[Fixed] Profile. What is Matches reports?

2020-12-11 • 2177 views • 11 replies

Hey, community! Is there someone who can explain what is it for and how to earn points for this? Thanks in advance!

S…k 717 16
3 years ago

Those are match sheets with statistics or at least, teams compositions. For example the match report from MHP Vinnytsia vs. Karkhiv Law Academy which is playing right now will be : http://uvf-web.dataproject.com/MatchStatistics.aspx?mID=1903&ID=27&CID=133&PID=63&type=LegList. You can add it by clicking on the three dots on every match, the second sections is “Add report”.

Talking about this @Volleybox, isn't it a mistake to give 10 points for a simple match report, the same as movies or news ? I think you made a typo because it is really too much, and also because it is in the middle of “1 point” items. That is not the most important of tasks though.

Vitalii LatyshAuthor 81 11
3 years ago

@Sherlock agree about 10 points. 

Volleybox 440
3 years ago

@Sherlock ratio have been updated to the 2 points.
Report is not just a link to the report, it could be also image uploaded by user to the server.

3 years ago

If I understand correctly, I am submitting a request here to change the points of a certain part, in this case match reports. And a chat between a few people is enough to reduce this to 2 points. For me, being able to consult a match report is a very important part of a match. Due to the lack of the points/set in the gameresult i can find them there. In addition, I can also find all the starting players, rotations, scores of attack, service, reception block, etc. Pictures are nice but for someone like me this addition is very important. For the development of this site it is also crucial to be taken seriously. I have just been able to convince some pro players to register just because I could prove that this is a site that is taking itself seriously and wants to supplement its content more and more with data that also interests those players. Only assigning 2 points to this is not a problem for me personally, i am not a hunter for points, but it might demotivate other people who do. It's your choice ... Besides, the reports of the Belgian League can no longer be consulted since this night (12/12/2020).

S…k 717 16
3 years ago

@Gerdy Well, I don't think that for any of us points should be a motivation to add informations. Adding a match report is probably the most easiest thing to add here and 2 points should really be the maximum. There are people totally unknown to everyone here who made dozens of thousands points only by adding a lot of reports, even from matches which haven't even been played. Nothing more, no comments, movies, anything.

That is obviously not a criticism, everyone can add whatever he wants but the person who creates the tournament + adds both teams to the tournament + creates the match (with arena, time, date…) gets only 6 points while someone adding only a link will earn 10 ? A total non-sense I think.

3 years ago

If it's not about the hunt for points, why are you only react to that part of my response and not the rest? By the way, I am also annoyed by people who zoom in on action photos with a resolution of less than 600x600 and place that as a profile photo. As an example: I recently placed the correct data of players Wout Gielens and Davy Vaes without a profile picture because I wanted to look it up even further in my archive and make a scan of it. But the photos had only been on for a few hours and the action photos in question were already there. Admit it, for some it is not about the correct information or photo but all about collecting the points. I can do a simple google search and enter those names. If you have no knowledge of that competition, you cannot know whether these photos are correct, can you? I know we are little off-topic, but if you are critical of certain things, you should also be able to accept that there are other people who are also annoyed by other things. 

S…k 717 16
3 years ago

@Gerdy You said that you find 10 points for a match report is good, I explained you why I disagree that's all. Which “rest” of you comment are you talking about ? Points are not about how important a topic is for the website, but more about how easy it is to add it (in my opinion of course). Imagine earning 10 points for a copy/paste of a link, we'll have thousands to validate each day because it will become an endless source of points. Also, in this case comments would probably earn something like 20 points because there are really few people who interact together (even if it improved a little in the recent months) and that's the most important to the life of a forum.

Well, you can update the pictures if you have some from better quality. What is the problem about that ? This is the principle of a collaborative website.

Personally I think that this is better to have a picture with average quality than no picture at all, which is such a shame for a volleyball player. But you're a moderator so if you have better pictures you can add them and it will be changed instantly.

3 years ago

I agree to disagree, end of discussion. Have a nice evening.

Volleybox 440
3 years ago

Few things from my side.

@Gerdy maybe you are right. Scoring change should be discussed with more users and I could wait for other points of view on this matter (rather than making a decision based on two opinions). I will try to ask other users in the future what they think about a given topic. Sorry for that.

As @Sherlock mentioned before, points should reflect the effort someone makes to add a given item on the website, not how these things are important on the page. It is also my point of view.

I completely agree that match reports are one of the most valuable things on the website, maybe the most valuable one. One of the volleyball agent confirms that. And I agree that we should make everything what we can do to motivate users for adding it. My idea was making separate user rankings for all types of items, e.g. “Users with most added match reports”, “Users with most added roster photos” etc. This may motivate users, but on the other hand, I don't know if it will boost the hunting for points on the website. I know such a “hunting” already exists.

I would like the Volleybox to be taken seriously. I am not sure if it is so now. If you have any suggestions please share them with me, please. I would be grateful.

sitenoise 334 9
3 years ago

Let's eliminate the points system! And down-voting (but that's for another thread).

I imagine, I hope, there are a lot of people here who are interested in complete and accurate information, sources for that information … and quality photos! I also imagine, and hope, that nothing would change in their behavior if the points system was eliminated.

Who are these people that add a bunch of information to a web site to get points? What does that benefit them? They brag to their friends? Hey! I got 10,000 points …. 

It's a non-starter, so … moving on. Adding "Match Reports" was probably the first request I made to @Volleybox when I joined this site. I want sources. Being a sourced web site is the best thing to be ?  I mentioned this to @Volleybox  a long time ago: If volleybox.net could make it to the level of being considered a reliable third party Wikipedia source …. Gold Medal!

I agree with @Gerdy  that match reports are a 10 point gain. And agree with @Sherlock  that they are a 2 point effort. Existential Crisis! Do we give it 10 so a bunch of point hunters will add them? We end up with more match reports that way. Is 5 points a compromise? Full disclosure: I'd give it 2 points, but don't really care.

This issue keenly illustrates the balancing act @Volleybox  has to make between ‘growing the site’ as a crowd-sourced fan bag and being a reliable third party wikipedia source. I bitch at him for something about once a week, but think he's doing a bang-up job walking that tightrope.

Volleybox 440
3 years ago

I bitch at him for something about once a week

I confirm that ❤️ I need users like you and @VitaliiLatysh who are complaining about different things here and who motivates me for implementing fixes. The more complaining the better for me. In my opinion the most important thing is setting proper priority for the tasks on the website. In case of huge dev team it doesn't have such importance, but in case of volleybox it has. There are 90 tasks on the backlog and I'm the only one person implementing it (in my free time).

Regarding points system. It has many opponents (you and @slintyen). On the other hand as @Gerdy said before it motivates users for activity on the website and that's volleybox goal: there should be as high user's activity as possible. I don't plan to remove it, but I am open to discussion. I'd like to hear opinions of different users on this matter.

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