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Ciudad Habana, Cuba
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i think bell will leave the NT of CUba after the Pan American Games in Guadalajara Mexico. i heard it well he is nearly to get 30 years so i think the players in cuba are release after get 30 years , Aldazabal and Dominico Made it.
i like the entire video, music,plays and of course sergio, for me he and giba are the best of his generation. pure talent
sorry i made a mistake
and i want to ask in this top movie to the administrator why my documentary video about joel despaigne dont was upload it , i believe this is a volleyball comity and everybody has the right to share anyone material so please can the administrator give the permision to my movie its a interesting material.
i want the possible translation of english if anybody knows or speak russian please share the translation i want to translate for english to Spanish . please somebody :(
Russia in World League 2011 12 years ago +4
danm man this is professional work god job Alekno is the next master Rusia works ok whit him just in the past they have simply bad luck its all thanks Alek for beat brazil XD
its official too the trasspassing of free agent to Cruzeiro of ex menmber of the cuba NT yadier Sanchez Sierra,,OI5222261-EI1891,00-Cruzeiro+fecha+com+ponteiro+cubano+Yadier+Sanchez.html here in portuguese the information the cruzeiro its the sub-champion club of the Brazylian Super League in case the people didnt know XD thanks and thanks again for sharing volleyball
and in the end of the journey cuba the best thank you thank you by the way please uplaod the press conference i have problems for see video from youtube
and then now i remember when Hitler angry in the film the Downfall, bad lucky but we are alive now more than ever this 3-2 its just we need to have more confidence tomorrow in the final batle against Rusia cuba will pass the test they are a great team whit all the words and well not all its lose brazil its longer to qualify and tomorrow would be the definition but yes to close that a dont believe it
yes is truth but we play almost excelente the last game its like cuba play the first game of this Wl but all good and was vs italy, but now whit the change we have more complication because play first vs Brazil its a lose almost secure and i say almost because in this life impossibles not exist but well i know the reality and Rusia they always have complication for win everey tournament even when they play well the intercontinental round this is a differente history like we know, in the finals all the team will show their best and will change the mentality and all aspects of game i think cuba winning 3-2 Russia and 3-1 or 3-0 vs Usa we are in . but this a har situation and cuba in the reality have all chances to stay in 4place of the group .
hi guys today i come like a dreamer if i say cuba will pas to the semifinals who you say, come on give opinions. i like to read. but whit not offense ok? XD
yes Kk15 i dont see the game but i think Italy let cuba win the match the normal result would be 3-2 if cuba win but they win 3-0 and that its not normal well wathever cuba 23 and bulgaria was a surprise for me Serbia out and its a shame now i see clearly serbia its nothing whitout Grbic and milkovic this generation needs like cuba grow up
First to all my congrats to Kk15 and the Italy team they play excellent against cuba weel maybe the next time boy, tomorrov wil see if Bulgaria can manage the Big Batle against Rusia Serbia its already qualified only whit this lose cuba is in dangerous serbia is almost in by the way Lasko and Savani they eat something today great game both well cuba 20 italy 28 its already the firs place and earn 1 million dollars cuba well the consolation for their and my las hpo win the next game the friday and rusia beat Bulgaria twice its all we will see.
Yes the Final Battle would in the last week CUba (20 points) and Italy(25 points if they win today as expect everybody. well its all cuba have a feet and half in the finals just batle one more time and they got it bye bye people
Cuba 2-1 vs France, as already say the batle for the qualification would be between Serbia and Bulgaria and Bulgaria will be fight whit the best team of the WL so i think Bulgaria will be out of the Final 8, because one: Usa vs Puerto Rico only a miracle could give Puerto Rico the victory Second: Brazil vs Poland only if Brazil let some rest to the starter Players Poland could win one game. And Argentina vs Serbia I think Serbia would be more concentrated because in the last week they will play the phase to the Finals so in my opinion the batle for the group D will be end in the next week only one can win Cuba or Italy and Italy have advantage for 5 point if cuba win now and Italy win 3-0 or 3-1
for me the chances are 60 for rusia and 40 for bulgaria and if you go to the arena for support your team will be 59% russia and 41 % Bulgaria at least increase the posiblity XD, kidding.
cuba by set radio and Average in points is the best second place of the WL right now , if cuba win one match this friday destroy every remote posibility for france to get in the Final round and well its question of time france is already dead like puerto rico and Japan, and well bulgaria will get in my opionion to 19 points and stop because i dont think in his victory against the russians even whit his own fans, for beat russia this year is nessesary players ready 101% and Bulgaria don get even 100% so will be dificoult for Kasisky and the others the match of yesterday was very important and they losed pherphaps in the last week rusia give rest to the first squad bulgaria will have a oportunity but they need to play in a intense level for that and practice more the part of reception because like cuba they sucksss, but this is only my opinion whit not offense.
For me Rusia and Brasil whit Poland and almost Italy are already qualified, and the final round will be , Brazil , Poland, Usa, Italy,Rusia, Argentina,Cuba and Serbia or Bulgaria.
I have to say that Raphael Oliveira the magician of trentino sufer a injury in pass day when hi and the team B of Brazil are disputing a match in the Pam American who was win by brazyl yesterday against the Team B of Usa it seems to be a serious Injury because he tore his Achilles tendon and was rushed to hospital where he underwent emergency surgery.

this is the Source:

its a shame for the fans of Brazil and also more sad for the fans of the Best club Team in the World Trentino Volley ;(

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