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William Peixoto Arjona 13 years ago +1
Henrique >> I'm not sure about William being a good sub for Ricardo after OG'04. For me, after Maurício & Ricardo or vice-versa, doesn't matter :), the best Brazilian NT time ever happened from 2005 to 2007. So, Ricardo & Marcelo formed the perfect couple of setters of Brazil team. Thiago Alves is just a regular player, I do not like his game. So, I think soon Brazil will face trouble in wing-spiker positions (maybe after OG'12 in London Giba and Dante move out of NT). Thiago is too much unstable, and he is not young player... and also he is like me, he's a little bit fat! :) I must disagree with you about Vissotto, he is a good substitute for André in this current brazilian formation. Since they are twin towers, Vissotto and Lucas put a lot of pressure over their opponents when they are in the net, blocking or attacking.
William Peixoto Arjona 13 years ago 0
One more think, if I could I would create a video about Wallace (Sada's Opposite - jersey #8) he is a cuban's style brazilian... in my opinion soon he will be second opposite in Brazilian NT (or 1st). :)
William Peixoto Arjona 13 years ago 0
Hey guys, let me tell you why William probably was not in Brazilian NT. He belongs to same Ricardo Garcia generation! :) So, which setter could fight with Ricardo, and before him Maurício, for one position on NT? After OG'04 maybe he could fight for the 2nd position with Marcelo, but he maybe was not prepared at that time.
By speaking in speed up the game, I've found a good vid explaining formation system 5-1 from service receive point of view. This is the start point to speed the game up. I hope you enjoy it (
For those that needs some translation here we go (our Brazilians friends can go deeper in the language):

Levantador = Setter
Ponta = Wing-spiker
Oposto = Opposite
Meio = middle blocker
Posição = Position in the court
Na Práctica = Practicing
Yep, you're right. That is the root cause of their recent failures. Speed up the game, that is the new volleyball paradox in last 10 years.
Nice vid. This was the very best match in last WC. Some matches got in my memories, like USA 3 x 1 USSR in OG'88 (yep, most of you were not born yet!), Brazil 3 x 0 Netherlands in OG'92; Yugoslavia 3 x 0 Italy in the semis of OG'00; Brazil 3 x 2 Russia in WC'02; Brazil 3 x 2 France in WL'06; USA 3 x 2 Russia in OG'08; Brazil 3 x 2 Serbia in WL'09. This one is the newest match in my list.
Henrique, Zyta: I think Argentina will be very tough team coming soon (I don't believe I wrote that :) ). If Cuba team changes its mentaly I think they will be a rock to be defeated. I cannot understand why Russia and Poland are not speeding game up to restart their wining cycles. However, even other team becomes dominate the world scenario, I think Brazil will continue being a tough team to be beated.
TV take showed he was watching the match from outside... by using glasses and strange hair! :)
Kate: Zyta's camera makes miracles, isn't? :) In fact I'm fat, bald man and I have no teeth in my mouth! Joel: most important was other guys like you could have fun with it! Cheers.
Volleyball Hits (5th movie) 13 years ago +3
Zyta, Henrique, thanks for the great spend time ... I'm a little bit drunk right now and I need some rest time. :)
Roninho, for the greatness of volleyball you are right. I like Brazil too, but changing are welcome... besides Brazil, I will continue support Poland and Russia.
Volleyball Hits (5th movie) 13 years ago +4
Absolutelty yes, if FIVB does not give you the job they are idiots. I think so, you can give picture for free to Henrique... new year coming makes me always so sensitive.
NightFox, I give you mark 10.
Volleyball Hits (5th movie) 13 years ago +2
Hahaha Zyta, very special picture... such a highest quality level. Thanks, you are so impressive. Henrique, I think is better you pay more than W$80,50... fantastic Zyta's job!
Volleyball Hits (5th movie) 13 years ago +2
If Zyta agree, for sure! hahaha this new currency is funny!
Volleyball Hits (5th movie) 13 years ago +2
Zyta, Hahaha, I appreciate a lot. Please, high resolution, okay? Follow my e-mail in private contact! :) :) :)
Volleyball Hits (5th movie) 13 years ago +3
I continue putting my head inside the mouth of a dead lion... can somebody take a picture, please?
I will never be tired to watch this video, this guy is unbelieveable. I read in a Brazilian volleyball site there a young setter in Brazilian boys or junior team that has similar Ricardo's style to play, but he is 205cm tall. If so, this would be a new step in terms of volleyball evolution... could our Brazilians friends confirm or deny this news?
Volleyball Hits (5th movie) 13 years ago +4
Good vid, although I do not like to see warm up balls. For me a warm up ball is like I put my head inside the mouth of a dead lion and ask to someone to take a picture.
Henrique > yep, why not? You can send me audio in English, Spanish or even in Portuguese. I noticed you are fluent at least in these languages! :)

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