Women volleyball transfers 2021/22 (0)

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Women volleyball transfers 2021/22
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york11HU 19 1
3 years ago


All of the infos in this article are done deals. This is the official site of the club. Why do you only accept them as rumors and also verify rumors from instagram pages as done deals? Illogical…

Evgeniy DaivRU 36 5
3 years ago

@york11 For some reason, the yellow press on this site is considered more important than the official pages of the clubs.

york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@EvgeniyDaiv The only site where you can find structured transfer news and can't decide what is official source. Typical “You had one job…” situation. 

S…k 717 16
3 years ago

Hi guys, do we agree that sport.business-gazeta.ru is a good source ? So many contradictions, we don't know what to think. A “confirmed” transfer is not necessarily confirmed by the clubs, volleyball medias are reliable and doing good job.
Also @york11 we don't “have one job”…

york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@Sherlock 1. I don't usually read Russian sites, so i don't know.
2. That's the total opposite what I said. I accept that not all done deals come from the clubs, but I can't accept that an announcement from a club official website is not a done deal.
3. Volleyball mediums* [The term "medium" (the singular form of "media") is defined as "one of the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society, as newspapers, radio, or television." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_(communication))] 
4. Then give somebody the full responsibility for the transfers' page, who can make a difference between official announcements and rumors. Give them a list of reliable sites or just tell them to use their time and a translator to make sure before verifying anything.

S…k 717 16
3 years ago

@york11 Well, the person choose to add it as a rumor, and it was not clear that it was the official site of the club because the name was not in the url. And even if I knew, I don't have the time to delete all the rumors, re-read the article and add all the transfers to “verified”, there were a lot of names. This was an error from the user.

There are thousands of informations to verify and accept or refuse everyday by people who have social life (less social with Covid though ?), so please accept some mistakes and signal us if you see one of them, instead of making remarks without knowing what's behind the scenes.

york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@Sherlock The club's name is in the url, and the club's logo is in the header of the site. And yes I know that you receive many infos every day, that's why I wrote in my last comment to use your time to make sure you make the best decision regarding the new infos.

Evgeniy DaivRU 36 5
3 years ago

 @Sherlock no problems. But even in the "sport.business-gazeta.ru" which many refer to, clearly written. IN BOLD type, confirmed by at least someone, in the USUAL font, rumors. But for some, nothing stops them. ?

Islam Oguz Tuncay 8 1
3 years ago

Are there any news about where Stysiak is going next year?

FernandooBR 14 3
3 years ago

@IslamOguzTuncay MAYBE, Turk Hava Yollari. Just rumors for now, but she won't stay in Scandicci.

Lets VolleyballTR 7 2
3 years ago
[removed comment]
EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@brtkk we don’t wanna accept it that’s all. It’s so deep breakup for all of us :/ 

Anime Manga 2
3 years ago

Şu yingying li nin Fenerbahçe'ye gelmesini o kadar çok istiyorum ki anlatamam.

MehmetAliTR 4
3 years ago

Vargas eczacıya gelse faydalı olur mu ? 

Lets VolleyballTR 7 2
3 years ago
[removed comment]
Guest11TR 1
3 years ago

@MehmetAli Hayır çünkü Vargas pasör çaprazı ve Eczacı bu alanda dünyanın en iyisine sahip; Boskoviç. O yüzden Vargasın gelmesi demek Boskoviçin dinleneceği basit maçlarda oynaması demek. Eczacının ihtiyacı olan şey power smaçör.

MehmetAliTR 4
3 years ago

@Guest11  smaçör olarak söyledim

sinan şatır 2
3 years ago

@brtkk çinde önümüzdeki sezon bitiş tarihi mart diye duydum.kelsey bu sezonki gibi yılın başı gelemez yani


EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@MehmetAli Allah gözünüzü doyursun be Eczacı Fenerden Dicleye bile göz dikmişti zamanında nedir bu Fenerden oyuncu alma hevesi

I…n 2
3 years ago

Guys, is there any new news about Ting Zhu's new team?

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@IremEylülKırşan Çin’de kalacak deniyor, Vakıf‘a gitmeyeceği kesin sadece

I…n 2
3 years ago

@Eylull Vakıf önümüzdeki sezon için alamaz zaten iki tane yabancı smaçörü var da nerede oynayacak belli oldu mu diye merak ettim

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@IremEylülKırşan Zhu’yu alamadığı için tutuyor zaten smaçörlerini. Tianjin’de kalır muhtemelen Zhu

Airton NetoBR 155 16
3 years ago

Yen-Min Teng - She continued to be the head coach even though she played, she only played a few games and the vtv cup international, but she was still the coach

HellnanBR 8 3
3 years ago

Tem como alterar o nome do usuário que colocou a informação no perfil do jogador? Porque hoje eu coloquei duas e tá aparecendo outra pessoa. De novo acontecendo a mesma coisa. Acabei de colocar a info da Gabi e foi atribuido pra outro usuário.

hdnNL 1
3 years ago

This has always been a very serious site with correct information. Regrettably all the reports by brtkk are unconfirmed; yes likely to happen but not yet confirmed (except Ungureanu) so put them with the rumors and not with verified done deals. 

