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A passion volleyball viewer that probably will watch too much.

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@Bob1988  TBH the ref sucks. They are so unreliable and no linesman which made it worst.

@MihaiZarate Stop using the word FAKE NEWS, because the girl tries to manipulate the media on how “Thai team has forgive her” and Yes it is. It is racially charged, it is done in front of their Asian opponent. It doesn't matter if the intend is to “Wake up her teammates”, it is improper and it damages their reputation and it is done intentionally against Asian opponents.

I don't think there is much to be said with how Serbia volleyball association's Twitter and Instagram account blaming viewers for “blowing” up the incident. First of all, it's cleared to most people that its poor taste, racially charged and disrespectful to their opponent. Second of all, it's not the first occasion where Serbian's women team has done similar things publicly and knowingly. Even with it's not intended to be “racist”, the amount of stupidity that she does it publicly, in front of their opponent and was televised worldwide was a terrible experience for a lot of Asian viewers.

@Sherlock Also, they can change the roster per week I think, so Grebennikov and N'Gapeth won't come in this week.


@J.P. That’s what I meant.

@Sherlock it was wild. I don’t know how they get themselves togethe, it’s was like they just click at the right moment and just stomp Bulgaria along the way. I blame part of Patry’s downfall this game to Brizard because he literally gets balls that either so tight up the net or it’s like way off the net. it felt like Brizard was rushing a lot with his back set.

As viewer, I was very frustrated with Brizard because a lot of the ball to 2 was very off and Patry couldn't really hit the ball with some of them because the time and placement is very off. Diez is definitely the better of the other libero's of France, when we compare to Nikolas Rossard and Jeremie Mouiel. Not perfect by any means but he is definitely a better receiver and defender than the two. Other than that it's the first match coming back to national team season.

@AdibImrann Wasn't there news about him going Vibo Valentia?

@J.P. I have to agree that VNL is very “pipecleaner” for Olympic contenders (except for Italy) 

I think some teams they brought big names to play because they can use a month worth of play time to get back into the rhythm. For substitutes, they are fighting for their spot into the 12 man roster. It's gonna be brutal for some of the teams (Poland, Brazil) because they have so many talents that it comes down to who isn't injured and who is playing the best.

VNL men roster announced. 3 years ago +2

@jais I think he has done surgery and won't be able to recover for Olympics.

@VolleyTurco He's been suffering the back injury for a long time I think, it's likely because he is so tall as well.

@LeiPert He has played for a long period of time and injuries that he have.

@Kato Unsure about Petric but could just he decided he didn't want to participate in VNL.

@J.P. Welp, I guess that’s all we can get from the google translation. Thanks, prayers and thoughts to him and a speedy recovery.

@J.P. Sad to see Yakovlev injured, what injury did he sustained? Also, I think Muserskiy preparing for two position would be very taxing on him.

@J.P.  Reading the post on Tours and then clicking into the players who will leave Tours profile clear tells the picture that they are leaving and I am 90% sure that Rossard will leave for another team. Also he is pretty talented and probably will land on good contracts in France and overseas.

@J.P. From Tours VB Instagram, it’s seem they are parting ways with Rossard. But it would be pretty weird if they sign with Perry and Rossard stays. I think Perry played in the continental club tournament and Rossard played in the local league this season but it is certainly not a smart spending if they go with two libero and Tillie. 

@MariadaSilva Prayers and thought to him

@J.P. Certainly is. They were once on top of the world and now…

@MariadaSilva  I read on the federation of Italian volleyball that he suffered an Achilles’ tendon rupture and has to pull out of the preparation overall. Seems to be quite a nasty injury because there are a few post from host teammates sharing their prayers and thought to him.

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