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4 lat temu


Fomin: probably the best opposite Russia has ever had; definitely my favourite Russian player.
Henrique Gehrke Setter 10 lat temu +2
Quote (HCLT)
Dude, with such a great name (Henrique) you had to be really talented. ;-)

OMG no! Not another Henrique pls! If one Henrique is a nightmare, two will be an armageddon! LOL
If Brazil has to run a bit to reach the Russians, the Italians have to do the same to reach us. Berruto said in a press conference that his players are improving and soon they’ll be ready to challenge Russia and Brazil

I suppose you're referring to the video I sent you. You should quote your sources ;P
That Beretta guy is a gun, keeping the Italian tradition of great middle blockers

Partially true: It's still pretty evident that this guy lacks international experience and still has to work a lot.

As for the rest of your comment: excellent remarks!
@zver: dunno which Steuerwald are you talking about but Patrick definitely goes to Vibo Valentia http://www.volleyball.it/notizie.asp?n=66002&l=0

yes, the only change for Piacenza next year should be Fei who'll play as MB and Vettori will be the opposite. Apart from this, it will be the usual starting 6.
Zlatanov remains in Piacenza http://www.copraelior.it/
Quote (hanes233)
I need to mention that Jarosz is a very underrated player, he is very stable, his attack is impressive, he is the best server in the team in my opinion, you can rely on him he has a cool mind.

I agree with you. Kuba is usually underrated; too much underrated. I wouldn’t say he’s particularly stable or has a cool mind ‘cause I’ve seen him chocking often in crucial matches or moments, when things didn’t go in the right way and, trust me, I’ve seen this guy many times in the last 2 years both in Poland NT and mainly in Latina. Anyway at the end of the day you’re right: in his good days, his attack and service are impressive and if he gets the right game rhythm he’s very reliable. I think Latina will miss him a lot.
Ricardo Lucarelli 11 lat temu +3
@HCLT: Como você veria Lucarelli em um clube como o Macerata?
you're right eRKa, say thanks to ivolley for that since it was him who shot the video.
Esto significa que los dos estáis compitiendo por quién obtiene el puntaje más alto?
@Someone: nothing, Micha asked Berruto for a temporary break 'cause he's arranging his wedding. He told him he can join the team for the ECH in case Berruto needs him.
pearl you're right but I would like to ask you a reflection ...

even more than one, my pleasure to share my opinions with you
Baranowicz comes from a team with Modena as a reference as celitans, Macerata is different to the management of the game is much more complicated think about Travica has always been criticized for this reason (in the national team is easier).

Travica was criticized too much according to me and all in all the fault was not his own: actually Lube’s problems this year do not depend on Travica’s weakness or on Lube’s too complicated game schemes but on an impressive series of injuries which affected the team from the end of the first half of the season.

Just think if Macerata had bought a setter of international level...

I did actually, and I’ll tell you more: I’m sure that the starting idea was to buy an international setter (De Cecco) and replace Savani with Kovar. Then, I dunno why, they changed their mind and since they were sure that Drago would stay, they hired Kurek.

All of this for only one year (until the end of the Henno's contract) ...

I agree. Obviously this is a temporary solution to sort out the matter related to Henno’s contract.

the other alternative would have been an annual with Sottile...

Mmmm, as far as I know Daniele doesn’t want to leave Latina. Anyway, do you think that Sottile is so much better than Baranowicz? He’s more experienced for sure…yet, don’t you think that Michele can do exactly the same job as Daniele? With one difference: Michele is 23 and he if plays well he may convince Lube's management to insist on him ?

Baranowicz was the more convenient decision, the simplest one but definitely the worst!!!

I’ll be absolutely honest with you. IMO the best choice would have been Vermiglio, he would have solved many problems: Italian, lots of experience, great setter and former Lube’s player! BUT he’s gonna play one more year in Russia and since Lube needs an Italian setter the most obvious choice is Michele. I do not want to say he is the worst solution: before saying that I wanna see him playing a bit.

Rather than a princess he acted as mercenary, making love declarations to the fans and the team up to few hours before signing with Macerata. After many confirmations of him wanting to stay for a long time, Modena's general manager confirmed he fully decided on his OWN to go play in Lube, so he's also been false to everyone in the club.

I perfectly understand your point of view; unfortunately, amico mio, things like these happen every day in sports!! Look, it is exactly the same with Travica: he said he would have stayed ‘cause Lube is a big family and he has a lot of good friends there and believe in the project and yet, all in a sudden, he changed his mind and signed for Belgorod! It’s a bit sad but I agree with Akolita, it’s not that easy to say NO to certain offers; try to walk in Michele’s shoes for a minute: one of the best clubs in Europe is offering you the possibility of playing with some of the strongest players in the world and competing to win a lot in Italy and abroad, what would have you done?

I expect him to be strongly whistled in next week's World League match in Modena.

For sports’ sake, I hope it won’t happen.
Ktoś tu napisał, że baranowicz miał dobry sezon? On może mieć coś takeigo jak dobry sezon ? ? On bedzie pierwszym sypaczem w maceracie?

Did you follow Michele's performance in Modena this year? I don't think so, 'cause in such case you wouldn't be so sarcastic. If your opinion about him is still related to what he did 3 years ago in Sovia, well, let me tell you that maybe you'd better update your info about him 'cause he has obviously improved a lot since then and in Modena he showed Amazing things.
Spero solo non arrivi Falaschi, con Sabbi quasi certo solo a pensarci mi viene freddo...

Ulalà, addirittura!! A me, onestamente, non dispiace né Falaschi né Sabbi.
Well, I see that Matteo has already announced the big news ?
Michele Baranowicz is Macerata's new setter http://www.volleyball.it/notizie.asp?n=64284&l=0
Anyway Matteo, Michele is not that bad after all. I never trusted the possibility of seeing Valerio back to Lube as well as the rumors about Lucianito or Bruno. All in all, Michele is the best option available. BTW he didn't play bad at all this year in Modena so let's give him a chance ?
It would be nice to have the list of teams taking part to Women Champions League as well. I can provide you that in case you are interested.
Honestly, I'm a bit confused and disappointed by Latina's transfer choices so far. Maybe I'm wrong but my impression is that the coming starting 6 will be definitely weaker than the one that played last season.
Excellent move by Castellana, even tho that means Sabbi will leave the club.
Totally agree with you Vatreni.
BTW Gajic's words are almost the same as Berruto's. WL is a nice tournament but cannot be compared to ECH, WCH or OG in terms of importance, prestige or allure.
You know Hanes, I'm not against posting players' interviews here 'cause sometimes they can be interesting BUT, as you wrote, they must be comprehensible to everyone so imo, when they are not - as in this case - whoever uploads the video shoud also provide a written translation in English below. I've been tempted many times to upload videos containing interviews in Italian but I've Always given up 'cause I'm too lazy to translate everything.
If I were you I wouldn't bet a cent on Italy. Berruto doesn't give a damn about this tournament so he'll just use WL to test some guys. The best team will be in ECH.

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