Evgeniy DaivRU 36 5
3 years ago

@hdn I agree. To be honest, this is getting tired. I'm talking about transfers from any sites, unknown Instagram pages and the like. What is this for?

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

I'm a litte surprised and disappointed to notice that such an excellent setter as Buse Unal -in the starting six of an very good team Nilufer - prefers becoming a bis, even in a top club like Fenerbahce 

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@byruss Fenerbahçe is a very good chance for her. Nilüfer was an good option but i think it’s time to play in a bigger club ??

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@Eylull Yes , but Naz is excellent ? She doens't stay ?

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@byruss she signed for 2 years. But now Lila is so young and Naz has to play every single game, we need to a setter that we can trust. 

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@Eylull I just read that Arina Fedorovsteva will play for Fenerbahce next season . She's the next big thing of this game. Happy fans 


Evgeniy DaivRU 36 5
3 years ago

@byruss This is not a confirmed rumor, nothing more.

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@EvgeniyDaiv i hope for you if you're a Kazan's fan but several of the announced transfers have been confirmed, so …..wait and see

Evgeniy DaivRU 36 5
3 years ago

@byruss Of course we will wait, but I am not a fan of Kazan. ?

Marcelo Valente 1
3 years ago

Tanto Lyara quanto Claudinha já estão no praia. Apenas renovaram seus contratos. 

nikolaj nikolaj 2
3 years ago

Hello!What about Anthi?Is Galata her new team?Will she play as OH or Op?

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@nikolajnikolaj ı guess as a oh. 

AlexLeon1305RU 1
3 years ago

Hi. Is Laura Dijkema staying at Lokomotiv or not?

Gil Gonzalez 1
3 years ago

where will Samantha Bricio go then? ?

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@GilGonzalez i think she has one more season of deal with Kazan

lechon 21 1
3 years ago

Will EGONU be in FENERBAHCE? please enlighten me…. FENERBAHCE will rule next season if rumor's are true

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@lechon21 no she won’r. She rejected us. Sorry ;( actually She rejected us because of Terzic, Terzic said “ my first choice is Boskovic” then She didn’t like to be 2nd choice and then she rejected Fenerbahçe 

breakingiceKR 20 4
3 years ago

@Eylull Did Terzic really say that? I don't understand, Boskovic already renewed her deal with Eczacibasi, and she will never transfer to another Turkish team. I see no reason for Terzic to refuse Egonu as first choice??

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@breakingice he really said it, before the Boskovic’s new contract. eczaci signed her early bcuz of Terzic. Same for Zehra, vakıf signed with Zehra quickly bcuz of Terzic.. He announced the names then the other clubs signed with their players. And then he signed with popovic(his national teams’s playler)  and lazareva. (Same management company) 

Bert Weenink 2
3 years ago

And what about celeste plak her New club?

breakingiceKR 20 4
3 years ago

Are there any more transfer rumors for IGOR? If Smarzek is leaving to Chemik, perhaps Karakurt IS really going to Italy. I'm assuming foreign players Hancock, Herbots, Daalderop is all leaving except Washington, yet there is not that many rumours for IGOR despite this. I am curious how Lavarini will make up the squad for the next season.

leo San 1
3 years ago

@breakingice  Karakurt IS really going to Italy , her ins story display she already started to learn  Italian language

T…s 17
3 years ago

@breakingice where do you think herbots and daalderop will go then?

HouncerionPL 11
3 years ago

@breakingice Smarzek-Godek will not play in Chemik Police → 


Charles LeclercMC 4 1
3 years ago

I hope Buket will not go to Vakifbank. 

york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@anilcanleclerc I think she has to go now. She is in good age and Guidetti can give both Cansu and Buket enough play time to improve and also they don't have to play the whole season by themselves in such a big team under constant pressure. In addition, having two Turkish setters opens up one more space for another international player.

T…s 17
3 years ago

@york11 where will maja go then?

york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@Ties Rumors say she goes back to Eczaci.

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@anilcanleclerc If you're a fan of Yesilyurt , i can understand you and in my opinion for her also staying could be good specially if Yesilyurt keep  all these young and talented players Carutasu ,Cebecyoglu, + Scuka. I like this team and it could have a good future 

york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@byruss I am actually a big fan of them. Carutasu is the next big deal I think. If she can be more physical, she might reach the level of Boskovic. Derya and Buket will also be solid players, but Scuka in my opinion not so special, just an average player. As for the team, they can't keep them together for a long time, they are not on that level in any means.

