Zóra Glemboczki will join BRSE again next year.

Zóra Glemboczki will join BRSE again next year.

uwit 2024-05-15 • 154 views

Zóra Glemboczki will definitely be a BRSE player in the 2019/2020 season.

The parties reached a consensus on the future after evaluating the past season. Thus, it was decided that the 18-year-old, self-taught opening batsman would also become a Békéscsaba Volleyball SE player next season.

She is 183 cm. A tall athlete, she has been a member of the senior team since 2017 and won the Hungarian championship and MEVZA Cup with this team. #ZóraGlemboczki , who is currently preparing for the graduation ceremony, signed a 1+1 year contract with the club. The association stated that BRSE will constantly inform you about the further development of the player pool.


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