub players, I don't why you say that's too much.
So no Savani or Wijsmans in Sovia ;P I'm little bit surprised.
Starović in ZAKSA isn't a best option...better option is to keep Rouzier.

Sad , but true. Let's think how powerful would be Cuban NT, if players like Leon, Simon, Juantorena, and all the best players from this country could play in Europe and in NT. Also in Europe they can improve their skills.
It's a big comfort for setter, when he can give ball to absoulety each player on court, in each place.
Lee joined Zenit because of problems with Volkov. And he knew what will be his situation. Now Anderson is now in team and it would be unfair against him. I don't think that Zenit sign another foreign reciever.
Maybe those informations about keeping Anderson just for European Cup were written in different articles, but I don't think that could be true. Which other team could keep player like him only for EC? No one, I think. Other thing is who could replace if this could be true? Who could be that player? Savani?Murilo?Wijsmans?Who?
Paweł Woicki fantastic set 11 jaar geleden +1
In that season, Czestochowa played an amazing volleybal. I had hope that they could be a polish champion, but they didn't play well in finals. About this set- he has very strong fingers :)
Nervous set, but very dramatic. No one could know, what happens in next action ;)
They have money, they have what they want. Sometimes players want to try something different or they can't play in Russia because of limit of foreign players.
Georgi Bratoev 11 jaar geleden 0
I wanted to wrote something about this player , but I think that all I wanted to say, said vtnklmdc, so I don't want to repeat his words:)
@rbk17- that's right what you say , but I also think that Czarnowski- if he will be in good condition- will play instead of Bontje. And I still wonder, what will happen with Michał Kubiak. He has still a contract with JW for 2 next seasons if I good remember, but after reaction of JW fans against him, I don't know if he' d like to stay there.
About Tischer- I read few weeks ago that he'd like to stay. Is this a bad move- I'm not sure. Masny is more creative player.In my opinion of course. About recievers in JW- in this club are foreign 2 setters and 2 middle- blockers. Is there a need to have one more? I don't think so. But in JW in last few years was problems with foreign players. Also Łasko and Marechal are foreigners, but they have polish passports.
But Masny sets better ? i think that JW may want to change their style, not only Łasko,Łasko,Łasko. A lot of actions were played to Łasko from Tischer.
I'm done.
że co?? Jakub Malke jest menedżerem Wijsmansa?? Bez kitu?
z Leonem z tego co wiem to było tak że miał zbyt duże wymagania finansowe i sovia mu podziękowała. a Savani.... nie sądze żeby Resovia była w stanie spełnić jego wymagania finansowe. Bo gdyby tak było, to podobne pieniądze wyłożyli by dla Grozera i do dziś grałby w Rzeszowie. Oczywiście moge sie mylić i dla ligi to byłaby super sprawa.
Dobra ale co z tego wynika że piszecie na forum resovi? macie jakies konkretne informacje czy po prostu wymieniacie sie swoimi wlasnymi odczuciami? bo jesli tak, to nie przyblizy to savaniego ani innego gracza do transferu do PL.

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