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@york11 You're a little unfair with Scuka ; she's not spectacular but as outside hitter she's good in every job you have to do in this role Carutasu is excellent but the really next big deal is Arina Fedorovtseva , or …….Elif Sahin 

york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@byruss Lana is good but not first choice outside hitter in a team, she needs a more powerful opposite-outside partnership on the court next to her. Arina yes, she will be good but needs to play regularly. Elif I don't know… didn't convince me yet.

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@york11 “playing regurarly” ! ;she's in the starting six of Kazan every game and scores and plays well as receiver and in the back row and her service is very strong  . 

A powerful spiker is ok for opposite but as outside hitter it's not enough  . Fo instance :Kosheleva  ……


york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@byruss I know but this is her breakthrough year so she needs to stay this way and keep improving.

You are right with Kosheleva, but I wanted to say that Lana is good when there are two bigger point scorers on the court next to her because she is not an outside that you want to build your team around.

Charles LeclercMC 4 1
3 years ago

@york11  lana is going to ilbank from ankara

york11HU 19 1
3 years ago

@anilcanleclerc I think that's a fair transfer for her, and also means that, in my opinion, Yesilyurt can't keep their best players for the next year.

Charles LeclercMC 4 1
3 years ago
byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@anilcanleclerc  If you're turkish, you're lucky to have so talented setters at the moment Elif Sahin, Cansu Ozbay, Buket Gulubay, Unal Buse, Aslihan Kulic , the older of this list is 1996 ! !l + Sengunn 2002 + Kafkas ,  insane . I'm just watching Nilufer_Aydin and when i watch Unal Buse ( she has good fingers , she  can block , she's very fast under the ball, she'  smart) and compare the job Mirkovic did with Ecza againt Fener, a shame  !!!!! Elif Sahin was upset against Fener ? or it was Motta's choice .  Unbelievable in my opinion 

T…s 17
3 years ago

Who do you think will become Fenerbahçes middle blocker next to erdem next season? Because I dont think zehra will leave vakif.

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@Ties Mina Popovic will be our 2nd middle ı guess

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@Ties It depends if fenerbahce wants a turkish player or a foreign player . I've read that Laura Heyrman (an excellent belgium player at the moment captain of Monza in italia could be a reinforcement ) but with the rule of foreign player perhaps the club prefers a turkish player …..or with Terzic as coach perhaps a serbian player who knows ?

T…s 17
3 years ago

@byruss I think they will need a turkish player. Is Yasemin Guveli good enough?

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@byruss yes we need a Turkish middle. but Turkish or forgein players don’t wanna be in the same team with Terzic… He brings players from his management or national team(Ana,Mihajlovi,Busa, Lazareva(from sb community) we don’t want Terzic. 

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@Ties she is good enough but cuz of terzic she doesn’t want 

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@Eylull i can't understand why Fenerbahce signs again Terzic . If Fenerbahce wants to be stronger they've to sign Arina Fedorovsteva the very young russian player from Dinamo AkBars . She's the next star of this game and can play outside hitter and opposite.She's fantastic 

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@Eylull I'm just watching Ecz -Fen . Terzic is becoming more and more strange . He's the most overrated coach….unbelievable that Fen signed him for three more seasons. His time-out talk looks more and more those of Karpol :) .And you don't like Lazareva but the main problem, except Terzic, is the duo Busa-Mihajlovic, absolutly catastrophic . 



EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@byruss EXACTLY!! He is successful only in his national team. All he cares is his national team. As a club coach he is so bad. he is here for 3 and no cup. Fenerbahçe made a new contract for 3 more years. Mental breakdown. 

byrussBS 50
3 years ago

@EylullIn the Serbian team, Maja decides everything; he even chose Malesevic !!! and he thinks that the second best Serbian setter  is Mirkovic , so ……

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@byruss mihajlovic,busa and terzic… They are my nightmare while ı’m awake. Next year Lazareva is gonna join this nightmare. She plays with %38 in nonblock Korea leauge. She is not enough for Fenerbahçe. 

EylullTR 56 1
3 years ago

@byruss ı agree, Maja is not a only captain of team she works just like a head coach. Terzic is head coach only in contract. 

Islam Oguz Tuncay 8 1
3 years ago

@Ties i think it's going to be Popovic to Fenerbahçe, Heyrman to Eczaci, Chiaka to Vakıf, and Rasic taking a break (or retiring)

T…s 17
3 years ago

I dont think imoco will let all their players go. Maybe Kim Hill but I dont think players like De Kruijf, Egonu, Wolosz and De Gennaro will leave. 

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