Scandicci lift first-ever trophy, either domestic or international the Women’s Challenge Cup 2022

Scandicci lift first-ever trophy, either domestic or international the Women’s Challenge Cup 2022

mzaratem 2022-03-24 • 2170 views

The rematch of the final of the CEV Volleyball Challenge Cup 2022 | Women was a one-way street going in the direction of Savino Del Bene Scandicci from the first to the last point: the Italian side outclassed Spain’s CV Tenerife La Laguna 3-0 (25-12, 25-12, 25-10), following the 3-0 win in the first leg, and put in the showcases the first trophy in their history. It’s a fully deserved triumph for Massimo Barbolini’s ladies, who won all 10 matches played in the competition.

Elena Pietrini scored 13 points for Scandicci, while Sara Alberti made 4 blocks. By this, absolute domination of Italian clubs in the Women’s Challenge Cup is confirmed: the trophy Scandicci took tonight is the 23rd taken in the competition by a representative from this country. #SavinoDelBeneScandicci #ElenaPietrini #SaraAlberti #MarinaLubian #LouisaLippmann #OfeliaMalinov 


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