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CONGRATS Polish brothers and Serbians owners ? and please if be possible to upload 3-4th and grand final matches, so upload this, because I didnt see it ? thanks a lot and have a nice after-volleyball evening ?
chrison you have totally right and your words are sacral.
This is really true, I dont know what was going on with subs Dmitrij to Apalikov, this was terrible mistake i think. Maxim played incredible game like i know him and he is for me my inspiration in volleyball life. His game display is such a calm and stabile. Its awesome, but Maxim, Taras and quite Volkov wasnt enough against owned Miljkovic, Nikic and Kovacevic and Stankovic (Podrascanin didnt play well in my opinion). And when Russia was starting to understand their situation and began play, it was late. Then wrong call from refree. I am sad about these boys. And ofcourse congrats Miljkovics team, he did with Nikic excellent exhibition for volleyball fans. Have a nice day all ?
Proud it was I hope, because oioi sad, that: "That was f.cking unfair, Mikhaylov attacked through the block. I was cheering". SO I hope, that is true, because I didnt see the last slow motion ?
Congrats to Serbia, because of their excellent defense, but the last point was unfare and I am sad for Maxim...
Deserved what? Stupid referees mistake???
It was touch or wasnt in the last point??? I didnt saw it, because stupid TV quit the transmition. Thx
Fantastic movie, thanks :)
Polish showed their courage and fight so I wish Poland to win this match!
And I want to thank Poland, that we will play in the next ECH ? many thanks and good luck
Very poor match, congrats for Poland ? you deserve this, beacuse we made many mistakes and Michal Kubiak owned and won amazing Polish defense. We have still grown up.
So tomorrow volleyball giant Polska vs Slovensko ?
It will be disaster, when Czech rep. win against Poland, therefore Anastazi do some tactical decision...
I saw Czech Rep. vs Estonia and it was crap, please dont upload this!!! Others matches was excellent played. So excited ?
David Lee (3rd movie) 12 lat temu +1
One of the best Mblocker in the world
its something different for me support my country in something important like ECH. I always admire Matey and Vlado, because they are my idols and It was very different feeling for me to support my own country instead of these players. I am very happy now, finally ? lets see the next matches and I wish all of you good volleyball watching ?
I cant wait to see Mikhailovs skill ?
Fantastic match and in our flat were many many huge ovations after match ?)) our opponents dindt play their game. So we took the chance.

Yeah Revan this is the big step for slovakian volleyball in long history. After this match, everything in this group is possible.
Awesome, only my father knows azbuka, so this is perfect. thanks!
Thanks about this match :) very interesting
1. RUS
2. BLG
Others we will see ?
Brilliant movie :)

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