Zóra Glemboczki also continues to strengthen BRSE

Zóra Glemboczki also continues to strengthen BRSE

uwit 2024-05-15 • 225 views
Translations: HU

The self-taught young talent will continue to play for Békéscsaba Volleyball SE for the next two years.

The BRSE social page reported that #ZóraGlemboczki , born in 2000, continues the series of young Hungarian talents that the champions rely on for the long term.

The U18 national team athlete (who will compete for the national colors at the Summer Youth Olympics this summer as teammate of Brigitta Petrenko and Réka Szedmák) joined the adult team in January this year and has proven during this time that she can be trusted. . His coaches and teammates praised his humility and professional work attitude, he has integrated well into society and could have a great career if he continues to improve.

The player is currently playing in the National Youth Championship finals in Nyíregyháza but is also a strong player in our youth team.



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