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Univercity of Economics
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4 years ago


Yes, I'm just populazing my video ?
xawhawxhwxahxawhwxahawxh (rofl) ! If you take all that time you need to write your "posts" and try to make a movie it will be something useful ?
Ricardo Garcia (3rd movie) 12 years ago +1
True he's like Maestro with the violin ... he can't forget how to "play".
1:22 is my favourite
Ricardo Garcia (3rd movie) 12 years ago +4
That's somthing I didn't expected - a new movie about HIM . He's genius everybody know it. I give you 5 because although the bad quality I liked the emotions in that movie.
Try to comment THIS VIDEO . Instead of comment that stupid topic.
You are standing at one place with every comment ... Everybody made his opinion and it's impossible to persuade the other. So I'm thinking to delete this topic. It's useless anymore and you're just fighting and starting to tell really bad things of each other ... And there are so many unprepared users which are talking about things unreachable for them.
Why do you play volleyball? 12 years ago +1
saku - I focused all about my education which I think was the right choice and I tried the libero, but it was never enough for me. My passion was the attack and the serve, although they were at lower level than my receiving.
Young_Guma - why do you talking about things which you clearly don't understand ? ? ?. What do you know about ower coaches and Stoyev (OMG) hahahah... rofl - sorry you made me laugh.
Henrique, that was a nice one ? but I don't share this opinion ;]
Yes , I think that Matey has good technique too. He proved it many times and many specialist see that. But everybody has opinion and I'm glad that Lloy Ball share his with us.
Berny - not all are good at attack believe me ... and some are better than the others, that's the difference because some of them will score 4/5 and some of them will score 2/5 ...
From now on I think that Brazil and Russia will be at one equal level. Poland are making big (unexpected for me) progress with Anastasi, but there are about 6 or 7 (Cuba, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Serbia,USA,Argentina) teams which are below at one level but the difference is not so big and every match against Russia and Brazil can be win. So that's very good for the fans ... we saw it on this World Cup that there is no undefeated team and everybody can make the surprise.
Yes Zyta and I'm telling you that Matey started as backbone of this team so he deserves to play with the best players possible. Matey has not results. Trentino has ... Matey's results are the individual prices which are a lots ... You are turning this conversation to a argue about something fullish which you can answer to your own.
I'm playing just with left one ;] - why ? I don't know ... I play like this 5 years already and when I go for a dig only my left knee touches the floor. It's unusual but I prefer that way ?

What would Matey win in clubs without Grbic, Winiarski, Vissotto, Riad, Juantorena?

Hoho here you are very wrong my friend ? . Trento were nothing more than the average club before Stoychev and Matey came ... The first "strong" Trentino club was build with the backbone of Bulgarians ... They were 4 players and 1 coach. Two of the players (Matey and Nikolov) were the main spikers for the team. Grbic fitted well in this scheme and they won the championship ... Juantorena had a ban to play and Vissoto came in the team next year when they sold Nikolov ... so the team was already strong. Still the vball is colective sport so every player must be one of the best at his position if you want to win what Trentino won last 4 years ...

Hi Henrique, nice to see that you are "back in the game" ?
Why do you play volleyball? 12 years ago +2
Thank you for the good words Berny. Your story is fascinating too.
Why do you play volleyball? 12 years ago +11
Here is my story.
Bulgarian team was very good and I watched them every match. Then when I was 11 years old I decided to test my "skills" at the nearest FOOTBALL field over the crossbar with my friend. We were playing for 2 hours and I loved the game.
At 12 years of age I started to train in our local club Lukoil (Neftohimik) where is Nikolay Nikolov from. I started to play as a middle blocker because of my height. At 14 my height was not enough to play at this position and I went receiver and that was the best choice in my "career". At 16 I was already in the Bulgarian NT team (16years old of course ?). Then I get the MVP reward and best receiver awards at our republic championship. Then I stopped to grow which was my sign "STOP" for a big career ... Till 18 years my leap increased but the guys around me became 195-205см and I was still 1.86 which was so frustrating for me, because my receiving was perfect almost every time, but I had difficulties at the block and attack.Me and one of my teammates won 3 beach volley tournaments, but I was no longer at the NT and i stopped training before 6 months. Now I'm playing just for fun, for my school and sometimes in some beach tournament ...
I'm talking about the major championships like : Champions League, WC, EC, Olympics, World Ch.

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